Boccob Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Uncaring

Boccob is the god of Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Balance, and Foresight
the All-Knowing, the Lord of All Magics, the Archimage of the Gods, the Archmage of the Deities   Boccob exists as an enigmatic deity, embodying the quintessence of arcane mysteries and the equilibrium of cosmic forces. Known widely as the Uncaring and the All-Knowing, he presides over the realms of Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Balance, and Foresight with a detached benevolence that belies a deep omniscience. His dominion is boundless, spanning all of creation and extending into realms beyond mortal comprehension, where even the most malevolent Elder Evils dare not tread. Despite the paucity of his devout followers, Boccob's influence pervades the fabric of magic itself, making him a silent sentinel over the arcane and a guardian of neutrality. Seers, diviners, and sages across the Flanaess seek his cryptic auguries and favor his auspices in their mystical endeavors. The Archmage of the Deities stands apart, a solitary figure whose insights shape the destiny of magic and those who wield it.

Essence of the Uncaring

  • Aloof Omniscience: Boccob, the epitome of magical might and mystical forethought, reigns detached from worldly concerns, embodying the raw essence of arcane power.
  • The Divine Neutrality: As the paragon of balance, Boccob presides over the equilibrium of forces, ensuring that no one aspect—be it good, evil, chaos, or law—overpowers another.

Visage of the Archmage

  • The Eternal Scholar: Envisioned as a sage of unfathomable intellect, Boccob's image resonates with the pursuit of knowledge—white-haired, eyes ablaze with the cosmos, and cloaked in robes inscribed with the secrets of existence.
  • Bearer of the Original Staff: Clasping the inaugural staff of the magi, Boccob's grasp on this artifact symbolizes his dominion over all spells and enchantments.

Pantheon Dynamics

  • Progenitor of Deities: A figure of elder power, Boccob stands as a mentor to deific beings of magic, guiding ascensions and overseeing the arcane weave.
  • Boccob guided the apotheosis of his servant, Zagyg.
  • Relations with the Cosmic Powers: His detachment belies strategic alliances with deities like Delleb, while maintaining a vigilant opposition to those who threaten the magical fabric, such as Tharizdun.

Sanctuary of Knowledge

  • The Library of Lore: Boccob's dominion is a bastion of endless wisdom—a labyrinthine library within the Outlands, safeguarding every incantation and relic ever conceived by mortal or divine hands.

Dogmatic Resonance

  • The Ethereal Doctrine: Boccob's dogma venerates magic as the cosmos's pinnacle force, championing the creation and propagation of arcane works to nourish the finite reservoir of mystic energy.
  • Philosophy of Balance: His teachings advocate for an equilibrium of the universal constants, where magic is both an entity to be cherished and a resource to be judiciously wielded.

Scriptures and Prophesies

  • The Uncaring's Will: Central scripture delineating the ethos of Boccob's following, encompassing sermons, divine edicts, and portents of times to come.
  • Words of the Prophets: A compilation of oracular insights, offering both caution and enlightenment on the scope and boundaries of divination.

The Congregation

  • Devotees of the Arcane: Boccob's followers form a diverse collective, from mystic hermits and prophetic oracles to grand wizards and archmages, all united under the banner of magical supremacy.
  • Clerical Observance: His clergy, often seen as oracles and sages, adorn themselves in regalia reflective of Boccob's visage and pursue the greater understanding of the arcane. They serve as custodians of his teachings, disseminating the doctrine of magical conservation and innovation.

Clerical Hierarchy and Temple Life

  • Masters of the Arcanum: Boccob's priests assume roles of archivists and guardians within temple walls, often delving into the practice of magic to uncover newer depths of knowledge.
  • The Path of Ascension: Initiation into Boccob's priesthood requires rigorous study, with each cleric aspiring to elevate their understanding of the arcane to transcend mortal limitations.
Religious Observances and Arcane Rituals
  • Rites of the All-Knowing: Ceremonial practices involve the weaving of complex spells, interlaced with offerings of rare reagents to appease the deity's insatiable appetite for mystical advancement.
  • The Rituals of Equipoise: Festivals and holy days mark the celebration of magical phenomena, from celestial alignments to convergence of ley lines, all hailing Boccob's grand design.
The Uncaring's Influence and Outreach
  • Magical Embassies: Temples of Boccob function as hubs of arcane learning, attracting aspirants from across the lands to partake in the esoteric wisdom housed within.
  • Divine Machinations: Through subtle manipulation and divine foresight, Boccob's will influences the course of magical events, often unbeknownst to the very threads of reality he weaves.

Clergy of Boccob

The Keepers of the Balance
The clergy of Boccob, known as the Order of the Arcane, is comprised of neutral-aligned priests dedicated to the study and preservation of magical knowledge and the balance of cosmic forces. These clerics serve as sages, archivists, and diviners, operating primarily from within grand libraries and temples where research and the creation of new magical items and spells are highly venerated activities. Upholding the neutrality that Boccob espouses, they strive to maintain equilibrium between opposing forces, and while they are not evangelistic, they remain influential advisors in arcane matters across the Flanaess.
  • Alignment of Clergy: Clerics of Boccob are primarily neutral, with some expressing chaotic neutral, lawful neutral, neutral evil, or neutral good alignments.
  • Knowledge and Sage Abilities: Upon reaching the 8th level, clerics of Boccob unlock sage abilities in the field of the Supernatural & Unusual, with specific categories dependent on their intelligence.
  • Libraries and Research: Access to knowledge is paramount, and Boccob's clerics can only conduct their scholarly research with the aid of extensive libraries.
  • Magical Enchantments in Strongholds: Clerics can enchant the symbol of Boccob within their strongholds to function as scrying devices, each acting as a localized crystal ball.
  • Handling Magical Items: At the 10th level, clerics gain the unique ability to handle certain magical items typically restricted to magic-users.

Temples of Boccob

Towers of Arcane Majesty
  • Architecture: Temples are often structured as towering edifices, with the iconic temple in Greyhawk City being pyramid-shaped.
  • Cathedral of Verbobonc: Run by the evangelical patriarch Riggby, it is a significant center of Boccob’s faith.
  • Guardianship: Some temples are protected by templars who combine martial prowess with arcane skill.
  • Services: Temples provide identification of magical items and casting of divination spells for the public.

Rituals and Ceremonies

Embracing the Arcane
  • Celebration of Magic: The creation of new spells and magic items is a cause for celebration, observed annually on the holiday known as Great Discovery.
  • Pilgrimages: High-ranking followers embark on journeys to other planes in honor of Boccob.
  • Language and Prayer: Invocations to Boccob are characterized by their complex language, indicative of a scholar’s command of vocabulary.
  • Testing for Magic: During the holiday of Great Discovery, which occurs every five years, magical talent is assessed, and quests to reclaim forgotten arcane secrets are launched.

Holy Days

Aligning with the Cosmos Celestial Conjunctions: Clerics, many of whom are skilled astrologers, hold ceremonies during significant astronomical events, issuing prophecies and engaging in intricate rituals. Great Discovery: This day commemorates magical breakthroughs of the past year, and on a quinquennial basis, expands to include evaluations of magical aptitude. The Last Rite of the Prophet: Marking the passing of a venerated cleric or devotee, this somber occasion is also used to transfer some magical essence from the deceased into a magical artifact.
Holy symbol: an eye in a pentagon
Realm: Concordant Opposition
Domains: Magic, Knowledge, Mind, Oracle, Trickery
Speciality Clerics
  • Cleric of the 8th scry: limited sage ability
  • Cleriv of the 10th scry: can handle simple magic items normally usable only by magic-users
by 3orcs
Clergy of Boccob Hierarchy
  • Level 1-7: Acquire foundational knowledge and perform rituals; cannot yet access sage abilities or enchant symbols for scrying.
  • Level 8: Gain limited sage abilities with access to the field of Supernatural & Unusual. Can only conduct research with access to a suitable library.
  • Post-Level 8: Eligible to construct a religious stronghold.
  • Can enchant Boccob's eye-in-a-star symbols to create scrying devices within the stronghold.
  • Level 10: Gain the ability to handle magical items typically restricted to magic-users.
  • Can use all wands, crystal balls, and specific robes (excluding the robe of the archmagi).
  • Beyond Level 10: Continue to expand their sage abilities and enhance their stronghold with additional scrying devices.
  • May craft or attune to more potent magical items and artifacts as they grow in power and favor with Boccob.
  • Level 19+: Clerics at these upper echelons of their order are often leaders within the church and advisors to kingdoms on matters of the arcane.
  • Possess profound knowledge and are often sought after for their ability to forecast and interpret mystical events.
  • Level 20 and Beyond: Clerics who reach the pinnacle of their power may become chosen of Boccob, entrusted with secret knowledge and potent magic.
  • May take on special missions directly from Boccob or serve as his emissaries across different planes of existence.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Boccob by 3orcs


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