Delleb Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Scholar, the Scribe

Delleb, god of Reason, Intellect, and Study

The Scholarly Divinity of Oerth

  Within the pantheon of Oeridian deities, Delleb, The Scholar and the Scribe, occupies a unique and revered position. As the lesser god of Reason, Intellect, and Study, Delleb's influence permeates the realms of education, rationality, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge.  

Divine Persona

Delleb is often depicted as a noble scribe or a well-dressed, gray-haired man, carrying a large white book, his holy symbol. Preferring the power of debate over the might of combat, Delleb embodies the intellectual spirit, wielding his phoenix feather quill against adversaries in defense of knowledge and wisdom.


  • Appearance: An old man in simple robes, always accompanied by scrolls and books.
  • Temperament: Even-tempered and patient, with a paternal oversight over his priesthood.
  • Realm: Resides in the Seven Heavens, in a domain resembling a grand college campus.

Clergy and Worship

Delleb's clerics are the custodians of forgotten knowledge, engaging in activities that reflect their deity's ethos:
  • Inquisitive Nature: They engage with strangers, seeking valuable knowledge and dismissing fiction.
  • Scholarly Pursuits: Dedicated to studying lost languages and uncovering ancient lore.
  • Community Service: Utilizing their knowledge for the betterment of others, from designing efficient stoves to conceptualizing great bridges.

Clergy Ranks and Responsibilities

  • Initiate (Level 1): The first step on the path of service to Delleb, where the cleric begins their journey of learning.
  • Student Instructor (Level 2): Having gained some knowledge, they start to instruct others while continuing their own studies.
  • Instructor (Levels 3-4): A key phase where clerics take on more significant teaching responsibilities, guiding initiates and student instructors.
  • Senior Instructor (Levels 5-6): With a deeper understanding, they oversee broader educational efforts and may manage specific areas of study.
  • Master Instructor (Levels 7-8): Recognized as experts in their fields, they contribute significantly to the lore and teachings of Delleb.
  • Mentor (Level 9+): The pinnacle of the clergy, mentors are wise leaders who shape the future direction of Delleb's followers and teachings.
Day-to-Day Titles and Highest Rank
  • Father: The common title used by clerics in daily interactions, emphasizing a familial and guiding role within the community.
  • Lorekeeper: The highest-ranking cleric in the Flanaess, responsible for safeguarding and expanding the collective knowledge of Delleb's followers.
Adventuring Clerics' Duties
  • Documentation: Clerics on adventures must document their experiences meticulously, carrying necessary materials to maintain a detailed journal.
  • Combat Restrictions: They must avoid initiating melee combat, engaging only in self-defense and focusing on supporting allies with spells and healing.
  • Forbidden Spells: Delleb's clerics are restricted from using spells like bless, chant, and prayer, reflecting the god's focus on intellect over combat.

Influence and Legacy

Delleb's emphasis on reason and intellect has left an indelible mark on Oerth's history, guiding the Oeridian tribes from nomadic existence to a settled civilization renowned for its contributions to knowledge and culture.

Historical Contributions

  • Martial Planning: Advised chieftains and warriors, contributing to the Oeridians' successes through strategic planning and divination magic.
  • Civilization Efforts: Post-conquest, Delleb's priesthood played a pivotal role in educating subjugated peoples, spreading Oeridian language and culture.

Academic Foundations

With the settlement of the Oeridians, the clergy of Delleb laid the groundwork for universities and centers of learning, often collaborating with the priesthood of Rao to further the cause of education and diplomacy.

Collaborative Relationships

  • Allies in Knowledge: Maintains friendly relations with deities promoting civil government and learning (e.g., Rao, Boccob, Lirr.
  • Neutral to Travelers: Amiable with deities of travel like Fharlanghn and Procan.
  • Opposition Stance: Views followers of chaotic or emotion-driven deities (e.g., Hextor, Erythnul) with skepticism, yet remains open to necessary interaction.

Delleb's Expectations

Delleb expects his followers to strive for their potential, guiding them with spells rather than direct intervention. His vision for his followers is one of diligent work and continuous learning, aiming to elevate the intellectual and spiritual well-being of his worshippers.

The Divine Campus

His realm, an idyllic representation of a university campus carved from gold-veined marble, symbolizes the harmonious blend of natural beauty with the pursuit of knowledge, serving as an eternal inspiration for those who seek wisdom under Delleb's guidance.


Delleb's influence on the Flanaess is a testament to the power of intellect over might. Through his clergy's dedication to knowledge, and his divine ethos of reason and study, Delleb continues to inspire scholars, scribes, and seekers of truth across the realms, reinforcing the belief that understanding and wisdom are the greatest tools in shaping the world.

Divine Domains

Reason, Intellect, and Study

Tenets of Faith

"Most sorrow on Oerth is a direct result of action based on strong emotions without careful rational analysis of the consequences"
Holy symbol: phoenix-feather quill, or an open boo
Realm: Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia
Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law, Magic
Specialty Priests
Specialty priests are human and of Oeridian descent. Priests become less susceptible to fits of passion (+1/3 levels to all saves vs. willpower, in addition to wisdom bonus).
  • 5th level priests: can cast 1st and 2nd wizard divination spells as the same level.
  • 7th level priests: can cast commune spells.
  • 9th level priests: can use 3rd and 4th level wizard divination spells as the same level.
  • 12th level priests: may use all magic items related to divination normally reserved for wizards.
Divine Classification
lesser god
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Delleb, holy symbol by 3orcs
Priesthood and Divine Blessings
Specialty priests of Delleb, primarily human and of Oeridian heritage, are bestowed with unique abilities that reflect their deity's domain over intellect and divination:
  • Enhanced Willpower: Priests gain a significant bonus to saves against willpower, increasing with their level, which shields them from fits of passion and maintains their focus on rational thought.
  • Divination Spells: Starting from the 5th level, priests can cast wizard divination spells, expanding their ability to commune with divine wisdom and uncover hidden truths.
  • Commune with the Divine: By the 7th level, priests gain the ability to cast commune spells, allowing them direct dialogue with Delleb or his divine representatives.
  • Advanced Divination: At the 9th level, the ability to use higher-level wizard divination spells is granted, further enhancing their insight and foresight.
  • Unrestricted Access to Divination Magic: At the 12th level, priests may utilize all magic items related to divination, typically reserved for wizards, showcasing their mastery over this sphere of magic.
Adventuring and the Protectors
While only a minority of Delleb's specialty priests venture into the realms of adventure, those who do are driven by a quest for knowledge that outweighs their comfort in academia. These adventurous souls stand to gain immense knowledge and power, potentially earning a place among the Protectors, an elite group tasked with safeguarding the most sacred wisdom of Delleb.
The Lorekeeper and The Library of Delleb
The highest echelon of Delleb's priesthood is the Lorekeeper, who presides not over the church but over the Protectors. Based in Chendl, "The Library of Delleb" is a bastion of Oeridian history, arcane research, and the priesthood's most closely guarded secrets, accessible only to Mentors.
Titles and Hierarchy
The clergy of Delleb adhere to a structured hierarchy, marked by titles that signify their level of mastery and contribution to the church's mission:
  • From Initiate to Mentor: The progression from (Initiate) through to (Mentor) reflects a priest's journey through learning, teaching, and ultimately mastering the vast fields of knowledge sacred to Delleb.
  • Universal Address: Regardless of rank, priests refer to one another as "Father" in daily interactions, a term that underscores the familial bond within the priesthood and their collective pursuit of enlightenment.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Delleb by 3orcs


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