Cyndor Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Keeper of Infinity, the Illimitable One

Cyndor, god of Time, Infinity, and Continuity

Keeper of the Continuum

Cyndor, the Oeridian deity of Time, Infinity, and Continuity, stands as a guardian of the time-stream, ensuring the Prime Material Plane adheres to its destined path. This deity promotes the doctrine of predestination, embracing a vision of time as an immutable sequence of events leading to a predetermined endpoint.


Cyndor is depicted as a towering entity devoid of discernible features, symbolizing the relentless and unyielding nature of time itself. This form represents the inevitability of time's passage, a constant against which all beings must measure themselves.
  • Depicted as a featureless, towering figure symbolizing time's inevitability.
  • Represents the unyielding advance of time against which all beings are measured.


Cyndor's divine network includes subordinates such as Merikka, the goddess of Agriculture, and Tsolorandril, a hero-deity of Wave Motions, underscoring his influence over time's cyclical and eternal aspects.
  • Directs subordinates like and Tsolorandril, emphasizing his control over cyclical and eternal time.
  • Complex relationship with Lendor, the Suel god of Time, yet aligns with deities sharing a focus on order and continuity, such as Merikka and St. Cuthbert.


Cyndor's dominion spans multiple planes, with realms in Mechanus, Mount Celestia, and the Demiplane of Time. Each of these realms, from the orderly Path of Time to the city of Rempha, encapsulates aspects of Cyndor's control over the temporal fabric.


Cyndor's followers adhere to a strict belief in predestination, viewing every moment and event as part of a divinely foreseen timeline. This faith in the inevitability of fate shapes their understanding of existence, driving them to observe and protect the timeline from any form of external manipulation.
  • Followers believe in predestination, viewing time as a divinely foreseen timeline.
  • Faith in fate shapes their existence, driving them to protect the timeline from manipulation.


Cyndor's worshippers, including the Guardians of Infinity, are tasked with safeguarding Oerth's timeline from interferences that could derail its destined course. These devout followers work to maintain the balance of time, often engaging with beings beyond their comprehension in their sacred duty.

Clergy and Paladins

Cyndor's clergy, adept in the mysteries of time, serve as chroniclers of history and guardians against temporal anomalies. Paladins dedicated to Cyndor, though rare, might see their crusade as a battle against the forces seeking to disrupt the temporal order, embodying the deity's will through their actions.
  • Clergy serve as chroniclers and guardians against temporal anomalies.
  • Paladins embody Cyndor's will, battling forces that seek to disrupt temporal order.

The Timekeeper's Clergy and Faith

Cyndor, the deity of Time, Infinity, and Continuity, oversees a unique clergy tasked with guiding the flow of destiny on Oerth. Their role extends beyond mere spiritual guidance, delving into the cosmic balance of time and space.
Clergy and Doctrine
Cyndor's priests are thought to be ordained as counselors to the world, preventing existence from devolving into a mere struggle for survival. They offer wisdom to the rulers of Oerth, providing insight into destiny's intricate weave.
  • Counselors to the Powerful: Serve as advisors to kings and sages, offering insights into the path of destiny.
  • Guardians of Time-Flow: Station themselves near sites of impending importance or disruptions in the time-flow, studying ancient lore to predict and influence the course of history.
  • Seekers of Truth: Debunk charlatans and false prophets, traveling with individuals destined for significant futures.

Temples and Rituals

Temples dedicated to Cyndor are often located in places of historical significance or at the nexus of ley lines, serving as focal points for temporal energy. Rituals conducted within these sacred spaces might involve complex ceremonies designed to align with specific cosmic alignments, reinforcing the sanctity of the timeline.
  • Temples often located at historical sites or ley line nexuses, acting as focal points for temporal energy.
  • Rituals may involve ceremonies aligned with cosmic events, reinforcing the timeline's sanctity.
  • Somber Edifices: Constructed from smooth stone, these monasteries stand as solemn guardians over the fabric of time.
  • Locations of Significance: Each temple's location is chosen based on its importance in the temporal continuum, whether for past events or those yet to come.


Cyndor stands in opposition to deities and entities that seek to manipulate time for their gain, such as Tharizdun. His followers are ever vigilant against attempts to alter the course of history, viewing such actions as direct affronts to their deity's mandate.
  • Opposes deities and entities like Tharizdun, who seek to manipulate time.
  • Followers vigilantly guard against historical alterations, seeing them as affronts to Cyndor's mandate.


The clergy of Cyndor play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of time and space on Oerth. Their existence is not only a testament to the god's silent vigil over the cosmos but also a beacon for those seeking to understand their place within the grand design of destiny. Through their rituals and the serene yet imposing architecture of their temples, they remind all of Oerth's inhabitants of the unyielding march of time and the beauty inherent in the universe's predestined path.
  Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: a rounded hourglass set on its side, much like the symbol for infinity
Realm: Mechanus
Domains: Law, Oracle, Protection, Travel

Specialty Priest

  • 1st level: Time Sense (WIS check, within 3d10 min)
  • 2nd level: Cast Delay Image 1/day
  • 7th level: Cast Slow 1/day (target -6 sv)
  • 10th level: Synchronize with movement of the timestream. Age 1/2 normal rate.
  • 15th level: Immune to aging-based attacks. (ex: touch of ghost)
  • All levels: Unable to TurnUndead
Divine Classification
lesser god
Lawful neutral
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Within every tick, a predetermined destiny unfolds."
"Guardians of time, we uphold the continuum against chaos."
"Every moment is a thread in the tapestry of eternity."
"Infinity is our domain, and continuity our path."
"Past, present, future: all are one under Cyndor's gaze."
Cyndor holy symbol by 3orcs
Cyndor Church Core Beliefs
The church's beliefs, primarily shaped by traditions and core texts, include:
  • Intrinsic Beauty of Oerth: The intertwining of divine and mortal endeavors creates a tapestry of beauty.Prime Material's Plan: Acknowledges a divine layout for the Prime Material that can be altered by external forces.
  • Perpetual Libram: Cyndor's documentation of every creature's actions within the Clockwork Plane of Mechanus.
  • Sanctity of Time and Space: Time and space are divine domains, not to be altered except under dire circumstances.
  • Protection of the Cosmic Order: The church is vigilant against those wishing to divert the pre-determined path of existence, especially non-deities.
  • True vs. False Prophecies: The church values genuine prophecies as insights into the divine pattern, considering false ones as insults.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Cyndor by 3orcs


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