Lendor Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Prince of Time, Master of Tedium

Lendor, god of Time, Tedium, Patience, and Study

Lendor: The Tapestry of Time

Lendor, the Suel god of Time, Tedium, Patience, and Study, stands aloof from the mundane affairs of the world, focusing on the grandeur of the cosmos and the inexorable flow of time. His essence weaves through the fabric of existence, a constant reminder of the universe's vast scale and the fleeting nature of mortal endeavors.

Divine Essence

Celestial Aspect
  • Depiction: Visualized as a venerable man, with flowing white hair and beard, wielding the flaming sword Afterglow. Sometimes appears as a silver dragon or female elf.
  • Symbolism: His holy symbol, a crescent moon upon a full moon surrounded by stars, reflects the celestial and eternal nature of his domain.

Progenitor of Deities

Divine Lineage and Relations
  • Patriarch: As the father of Phaulkon, Wee Jas, Syrul, and Norebo, Lendor's lineage defines much of the Suel pantheon. His relationship with these deities is complex, marked by a blend of superiority and detachment.
  • Allegiances and Rivalries: Allied with Bahamut and Jascar, yet maintains a contentious stance towards Ralishaz, Pyremius, and Telchur. His dynamic with Wee Jas, as both companion and rival, illustrates the multifaceted nature of divine relationships.

The Wheel of Time

Realm and Servitude
  • Mechanus: Lendor presides over the Wheel of Time in Mechanus, a realm that epitomizes the order and precision he embodies.
  • Servants: Spectators serve Lendor in his celestial domain, aiding in the maintenance of the cosmic balance.

Doctrine of Eternity

Teachings and Philosophy
  • Perspective on Time: Followers are encouraged to view their lives within the context of the infinite, prioritizing wisdom and patience over fleeting concerns.
  • Value of Study: Emphasizes the importance of diligent study and reflection, cultivating a deep understanding of the world and its intricacies.

Followers in the Flow of Time

Worship and Adherence
  • Adherents: Lendor's worshipers are typically sages, elders, and those distanced from the daily tumult of life, seeking solace in the constancy of time.
  • Clerical Order: The clergy, largely composed of older individuals, focus on preservation, knowledge, and the guiding of communities through the ages.

Sanctuaries of Silence

Temples and Worship
  • Locations: His temples, rare and secluded, are found in major cities like Lo Reltarma and Irongate, serving as bastions of tranquility and repositories of ancient knowledge.
  • Rituals: Services are marked by long recitations and meditations, officiated by venerable priests dedicated to the embodiment of Lendor's calm.

Myths of Creation

Lore and Legend
  • Origin of Time: Lendor is credited with setting time into motion with a single strike of Afterglow, birthing order from chaos.
  • Cosmic Balance: His creation of the Oerth and its inhabitants speaks to his role as a cosmic architect, shaping existence with a focus that spans eons.

Architect of Order and Guardian of Time

History of Lendor
In the vast expanse of mythology, few tales are as compelling as the history of Lendor, the Suel god of Time, Tedium, Patience, and Study. His narrative is a testament to the formation of order from chaos, the birth of time, and the creation of the world of Oerth.
Genesis of Order
At the dawn of existence, when all was engulfed in the formless void of Chaos, Lendor emerged as the beacon of Order. With unparalleled wisdom and vision, he wove the fabric of the cosmos, turning the infinite possibilities of Chaos into the structured beauty of Order. It was this divine act that inadvertently gave birth to Time, adding rhythm and flow to the previously static universe.
Creation of Oerth
Fascinated by the phenomena of Order and Time, Lendor embarked on a grand endeavor: the creation of Oerth and its myriad forms of life. This act of creation showcased not only his immense power but also his profound attention to detail. The diversity of existence on Oerth stands as a testament to Lendor's intricate design and boundless imagination.
The Divine Pantheon
As the progenitor of the Suel pantheon, Lendor's relationships with other deities are complex and multifaceted. He is both revered and distant, considered superior by many yet interacted with sparingly. His ability to banish or undo the magic of his divine offspring speaks to his ultimate authority over the pantheon.
The Role of the Priesthood
Despite their revered status, priests of Lendor are seldom seen in public, choosing instead to operate from the shadows. They are keepers of the cosmic balance, intervening only when the stability of the universe is at stake. This reclusive nature is often misinterpreted as indifference, yet it underscores Lendor's focus on the broader cosmic picture rather than transient worldly affairs.
Lendor's Legacy
Lendor's history is not just a story of creation but a narrative of ongoing guardianship. His priesthood embodies his teachings, focusing on the long-term perspective and the essential balance between Order and Chaos.
  • Deferential Respect: Across the pantheon, Lendor's priests command respect, with deities like Phaulkon and Jascar acknowledging their wisdom and warnings.
  • Cosmic Vigilance: Despite their low profile, Lendor's clerics are the silent sentinels of the cosmos, ready to act against threats of a truly catastrophic nature.


Lendor's enigmatic presence within the pantheon underscores a deity concerned with the broader strokes of existence, rarely intervening in the affairs of mortals or deities unless the very fabric of the cosmos is at stake. His followers, though few, embody his teachings, serving as guardians of knowledge and patience in an ever-changing world.  
Creative origins: Lendor was created by Lenard Lakofka.
  Suel Pantheon
Holy symbol: a crescent moon superimposed upon a full moon surrounded by stars
Realm: Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus
Domains: Destiny, Knowledge, Law, Mind, Oracle, Protection, Rune
Speciality Cleric spells
  • Cleric of the 3rd order: slow (W3, reversed haste)
  • Cleric of the 7th order: immune to time-affecting spells (haste, time stop, temporal stasis, etc. perform tedious tasks in half normal time
  • Cleric of the 11th order: perform any task for twice as long
  • Cleric of the 12th order: time stop (W9)
  • Clerics of the 16th order: immune to time stop spells cast by anyone (except Lendor)
Divine Classification
Intermediate god
Lawful neutral
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the sands of time, all is fleeting but wisdom endures."
"Eons are but moments; to understand time is to grasp infinity."
Lendor holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lendor by 3orcs


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