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Cyrrollalee, God of Friendship, trust, the hearth, hospitality, crafts
The Hand of Fellowship, the Faithful, the Hearthkeeper   Cyrrollalee, known fondly among halflings as the Hearth-Keeper and Friend of the Home, is a deity who embodies the virtues of friendship, trust, and community within the halfling pantheon. Traditionally concerned with the well-being of individual homes, Cyrrollalee's divine influence has evolved to encompass a broader vision—a unified halfling homeland promoting unity and prosperity among her people. Her teachings foster the ideal of a protective, nurturing community where all halflings can thrive together in peace and mutual respect.

Divine Persona

  • Appearance: Cyrrollalee manifests as a modest halfling woman, dressed in simple peasant attire, with unassuming brown hair.
  • Symbols: She is often depicted with the iron bands of Bilarro, symbolizing unity and strength in bonds.
  • Characteristics: Known for her warm and welcoming demeanor, Cyrrollalee's divine presence is comforting, evoking the safety and love found within a well-kept home.

Historical Influence and Evolution

  • Origins: Once a guardian of domestic tranquility, focusing on the individual household.
  • Expansion of Role: Recent centuries have seen her adopting a more ambitious role as a protector and unifier of the halfling race at a national level.
  • Cultural Impact: Cyrrollalee's shifting focus reflects the halflings' growing aspirations for self-determination and collective identity.

Relationships and Divine Diplomacy

  • Allies within the Pantheon: Strong ties with Yondalla, Arvoreen, Sheela Peryroyl, and other benevolent deities.
  • Inter-Pantheon Relations: Acts as an ambassador for Yondalla's Children, mediating conflicts with other divine factions.
  • Adversaries: Opposes deities that threaten the peace and prosperity of halfling communities.

Realm of the Hearth-Keeper

  • Celestial Home: Resides in the idyllic Green Fields of Mount Celestia, a realm that mirrors her ideals of community and serenity.
  • Environment: Her divine domain is characterized by lush landscapes and cozy, welcoming spaces that epitomize halfling ideals of comfort and hospitality.

Dogma and Divine Teachings

  • Community and Cooperation: Emphasizes the importance of communal support, trust, and the building of strong, dependable relationships.
  • Sanctity of the Home: Upholds the home as a sacred space, advocating for respect towards others' dwellings and hospitality customs.
  • Resilience Against Adversity: Encourages her followers to stand together against external threats, fostering a collective strength among communities.

Worshipers of Cyrrollalee

Cyrrollalee is fervently worshiped by halflings who play central roles in their communities, such as artisans, cooks, guards, hosts, and innkeepers. Her shift from focusing solely on individual homes to advocating for a national homeland has transformed her into a powerful symbol of halfling identity and aspiration. Her followers, referred to as homefellows, are instrumental in fostering a sense of pride and potential among the halfling populations. They are not only spiritual leaders but also community organizers who emphasize the importance of kinship and cooperation.
  • Community Leadership: Homefellows often hold significant sway in halfling communities, guiding social and sometimes political actions.
  • Cultural Advocates: They champion the cultivation of relationships within the halfling community and with other benevolent races, promoting harmony and mutual respect.
  • Explorers of New Lands: Many homefellows have taken to exploring and searching for potential lands where halflings can establish a unified homeland.

Clergy of Cyrrollalee

Cyrrollalee's clergy, the homefellows, are the spiritual backbone of halfling society, deeply involved in the administration of communal life and the spiritual health of their people. They wear simple brown robes and are known for their nurturing demeanor and dedication to the halfling way of life.
  • Defenders of the Home: They play a vital role in maintaining the sanctity and security of halfling dwellings.
  • Educators and Mediators: Homefellows take on the responsibility of educating young halflings and mediating disputes within the community.
  • Seekers of the Homeland: Many younger clerics have embarked on quests to identify and secure new lands for halfling settlements, driven by Cyrrollalee's expanded vision.

Temples and Ritual Practices

Temples dedicated to Cyrrollalee are extensions of her doctrine of hospitality and community. These temples often double as community centers, providing lodging, food, and guidance to both locals and travelers.
  • Holy Days: Cyrrollalee's followers celebrate the first day of each month, emphasizing beginnings and the potential for new growth and opportunities.
  • Daily Rituals: Daily prayers and minor invocations are commonplace, integrated into the everyday life of her devotees, ensuring that her teachings influence their daily decisions and interactions.
  • Day of Discovery: This prophesied event, a pivotal moment expected within the lifetimes of her current followers, involves the discovery of a new land designated for halfling settlement and prosperity.
  Cyrrollalee’s teachings encourage her followers to live a life of trust and friendliness, ensuring that each home and community flourishes under her gentle guidance. Her clergy, the heart of her worship, continue to spread her message across lands near and far, fostering an environment where every halfling feels at home, regardless of where they find themselves.
  Halfling Pantheon
Holy symbol: an open door
Realm: Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia
Domains: Community, Good, Healing, Inquisition, Law, Pact, Protection
Speciality Cleric
  • Clerics: TurnUndead at -4 levelsCleric of the 1st fellowship: detect evil, protection from evil, use d6 for hit dice
  • Cleric of the 3rd fellowship: detect lie
  • Cleric of the 7th fellowship: emotion
  • Cleric of the 9th fellowship: +3 saves vs. fear
Divine Classification
Intermediate god
Lawful good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Every Hearth a Sanctuary, Every Smile a Welcome."
"In Trust, We Find Strength; In Friendship, We Find Peace."
- Highlighting the foundational values of trust and friendship in halfling society.
Cyrrollalee holy symbol by 3orcs
Hierarchy of clerical titles for the priesthood of Cyrrollalee
Reflective of her domains centered on home, friendship, and community:
  • Cheery Homemaker - Entry-level clerics who are learning the ropes of daily clerical duties and community support.
  • Hearth Warden - Responsible for overseeing the physical and spiritual maintenance of the temple and its immediate surroundings.
  • Hand of Friendship - Clerics who specialize in outreach and diplomatic relations within the halfling community and with other races.
  • Hale Host/Hostess - Skilled at organizing gatherings and ensuring all visitors to the temple feel welcomed and valued.
  • Homespun Companion - Senior clerics who provide guidance and personal counsel to members of the community, embodying the virtues of a good neighbor.
  • Neighborly Householder - These clerics manage temple resources and ensure that all communal needs are met, fostering a strong, supportive environment.
  • Open Door - Reflecting Cyrrollalee's open and welcoming nature, these clerics oversee major community projects and initiatives.
  • Burrow Patriarch/Matriarch - Esteemed leaders within the priesthood who have shown exceptional dedication to Cyrrollalee's teachings, serving as spiritual guides and mentors.
  • Home Fellow - The highest rank within the priesthood, these are the revered leaders of Cyrrollalee's faith, overseeing all aspects of church activities and holding significant influence in halfling society.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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