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Arvoreen, God of rotection, Vigilance, War
The Defender, the Vigilant Guardian, the Wary Sword   Arvoreen, the Halfling deity of Protection, Vigilance, and War, known as "The Defender," embodies the martial spirit of the halfling people. Unlike most halfling gods who espouse a carefree lifestyle, Arvoreen adopts a more severe demeanor, underlining the necessity of readiness and protection against threats. His vigilant nature ensures that the halfling communities are perpetually safeguarded against encroachments, fostering a culture of preparedness and resilience among his followers.

Majestic Presence

Arvoreen's depiction as a stalwart halfling warrior clad in fine chain mail and wielding twin short swords symbolizes his dual role as a protector and a combatant. His formidable appearance is designed to inspire courage among his followers and deterrence among his foes, serving as a constant reminder of the preparedness required to safeguard halfling communities.
  • Arvoreen manifests as a robust young halfling warrior.
  • He is typically attired in light, practical garments augmented by fine chain mail.
  • His preferred armaments are twin short swords, symbolizing his readiness to defend his people.

Divine Relations

Within the halfling pantheon and beyond, Arvoreen is a figure of significant diplomatic and martial prowess. His relationships with other deities emphasize his strategic role in protecting the halfling race, where he often collaborates with gods from various pantheons to secure the safety and stability of his people.
  • Alliances: Maintains strong alliances with Yondalla, Cyrrollalee, and Urogalan.
  • Friends: Collaborates with gods from the dwarven, elven, gnome, and human pantheons, reflecting his protective mandate.
  • Enamity: Views gods of mischief like Brandobaris and Tymora with skepticism but recognizes their roles in safeguarding halflings.

Celestial Domain

Arvoreen's realm in the Green Fields of Mount Celestia is a bastion of safety and a testament to his guardianship. This heavenly domain reflects his protective ethos, offering sanctuary to all halflings and serving as a spiritual stronghold where they can find peace under his vigilant gaze.
  • Resides in the Green Fields, a verdant realm within Mount Celestia.
  • The realm is a reflection of his protective nature, a sanctuary for all halflings.

Manifestations of the Protector

Arvoreen’s direct interventions through avatars or symbolic manifestations showcase his active role in the defense of his followers. These divine acts not only protect but also communicate his expectations and displeasures, guiding halflings on the path of vigilance and preparedness.
  • Arvoreen frequently intervenes directly to aid his followers through avatars.
  • Known for rewarding halfling warriors and their allies with magical gifts.
  • His displeasure is ominously marked by the sound of thunderclaps, akin to clashing shields.

The Church of Arvorean

The structured, militaristic church of Arvoreen reflects his doctrines of vigilance and preparedness. His clerics, dressed in symbolic armor, serve as both spiritual leaders and defenders, embodying Arvoreen's commitment to safeguarding the halfling way of life through readiness and strength.
  • Arvoreen's clergy: the vigilant defenders of halfling communities, are ever-prepared for the rumblings of war. These clerics, draped in grey leather armor adorned with the deity’s symbols, serve as the martial arm of halfling spiritual life, blending the roles of spiritual guides and protectors.
Hierarchical Structure The church is organized in a strict military fashion, reflecting its focus on defense and vigilance. Clerics pray at dawn, drawing strength from the first light to face potential threats. They are pivotal in community defense planning and execution, often leading local militias.  

Dogma of Vigilance

Arvoreen's teachings emphasize unyielding vigilance and proactive defense. His dogma revolves around the philosophy of ensuring the safety of halfling communities through meticulous preparation and the strategic application of force. The Defender's creed underlines a proactive approach to security, constant readiness for potential threats, and the fostering of alliances as essential to the survival and prosperity of halfling society.
  • Continuous Preparedness: Emphasize the importance of regular training and drills to maintain defense readiness.
  • Active Defense: Encourage preemptive measures to neutralize potential threats before they escalate.
  • Alliance and Trust: Promote forming alliances with other races and communities to bolster mutual security.
  • Ethical Conduct in Conflict: Stealing from enemies may be used strategically but never for personal gain; maintain honor even in warfare.

Worshipers of the Protector

While not the most light-hearted among the halfling gods, Arvoreen commands deep respect and veneration for his indispensable role in safeguarding halfling lands and people. His followers, often seen as stern and formidable, are the staunch defenders of their communities, embodying the god's principles of protection and preparedness.
  • Dedicated Defenders: Predominantly fighters and fighter/thieves who prioritize the protection of their communities.
  • Respect and Reverence: Despite their serious demeanor, Arvoreen's followers are deeply respected for their protective roles.
  • Strategic Use of Skills: Thieving skills are employed not for personal gain but as a tactical advantage against adversaries.
Vestments of the Faithful
The attire of Arvoreen's clergy, known as the Marshals of the Mound, reflects their martial focus and the god's austere nature. These vestments are designed not only for ceremonial purposes but also for functionality in defense scenarios.
  • Silvered Helms and Chain Mail: Symbolize the unyielding strength and protection offered by Arvoreen.
  • Dark Blue Tabards with Silver Symbols: Represent the celestial and noble aspect of Arvoreen’s protective mandate.
  • Twin Short Swords: Emphasize readiness for battle and the dual nature of offense and defense.
  • Silver Buckler Medallion: Worn as a holy symbol, signifying defense and the shield of the community.

Clergy of Arvoreen

Guardians of the Halfling Hearth
Arvoreen's clerics, often multiclassed as cleric/fighters, serve as the militant guardians of halfling communities. They are tasked with the construction of defensive structures and the strategic placement of beacons and traps. These clerics also focus on arming their communities, acquiring magical weapons and defensive items that can protect against larger threats. Their dual role emphasizes both spiritual leadership and physical defense, making them central figures in the safety and resilience of halfling populations.
  • Defense Infrastructure: Build and maintain barriers, signaling systems, and traps.
  • Weapon Procurement: Secure and distribute weapons and magical defensive items.
  • Community Training: Train locals in combat readiness and defensive tactics.
  • Adventuring for Gear: Embark on quests to retrieve magical weapons and armor to bolster community defenses.
Adventuring Garb of the Clerics
In their role as defenders, clerics of Arvoreen are equipped to suit the needs of any scenario, be it a stealth operation requiring lighter armor or direct combat necessitating robust protection. Their apparel is versatile, reflecting their readiness for any challenge. Their favored weapons, including short swords, short bows, and slings, are chosen for their suitability to halfling stature and combat style.
  • Armor Flexibility: Wear armor suited to the mission, ranging from stealthy leather to protective chain mail.
  • Weapon Proficiency: Trained in a variety of weapons, with a preference for those that match halfling combat styles.

Temples: Fortresses of the Faithful

Temples dedicated to Arvoreen are strategic fortresses, serving as military hubs for the local halfling militia. These temples are designed with the unique needs of halfling defenders in mind, featuring extensive subterranean networks for guerrilla tactics and storerooms filled with arms and supplies to withstand sieges.
  • Dual-Purpose Design: Serve as community armories and sanctuaries in times of crisis.
  • Strategic Architecture: Built with defensive features suitable for halfling warfare, including narrow, low hallways and secret tunnels.
Day-to-Day Activities of Arvoreen's Clergy
The daily life of Arvoreen's clergy revolves around the continuous strengthening and safeguarding of halfling territories. They conduct regular patrols, lead training sessions, and maintain vigilance against potential threats, embodying Arvoreen's ethos of proactive defense.
  • Community Defense: Regular patrols and reviews of existing defensive measures.
  • Militia Leadership: Organization and training of local militia forces.
  • Exploratory Missions: Adventuring to acquire resources and intelligence that can aid in community protection.

Rituals and Ceremonies

Arvoreen's worship involves rituals that reinforce his role as the protector deity. Before battles, silvered weapons are sacrificed to invoke his blessings, symbolizing the readiness and resolve of his followers. Pre-Battle Sacrifices: Silvered weapons offered to gain Arvoreen’s favor. Ceremony of Remembrance: Annual remembrance of fallen warriors, reinforcing community bonds and honoring sacrifices.

Holy Days and Important Ceremonies

Arvoreen's followers gather to seek divine aid through structured ceremonies that combine spiritual fervor with martial readiness. These events are not only religious observances but also crucial rallying points for the halfling community.
  • Battle Hymn of the Keepers: Sung to inspire and unify the community during pre-battle gatherings.
  • Feast of the Moon: A day of remembrance for those lost in defense of the community, marked by spiritual encounters and communal reflection.
Arvoreen’s comprehensive role as a deity underscores his integral presence in the halfling pantheon, reflecting a robust blend of spiritual guidance and practical leadership in martial affairs.
Arvoreen the Defender, as depicted in Dragon #59 (1982).
  Halfling Pantheon
Holy symbol: Short sword and shield (silver)
Realm: Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia
Domains: Good, Law, Protection, War
Speciality Clerics
  • Clerics: Unable to TurnUndead
  • Cleric of the 1st Defender: use d6 for hit die at 1st level, d8 thereafter
  • Cleric of the 3rd Defender: hide in natural surroundings as thief of equal level, halved indoors/underground
  • Cleric of the 5th Defender: "lay on hands" 1 hp/level
  • Cleric of the 9th Defender: haste on self, no aging, only in combat
Divine Classification
Intermediate god
Lawful good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Eternal vigilance, the price of peace."
"Shield first, sword second, courage always."
"Prepare the field before the battle, win the war before the fight."
"By blade and faith, no foe shall breach our burrow."
Hierarchy of Arvoreen Clergy
Novices of Arvoreen are known as Shieldbearers. Full priests of the Defender are known as Arvoreen's Marshals. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Arvoreenan priests are:
  • Warder - The entry level for clerics just beginning their path under Arvoreen's guidance, focusing on learning basic defense and patrol duties. Guardian - Responsible for guarding key community assets and participating in community watch programs.
  • Defender - Trained in advanced combat tactics, Defenders are tasked with direct combat roles during threats.
  • Protector - Protectors oversee larger regions of halfling lands and organize local militias.
  • Magistrate - Acts as both a cleric and a local legal authority, adjudicating disputes and maintaining law and order.
  • Sheriff - Coordinates defense strategies across multiple halfling communities, ensuring collective security.
  • Marshal - A senior military leader responsible for strategic planning and emergency response across a broad territory.
  • High Marshal - The pinnacle of the clerical hierarchy, overseeing all martial and defense operations, and advising on threats to halfling security at the highest levels.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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