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Yondalla, Greater God of Halflings, Protection, Fertility
The Protector and Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch, the Blessed One, (as Dallah Thaun) the Lady of Mysteries   Yondalla, revered as the chief deity of the halflings, embodies the principles of Protection, Fertility, and the prosperity of the Halfling Race. Known also as the Protector and the Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch, and the Blessed One, Yondalla offers her followers the comforts of safety, family, and communal harmony. She is depicted as a strong, proud female halfling with a vibrant presence, often seen wearing colors that symbolize fertility and protection such as green, yellow, and brown.

Divine Visage and Presence

Yondalla presents herself as a robust female halfling with lustrous red-golden hair, exuding an aura of determination and leadership. Adorned in a palette of earthy tones, she carries a shield as a symbol of her protective duties. Her dual aspects — the Provider of abundance and the Protector against evil — showcase her as a multifaceted deity capable of both nurturing growth and defending against harm.

Sacred Connections and Divine Relations

Relationships of Yondalla
Yondalla, known as the Protector and Provider among halflings, is highly revered not only within her own pantheon but also among the deities of other races. Her diplomatic skills and maternal nature have allowed her to forge strong alliances with gods from various pantheons, strengthening the position of halflings across the realms.
  • Allies: Yondalla's alliance includes powerful deities such as Bahamut, known for his wisdom and justice; Berronar Truesilver, the dwarven goddess of hearth and home; Corellon Larethian, the elven deity of magic and arts; Garl Glittergold, the gnome god of trickery and wiles; Pelor, the god of the sun and healing; and Moradin, the dwarven All-Father.
  • Pantheon Leadership: She is at the helm of Yondalla's Children, the halfling pantheon that includes Arvoreen (war and protection), Brandobaris (adventure and thievery), Cyrrollalee (hospitality and home), Sheela Peryroyl (nature and fertility), and Urogalan (death and the afterlife).
  • Adversaries: Her enemies are primarily from the goblin pantheons, who pose a direct threat to the safety and peace of halfling communities. Urdlen, the evil and mysterious deity in the gnome pantheon, is also considered a foe due to its destructive nature, which stands against everything Yondalla advocates.

Realm of the Protector

The Green Fields
Yondalla's divine domain is situated in the idyllic Green Fields of Mount Celestia, a realm that mirrors the halfling ideals of peace and communal prosperity. This heavenly field is a sanctuary where the souls of departed halflings find rest and where Yondalla oversees her divine duties.

Teachings of the Nurturing Matriarch

Yondalla’s dogma emphasizes the values of community, protection, and mutual support. Her teachings advocate for:
  • Aiding and assisting others in need.
  • Upholding respect for life and the sanctity of the dead.
  • Embracing peace and frowning upon unnecessary sacrifices and violence, especially within the halfling community.

Followers of the Blessed One

Yondalla is venerated by halflings who value family, community, and security. Her clerics, integral to halfling society, serve not only as spiritual leaders but also as community defenders and advisers. They play pivotal roles in safeguarding halfling interests, from officiating marriages to organizing communal feasts.

Clergy of Yondalla

Guardians in Saffron
Clerics of Yondalla are distinguished by their yellow-green saffron cloaks and their roles extend beyond religious duties to encompass significant community functions:
  • They serve as protectors and oversee the welfare of homes and fields.
  • As community leaders, they participate actively in all major social functions, including weddings and funerals.
  • Their expertise in agriculture and cooking helps sustain halfling traditions of hospitality and feasting.

The Wayward Wardens

This unique order within Yondalla's clergy consists of adventurous priests known as the Wayward Wardens, who travel extensively to assist halfling communities in distress. Their mission is to act as mobile guardians, bringing aid and protection where it is most needed.

Sacred Spaces and Communal Worship

Temples dedicated to Yondalla are rare, as she is predominantly worshipped in halfling homes, making every household a sanctuary of her teachings. Rituals are deeply integrated into daily life, with special emphasis on weekly offerings and the celebration of Safeday, a day of rest, play, and communal bonding.

Celebration of Safeday

Overview of Safeday
Safeday is a cherished weekly holiday among halflings, dedicated entirely to the worship and honor of Yondalla, the Protector and Provider. As the name implies, it is a day when halflings prioritize safety, peace, and communal joy. Activities on Safeday are designed to reinforce the bonds within the community and to celebrate the protective and nurturing aspects of Yondalla's guidance.
Key Characteristics of Safeday
  • Rest and Rejuvenation: Halflings take a break from their regular labors and chores, allowing them to rejuvenate and spend quality time with family and friends.
  • Leisure and Play: The day is filled with various games and recreational activities, which foster a light-hearted atmosphere and strengthen communal ties.
  • Communal Feasting: Safeday is marked by lavish meals shared among the community, featuring an abundance of food prepared by all families. These feasts are not only a celebration of Yondalla’s bounty but also a manifestation of her teachings about community and family.
  • Reflection and Gratitude: Halflings use this day to reflect on their blessings and express their gratitude for Yondalla’s protection and providence. This often involves telling stories of the goddess’s deeds and singing hymns in her praise.
  • Safety Rituals: Special rituals to invoke Yondalla’s protection are conducted, particularly focusing on safeguarding the home and the community from any external threats.
Safeday helps maintain the cultural and religious fabric of halfling society, ensuring that every member, from the youngest to the oldest, participates in upholding the traditions passed down through generations under Yondalla’s watchful eyes.
  Halfling Pantheon
Holy symbol: shield with a cornucopia motif
Realm: Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia
Domains: Family, Good, Halfling, Law, Protection, (as Dallah Thaun) Chaos, Knowledge, Luck, Trickery
Speciality Clerics
  • Clerics of the 1st protector: shield (can function with non-metal armor), use d6 for hit dice
  • Clerics of the 5th protector: bless, double duration
  • Clerics of the 7th protector: create food & water
  • Clerics of the 9th protector: may negate 1d4 energy drains during remaining lifetime
Divine Classification
Greater god
Lawful good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the smallest seeds lie the mightiest trees; nurture with care."
"Under Yondalla's watchful eye, none shall harm our kin or kith."
"From field to feast, Yondalla's bounty is our peace."
"Together, in Yondalla's embrace, we find strength."
Related Myths
Yondalla holy symbol by 3orcs
Hierarchical structure clergy of Yondalla
  • Blessed Sister/Brother - The initial rank for those newly initiated into Yondalla's clergy.
  • Sacred Guardian - Clerics who have demonstrated their commitment to protecting halfling communities.
  • Revered Nurturer - Clerics who excel in fostering growth and prosperity within their communities.
  • Blessed Mother/Father - Experienced clerics who act as spiritual parents to their congregation.
  • Eminent Prodigal - Senior clerics known for returning from pilgrimages with wisdom and resources.
  • August Warden - Guardians of significant holy sites or relics, respected for their authority and wisdom.
  • Hallowed Provider - Clerics who have significantly contributed to the sustenance and economic stability of their communities.
  • Exalted Protector - A title given to those who have performed extraordinary acts of defense and protection.
  • Revered Councilor - The highest clerical rank, held by those who advise the highest leaders of halfling society and other clerics.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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