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Emridy Meadows

The Battle of Emridy Meadows, fought in 569 CY, stands as one of the most significant and brutal confrontations in the history of the Flanaess. Located nearly 10 miles south of Verbobonc, City and northwest of Nulb, Emridy Meadows is a site hallowed by blood and valor. This vast, open expanse of grasslands witnessed the decisive clash between the forces of good, led by the combined armies of Furyondy, Veluna, and Verbobonc, and the malevolent followers of the Temple of Elemental Evil. The battle marked a turning point in the region’s history, halting the spread of darkness from the Temple and securing peace for the Viscounty of Verbobonc—albeit temporarily.

Geography and Location

  • Emridy Run: Emridy Meadows takes its name from the Emridy Run, a small tributary that flows into the Imredys Run from the west. This river has carved a gentle valley through the meadows, providing a natural boundary to the battlefield.
  • Size and Terrain: The meadow stretches nearly a thousand yards from east to west and 500 yards from north to south, covering a vast area that was once part of the Gnarley Forest. Over the centuries, the forest was cleared, leaving behind this expanse of rolling grasslands and wildflowers.
  • Battlefield Landscape: Although nature has reclaimed much of the battlefield, the scars of war remain. Broken and rusted weapons, smashed siege engines, and the bones of fallen warriors are still scattered across the meadow. The area is a solemn reminder of the fierce combat that took place here, with each artifact telling a story of bravery and despair.

History and the Battle

  • The Lead-Up: The forces of the Temple of Elemental Evil had been growing in power, spreading their influence across the region. The cities and towns of the surrounding lands, particularly Verbobonc, recognized the existential threat posed by the Temple. In response, they formed an alliance with the powerful armies of Furyondy and Veluna to confront this evil head-on.
  • The Battle: The Battle of Emridy Meadows began with a series of skirmishes between scouting forces but quickly escalated into a full-scale confrontation. The combined armies of Furyondy, Veluna, and Verbobonc, alongside Gnarley Rangers and various mercenaries, faced off against the dark forces of the Temple, including humanoid hordes, summoned demons, and corrupted cultists.
  • The Turning Point: As the battle raged, the forces of good managed to break through the enemy lines, aided by powerful magic from the mages of Veluna and the heroic leadership of Prince Thrommel IV of Furyondy. The forces of the Temple, despite their dark powers, were ultimately overwhelmed, and their armies were routed. The remnants of the Temple’s forces fled back to the Temple of Elemental Evil, where they were eventually besieged and defeated.
  • Aftermath: The victory at Emridy Meadows was celebrated across the Flanaess, but the cost was high. Thousands lay dead, and the meadow was left barren, its soil soaked with blood and cursed by the dark magic unleashed during the battle. For years, nothing grew in the meadow, and even now, over a decade later, the land bears the marks of that terrible day.

Lore and Legends

  • The Cursed Ground: Local legend holds that the ground of Emridy Meadows is still cursed by the dark magic of the Temple’s followers. While wildflowers and grasses have returned, patches of the meadow remain barren, and it is said that those who walk the field at night can hear the whispers of the dead.
  • The Lost Artifacts: Many powerful magical items were lost during the battle, buried beneath the earth or hidden among the remains. Adventurers still come to the meadow in search of these relics, though most find only rusted weapons and broken armor. However, there are tales of swords that still glow with a holy light, or shields that bear the marks of ancient enchantments, waiting to be reclaimed.
  • The Undead Threat: The spirits of those who died at Emridy Meadows do not all rest peacefully. Undead creatures, from restless skeletons to vengeful wraiths, are said to haunt the battlefield. The Gnarley Rangers, who patrol the area, are often called upon to deal with these threats, ensuring that the dead do not disturb the living.

The Emridy Meadows Today

  • A Place of Remembrance: Despite its grim history, Emridy Meadows has become a place of pilgrimage for those who wish to honor the fallen. Each year, on the anniversary of the battle, a memorial service is held, attended by representatives from Furyondy, Veluna, Verbobonc, and even some from distant lands who seek to pay their respects.
  • The Return of Nature: Over time, nature has begun to heal the scars of the battle. Wildflowers now bloom where blood was once spilled, and the meadow is filled with the songs of birds and the hum of insects. However, the memory of the battle lingers, and those who visit the meadow often speak of a feeling of sadness and reverence that pervades the air.
  Emridy Meadows remains a powerful symbol of the struggle between good and evil, a place where the forces of light triumphed, but at great cost. It is a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who fought to protect the Flanaess from the darkness that sought to consume it.
Battle of Emirdy Meadows with Viscount Wilfrick
"In Emridy Meadows, the blood of heroes and villains alike stains the earth."
The Gnarley Rangers
  • Patrols and Protection: A detachment of Gnarley Rangers is permanently assigned to the Emridy Meadows, tasked with protecting the area from both natural and supernatural threats. These rangers are highly skilled in dealing with undead and are known to carry blessed weapons and holy water to aid in their patrols.
  • Guardians of History: The rangers see themselves as the guardians of the battlefield, protecting the memory of those who fell in the battle. They often speak of the meadow with reverence, and some believe that the spirits of the fallen guide their arrows in times of need.
"The dead of Emridy Meadows still stand watch over the land they died to protect."
Owning Organization
Opinions on the Bandit Problems
  • A Gnarley Ranger: "The bandits that plague these lands are nothing compared to the evil that once threatened us all. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous."
  • A Veteran of the Battle: "The bandits? Hah! Let them try to claim Emridy Meadows. The spirits of the fallen will see to them."
  • A Local Farmer: "Bandits or no, I won’t set foot near Emridy Meadows. Too much death there, too many restless spirits."
  • A Merchant: "Traveling near Emridy Meadows always makes me uneasy. It’s as if the land itself remembers the battle, and it’s waiting for something."
  • A Cleric of St. Cuthbert: "The bandits are a scourge, yes, but they pale in comparison to what was faced here. Let us hope we never need to fight such a battle again."

Cover image: by 3orcs


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