The Battle of Emridy Meadows Myth in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Battle of Emridy Meadows

The decisive defeat of the Horde of Elemental Evil by the Righteous Host.


The Battle of Emridy Meadows marks a significant event in the history of the Flanaess, primarily noted for the decisive defeat of the Horde of Elemental Evil by the Righteous Host led by Prince Thrommel IV of Furyondy. This historic clash not only stymied the spread of malevolence from the Temple of Elemental Evil but also showcased the strategic prowess and bravery of a coalition formed from various races and regions. It was a turning point that symbolized the triumph of good over a palpable evil, impacting the political, social, and military landscapes of the region.  
Prince Thrommel IV Marshall of Furyondy cover

History of the Battle of Emridy Meadows

Prince Thrommel IV of Furyondy led the Righteous Host, a diverse coalition of humans, Elves of Greyhawk, Dwarves, and Gnomes, against the formidable Horde of Elemental Evil. This battle, pivotal in the history of the Flanaess, stemmed from the rise of the malevolent Temple of Elemental Evil, which had begun terrorizing local communities and amassing a dark army. The strategic engagement not only prevented the spread of this evil but also solidified alliances among the races and neighboring regions, reshaping the political and military landscape and fostering a lasting vigilance against darkness.
  • Emergence of the Temple: The late 550s CY saw the emergence of the Temple of Elemental Evil in the village of Nulb, which quickly became a haven for evil. The temple's influence grew, threatening local communities with raids and violence, culminating in the mustering of an army under a demonic influence.
  • Discovery and Response: The threat was uncovered by agents of good, prompting Prince Thrommel to muster an allied force comprising elements from Furyondy, Veluna, and local demi-human populations. This diverse army rallied under the prince's banner to confront the growing evil.
  • Strategic Withdrawal and Victory: The allied forces first engaged the enemy near Emridy Meadows but strategically withdrew to draw the horde into a more advantageous position for the allies near the Velverdyva River. This maneuver allowed the allies to encircle and decisively defeat the Horde of Elemental Evil in a well-executed ambush.


  • Motivations for Engagement: The rise of the Temple of Elemental Evil posed a significant threat not only to local security but also to the political stability of the region. Its defeat was essential to maintain the balance of power and the political integrity of the Viscounty of Verbobonc and its allies.
  • Strategic Alliances: The battle solidified Furyondy’s political leadership and influence in the region, reinforcing its position as a central power capable of leading and defending its allies against significant threats.

Strategic Unfolding of the Battle of Emridy Meadows

Alert and Mobilization
News of the burgeoning evil at the Temple of Elemental Evil triggered alarms throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc, rapidly reaching Prince Thrommel IV of Furyondy. Recognized not only for his martial prowess but also for his deep-rooted paladin virtues, Prince Thrommel felt a divine compulsion to address this growing threat. Prioritizing the greater good over regional concerns to the north, he rallied his most devout knights, seasoned clerics, and a select group of personal guards, all united under a sacred banner to eradicate the evil festering at the temple.
Convergence and Alliance
In the spring of 569 CY, Thrommel's forces made a strategic crossing of the Velverdyva River, where they were joined by additional contingents summoned from the allied realms of Veluna and Verbobonc. Among these forces was Serten of St. Cuthbert a distinguished member of the Citadel of Eight, who was the sole representative of his order to heed Thrommel's call. This convergence marked a significant consolidation of forces dedicated to the cause.
March Towards Destiny
As the unified host advanced southeast, they were bolstered by unexpected allies—demi-human bands from the Lortmil Mountains, Kron Hills, and the Gnarley Forest. These groups, equally disturbed by the encroaching darkness at their borders, pledged their support, adding considerable strength and diversity to the allied forces. This coalition underscored a widespread acknowledgment of the threat and a shared commitment to vanquish it.
First Encounter and Tactical Withdrawal
Upon nearing the Temple, the allies first clashed with enemy forces in the open fields of Emridy Meadows, located several leagues south of Verbobonc, City and northwest of Hommlet. This initial encounter was primarily with the Temple’s human contingents—mounted bandits, brigands, and mercenaries—tasked with delaying Thrommel’s advance. However, elven scouts swiftly brought word of a much larger enemy force mobilizing from the south, potentially aiming to exploit their numerical superiority.   Faced with this intelligence, Prince Thrommel and his council quickly enacted a contingency plan. To avoid a direct and potentially disastrous engagement, and to safeguard nearby civilian populations, Thrommel ordered a calculated withdrawal of the allied forces to a more strategically advantageous position near the eastern bank of the Velverdyva River. This move was designed to lure the Horde of Elemental Evil away from populated areas and into a trap.
Strategic Lure and Horde’s Response
Despite the lack of significant combat at Emridy Meadows—with only minor cavalry skirmishes reported—the tactical withdrawal played out as Thrommel had anticipated. Outnumbering the allied forces and eager to capitalize on their perceived advantage, the Horde of Elemental Evil, driven by overconfidence and a thirst for conquest, pursued the allies northward. This pursuit into less familiar terrain was precisely what Thrommel had hoped for, setting the stage for a larger, more decisive battle that would exploit the horde’s aggressiveness and lack of discipline.

Detailed Account of the Battle Tactics and Execution at Emridy Meadows

Pre-Battle Maneuvers and Formation
As dawn broke over the fields adjacent to the Velverdyva River, the crisp air was pierced by the resounding blasts of signal horns from the allied forces. The strategic placement of the troops was meticulously planned: 500 pikemen formed a robust line, shielded by the river on their flank, creating a natural barrier against flanking maneuvers. At the core of the formation, the vibrantly emblazoned banners of 400 light cavalry and 100 heavy cavalry fluttered, with Prince Thrommel himself spearheading this central contingent, embodying the heart of the allied offensive capability.   To the left, a formidable assembly of 200 dwarves from Lortmil and 100 gnomes from Kron Hill were positioned, their stout and ready ranks interspersed with 50 elven archers from Clan Meldarin. This diverse blend of forces not only leveraged the unique combat skills of each race but also presented a unified front against the advancing enemy.
Enemy Composition and Initial Engagement
The Horde of Elemental Evil, comprising a ragtag assembly of human cavalry and a massive infantry of orcs, gnolls, and ogres, displayed a less organized front. The human cavalry, primarily consisting of inexperienced bandits and thugs from Nulb, took position on the Horde's left flank. Their main infantry force, a daunting host of 3500 orcs and 500 gnolls, supported by nearly 20 towering ogres, positioned themselves menacingly to engage the allied forces.   As the battle commenced, the human cavalry of the Horde, under commands from cultist lieutenants, made a hasty and ill-coordinated charge towards the allied center and right flank. This movement was somewhat chaotic, driven more by a frenzied bloodlust than tactical acumen.
Strategic Withdrawal and Encirclement
In response, the allied forces executed a strategic withdrawal. Thrommel's pikemen and cavalry momentarily gave ground, pulling the enemy deeper into their formation near the river bend. This maneuver was crucial, as it drew the bulk of the Horde into a precarious position, setting them up for the pivotal moment of the battle.   Simultaneously, the majority of the Horde, incited by the presence of their traditional adversaries and the taunts from the allied left flank, surged forward in a massive, disorganized onslaught. This allowed the smaller, but agile and strategic demi-human units to tactically retreat, drawing the Horde further into the trap.
The Decisive Counterattack
With the Horde now stretched thin and encircled, Prince Thrommel executed the masterstroke of the battle strategy. The entire allied formation pivoted counter-clockwise, effectively encircling the Horde in a lethal pocket. As Thrommel's knights and heavy cavalry then wheeled to strike at the humanoid forces from behind, an additional force of 150 elven warriors surged from their hidden positions in the nearby Gnarley Forest, closing the encirclement and trapping the Horde against the river.
Outcome and Aftermath
Caught between the allied hammer and anvil, with their backs to the Velverdyva River, the Horde's formations broke. The battle culminated in a devastating rout, with many of the Horde's combatants either slain, drowned while attempting to flee across the river, or hunted down by the vengeful allies. A small number were intentionally allowed to escape, bearing the scars of defeat back to the Temple of Elemental Evil as a dire warning.   As the field was secured, Prince Thrommel swiftly moved to consolidate his forces and honor the fallen. Among those was Serten of St. Cuthbert, whose heroic last stand protecting the Prince marked him as one of the most revered martyrs of the conflict. His loss was deeply felt, signaling not only a tactical victory but also setting the stage for the subsequent phases of the campaign against the Temple. The battle, though a significant triumph, was just the prelude to the continued efforts to eradicate the lingering evil at its source.

Aftermath of the Battle of Emridy Meadows

Spread of News and Initial Reactions The resounding victory at Emridy Meadows quickly resonated throughout the nearby villages, particularly Hommlet, which had borne the brunt of terror emanating from the Temple of Elemental Evil. Tales of strange men clad in ochre, part of the defeated cult, fleeing in panic through Hommlet, heralded the triumph of the allied forces. Such sights lifted the spirits of the local populace, instilling a renewed sense of hope and determination as the news spread that the once fearsome Temple was now within reach of the victorious allies.
Siege of the Temple of Elemental Evil
With high morale and little resistance encountered during their march, the allied host approached the Temple's formidable walled fortress. The siege was swift; within a fortnight, the defenders, comprising a scant garrison, were overwhelmed. The allied forces methodically dismantled the upper fortifications of the fortress, careful not to damage the Temple's central structure. Despite the Temple's fall, a few of its vile leaders managed to escape—individuals whose later actions would be implicated in the mysterious disappearance of Prince Thrommel IV in 573 CY.
Binding the Evil Within
In the aftermath of the siege, fearing the cost of a direct assault on the Temple's dungeons—especially with the demoness Zuggtmoy known to reside there—Prince Thrommel took decisive action. He convened his best mages and clerics to seal the evil within. Together, they secured the Temple's entrances with heavy iron chains and sealed the seams with molten metal. Intricate runes, imbued with powerful abjurations combining both arcane and holy energies, were etched into the bronze doors, effectively containing the malevolent force within. Although this measure contained the immediate threat, vigilant oversight remained necessary to guard against any resurgence of evil.
Fall of the Moathouse
Simultaneously, the Moathouse—an outpost associated with the Temple and long a source of dread for the villagers of Hommlet—met its end. As Prince Thrommel oversaw the final enchantments sealing the Temple, a contingent armed with leftover siege engines, along with a motivated group of Hommlet villagers, laid waste to the Moathouse, erasing its blight from the land.
Heroes and Memorials
The Village of Hommlet emerged from the shadow of the Temple with several of its residents hailed as heroes. Viscount Wilfrick, recognized for his leadership, expressed his gratitude by funding significant constructions in Hommlet, including a new temple dedicated to St. Cuthbert and the foundations of a fortified castle for local heroes Burne the wizard and Rufus the warrior. Another notable figure, Ricard Damaris, who sustained distinct injuries during the battle, later returned to the Temple with Lord Robilar to extract wealth from its dungeons—a venture that would ultimately fund his retirement. In honor of the fallen Serten of St. Cuthbert, a lavish funeral was held in Verbobonc, attended by many who had fought beside him at Emridy Meadows, including his former companions from the now-disbanded Citadel of Eight, highlighting a poignant mix of valor and remembrance.


The Battle of Emridy Meadows remains a significant historical and educational point in the annals of the Flanaess, symbolizing a moment when unity and strategic foresight effectively countered a burgeoning evil. Its legacy is reflected in the continued vigilance and preparedness of the regions involved, ensuring such a threat does not rise again.    


1. Otis, a fellow member of Serten’s in the Citadel of Eight contended that the Citadel was too absorbed in their own affairs instead of more important local events. Otis left the Citadel well before the Battle of Emridy Meadows and his whereabouts during that campaign are unknown, but his prophetic claims surely had an affect on the undervalued Serten who answered the call to Verbobonc. Otis would redeem his absence from the battle a couple years later, as a ranger knight and a secret agent in the town of Nulb, watching activity around the Temple.   2. The actual placement of Emridy Meadows was the hardest part of my research as very few reliable maps try to define its location. The most consistent written sources placed it 10 to “several leagues” south of Verbobonc City. However, the actual placement had to be more accurately southeast along the well documented road towards Hommlet because once Thrommel calls for the strategic withdraw north he leads the Horde between the bend of the Velverdyva River and the Gnarley Forest and not back to the gates of Verbobonc City. I was appalled to discover that later semi-canonical (and possibly more widely read) Emridy publications glazed over this critical maneuver and assumed the entire battle took place on the meadows south of the city. So the true battle in fact takes place east of Verbobonc though any map you will likely ever see will claim the entire battle site to be the location where the armies only skirmished on the first day.   3. Elves of Clan Meldarin are well-known for their bowmanship. The Meldarin are also favorable toward humans and gnomes, as such they have the highest number of half-elves among their clan.   4. Elves of Clan Sherendyl also of the Gnarley Forest have a reputation as excellent warriors. Though the Meldarin were more apt to ally with non-elves, Sherendyl elves could not possibly pass on a chance to battle humanoids.   5. I speculate that if Serten had survived until the siege, his aid might have been enough to allow them to go after Zuggtmoy directly. In this case, Serten would not necessarily be defending Prince Thrommel so much as the other way around. Naturally the Prince would have preferred to have the entire Citadel of Eight along on his quest and perhaps he still held out hope they would show during the two week siege, certainly plenty of time for additional messengers to be sent. When no special help came is when preparations were finally made to seal the Temple.

Armies & Commanders

Allied army
(1700 total) Prince Thrommel IV Marshall of Furyondy Viscount Wilfrick
  • 1200 humans, 200 dwarves, 100 gnomes, 200 elves.
  • Horde of Elemental Evil (4570 total)
  • Unnamed cultist lieutenants from the Temple of Elemental Evil.
  • 3500 orcs, 550 humans, 500 gnolls, 20 ogres.
  • Result

    The allied forces of Prince Thrommel slaughter the Horde of Elemental Evil.
    Allied army casualties
  • 200 human, 55 dwarves, 25 gnomes, 20 elves
  • Horde of Elemental Evil
  • 4500+ (Survivors eventually fall at siege of Temple)
    • Prince Thrommel IV: His visionary leadership and bravery were pivotal during the battle, earning him an esteemed place in history and the hearts of his people.
    • Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart: As a commander and a political leader, his actions during and after the battle played a crucial role in the reconstruction efforts and the strengthening of the regional defense systems.
    • Serten of St. Cuthbert: Remembered for his heroic sacrifice, Serten exemplified the ideals of courage and faith, his death becoming a rallying symbol during the subsequent siege of the Temple of Elemental Evil.
    Date of First Recording
    576 cy
    The herald of the Faerie Kingdom of Celene
    The herald of the Viscounty of Verbobonc
    The herald of the Ancient Holy Kingdom of Furyondy
    The herald of Veluna
    The Ballad of the Battle of Emridy Meadows
    The legend lives on from the Nobles on down
    Of the fields that they call Emridy Meadows
    The meadows, they say, never gives up its dead
    When the horns of war come early

      In Greyfist halls of Verbobonc they prayed
    In the Diety of the Gods Cathedral
    The temple bell chimed 'til it rang five and nine times
    For each man that fought at Emridy Meadows.
      Harken now to my words of sadness
    learn about the downfall of madness
    How the sacrifice of one was a boon
    for the land of the crowns and the crescent moon

    An evil and fearsome power arose
    In a house of worship, now avoided by most
    It corrupted poor souls, deceiving them all
    Intending to bring Furyondy to fall
    In the days of Emridy Meadows

      Furyondy, pearl of the heartland realms
    shining jewel of the north
    changed your face forevermore
    when your prince was to sally forth

    Lured to the new god by promise and lies
    Many sold their faith, breaking their ties
    Held fast in the grasp of insanity
    they started a war that should not be

    While battle raged the darkness grew
    Like a chill of winter the northern winds blew,
    And the souls of the brave and the hearts of the fair
    Soon were filled with doom and despair
    On the fields of Emridy Meadows

    Down came the prince with the valiant heart
    His sword split the night cut deep through the dark
    He fought like a titan, a Deva of light
    as the right hand of Rao he turned the tide.
      Then the morning mists faded with the light of the sun
    heralded a peaceful time to come
    Still the victory was bitter-sweet
    Cause the prince disappeared soon after his deed
    That night at Emridy Meadows
      Does anyone know where the will of gods go
    when fate foretold by prophecy pass ...

    Oh, Thrommel my lord, what happened that day
    Did you abandon us or drown in the fray
    Now the nights are long and the days are cold
    And people still missing their prince of old
    Since the days of Emridy Meadows

    Cover image: by 3orcs


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