Verbobonc, City Settlement in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Verbobonc, City

The Vibrant Heart of Trade and Diversity

Nestled within the grandeur of the Flanaess, the Viscounty of Verbobonc stands as a beacon of prosperity and a melting pot of cultures. Governed with a steady hand by Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart, this near-independent province under the Archclericy of Veluna embodies a blend of autonomy and allegiance.   Nestled within walls that have stood the test of time, the City of Verbobonc is a testament to the harmonious blend of human tenacity and elven artistry. This walled city, renowned for its well-maintained defenses and ancient elven architecture, carries the legacy of a bygone era when elves and humans together thrived along the riverbanks. Verbobonc, once the heart of an elven principality, remains the jewel of the region, its history etched into every stone and spire.
Verbobonc, City

Verbobonc Palace

Though the lush woodlands that once cradled the city have receded, the descendants of those early human settlers have diligently preserved the elegance of elven craftsmanship. The most magnificent of these relics is the palace of the Viscount of Verbobonc. This sprawling complex, a harmony of buildings and gardens meticulously designed to offer serene vistas, stands as a living museum of elven construction. Slender towers reach for the sky, connected by arched bridges that only the bravest of humans dare to cross, while elves navigate them with their inherent grace. The palace itself, with its airy corridors and high-ceilinged chambers, is adorned with numerous windows that invite the outside in. Narrow hallways wind through the structure, and staircases, often lacking banisters, spiral upwards. The use of wood and light-grained stone in construction lends the entire edifice a feeling of being one with nature, an architectural echo of the forests that once surrounded Verbobonc.   Yet, Verbobonc is not just a city of beauty and history; it is also a city of strength. Dominating the skyline on a hillock stands V1-3 Castle Greyfist, Citadel of the Viscount, the formidable military heart of the city. This massive fortress, in stark contrast to the elven elegance of the palace, is a symbol of the city's readiness to defend its heritage and its people.   In Verbobonc, humans coexist harmoniously with other races, a living embodiment of the city's ethos, “Earth and Stone, Man and Gnome.” This motto, engraved above the city’s east entrance, speaks volumes of the community's spirit. Here, amidst ancient elven spires and human fortitude, the City of Verbobonc thrives as a beacon of multicultural unity, preserving the past while forging ahead into the future.

The Port of Opportunity

At the heart of Verbobonc lies its bustling port, the second largest on the Velverdyva River. This thriving harbor is a hive of activity where barges and caravans converge, laden with an assortment of goods. From the local gems and copper extracted from nearby mines to the exquisite creations of gnome smiths, the port facilitates a trade network that reaches across the Flanaess. Notably, the Royal Furyondian Mint, a testament to gnome craftsmanship, spreads the influence of Verbobonc far and wide.
by 3orcs

A Tapestry of Races

Verbobonc is not merely a human city; it is a home to a diverse array of inhabitants. Sylvan elves dwell in lofty ipt-houses, gracefully crafted within the boughs of towering trees. Gnomes find solace in their 'rents' – cozy, hillside homes carved with precision and care. Humans, the majority, blend their architectural styles with those of their neighbors, creating a cityscape that is as varied as its populace.

Climate and Culture

The city experiences mild temperatures, with winters that are cold yet sparing in snowfall. The people of Verbobonc, shaped by their encounters with both the wondrous and the wicked, approach life with a blend of friendliness and wariness. This cautious optimism is encapsulated in their proverb, “Hard work keeps the demons away,” a saying that speaks to their resilient spirit and industrious nature.

Political Landscape

Verbobonc Politics. While the city thrives, challenges lurk in its governance. The Viscount grapples daily with maintaining control, particularly in the rebellious Kron Hills to the south. The region is divided into fourteen freeholds and numerous fiefs, all overseen by guardians appointed by the Church of St Cuthbert. This ecclesiastical influence is a testament to the city’s religious and moral backbone.

Trade and Economy

The lifeblood of Verbobonc is its trade. The city's marketplaces teem with merchants haggling over prices and goods, from rare artifacts to everyday necessities. The local economy is bolstered by the mining of precious metals and the artistry of its gnome inhabitants, whose metallurgical skills are unparalleled.

Diversity in Harmony

The racial diversity of Verbobonc is one of its greatest strengths. Humans, gnomes, and elves live side by side, their cultures intertwining to create a rich tapestry of traditions and customs. This harmony is reflected in the city’s festivals and celebrations, where music, dance, and art from different cultures come together in a vibrant display of unity.

Guardians of Law and Order

The legal system in Verbobonc, while complex, maintains order and justice. The Vigil Wardens of Verboboncs, known as Cobwalkers, patrol the streets, ensuring safety and adherence to the law. Their presence is a constant reminder of the city’s commitment to peace and order.

Law Enforcement

Legal Edicts of Verbobonc: The Codified Justice System in the Viscounty
The law enforcement officers in Verbobonc are relative reliable and everpresent. Keeping public order and preventing crime and punishing criminals are important to the city's leadership, although care is taken not to meddle into other peoples affairs too much. Overly oppressive law enforcement might stifle trade and dry up the main source of revenues.

Verbobonc: A City of Many Facets

Verbobonc, with its bustling port, diverse populace, and rich cultural heritage, stands as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of its people. It is a city where trade flourishes, cultures merge, and the spirit of enterprise reigns supreme. In the heart of the Viscounty, Verbobonc continues to shine as a jewel of the Flanaess, a beacon of hope and prosperity in a land of magic and mystery.


LG*, N, LN Religions: St. Cuthbert, ehlonna, Zilchus , Fharlanghn , Obad-Hai , Beory


Veluna , Furyondy (distrusted), Knights of the Hart (distrusted), Kron Hills gnomes (distrusted, technically in rebellion at present), Dyvers, The Free Lands


Iuz , Pomarj, assorted evil cults (particularly Iuz, Vecna, Tsuggtmoy, Elemental Evil)  


The Verbobonc Military of Verbobonc stands as a testament to strategic foresight and tactical preparedness. It embodies a blend of traditional and innovative approaches, ensuring that the city remains a bastion of security in an ever-changing world. Through a combination of well-trained militia, elite forces, demi-human allies, and dedicated holy warriors, Verbobonc is well-equipped to face any threat, safeguarding its people and preserving its prosperity.

Religion in Verbobonc

Religion in Verbobonc, a city embracing individuality and freedom, boasts an exceptional religious diversity. This independent city, while predominantly human, is a sanctuary for elves, gnomes, and other races, each bringing their own beliefs and traditions. The religious landscape of Verbobonc is a complex tapestry woven from a multitude of faiths, ranging from the mainstream to the obscure, and even rumored secretive cults.


Tax collection is the responsibility of the position Lord Mayer of Verbobonc. Currently the lord mayor is Lord Marakios Willem Haxx and taxes are collected by Haxx's Hardheads.


Courtly travelers and political scholars throughout the Flanaess must make careful study of titles, honorifics, and hierarchies of nobility used in the many royal courts and noble houses throughout. To aid those who move among such circles, or the simply curious, the following primer on royalty, nobility, titles and honorifics is presented. The DM is strongly encouraged use the following information on honorifics of Verbobonc during play to aid in the representation the NPC Nobility.   In general, the ruling class of Verbobonc is disdainful of those without titles or position. Titles of nobility and rank matter greatly and those without titles-gentlemen and peasants are not unimportant, but they are simply not of the same social class. Wealth and power have little to do with it. Furthermore, rank within the nobility is important. Those of lesser status are expected to show deference to their superiors. Even the commoners of Verbobonc suffer from the arrogance of class. Gentlemen do not associate with simple peasants. Tradesmen are better than merchants, merchants above common laborers. The Rhennee are considered gypsies of the river – outcasts and river pirates.


Humans (77%), Gnomes (14%), Sylvan Elves (5%), Others (4%)


“Earth and Stone, Man and Gnome.”
City of Verbobonc Districts by 3orcs
Verbobonc Heraldry
Verbobonc Heraldry  
Verbobonc Greyhawkmap   Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
Verbobonc Streets and Infrastructure
A Nexus of Commerce and Culture in Greyhawk
  • The Viscounty of Verbobonc is a semi-independent province under the Archclericy of Veluna.
  • Governed by Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart, who faces challenges in maintaining authority, especially in the Kron Hills.
  • Verbobonc is a melting pot of various races, with a significant presence of humans, elves, and gnomes.
by 3orcs
Founding Date
Large city
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)

Geographical and Political Overview

  • Second largest port on the Velverdyva River, critical for trade and wealth in the region.
  • Jurisdiction extends approximately 15 miles into the Kron Hills to the south.
  • The city is home to diverse architectural styles, including ipt-houses for elves and gnome rents.

Trade and Economy

  • Trade Limit: Maximum trade value of 40,000 gp.
  • Prosperous due to river trade, with an influx of various goods.
  • Local mines produce gems and copper, major export items.
  • Renowned gnome smiths contribute significantly to the economy, notably through the Royal Furyondian Mint.

Climate and Culture

  • Mild temperate climate with cold winters and little snow.
  • People are friendly yet cautious due to past experiences with evil.
  • Local adage: “Hard work keeps the demons away,” reflecting the diligent work ethic.


  • Population: 12,700 (Large City).
  • Racial Composition: Humans (77%), Gnomes (14%), Sylvan Elves (5%), Others (4%).

Provinces and Governance

  • Comprises fourteen freeholds and fiefs, each under 500 square miles.
  • The entire viscounty functions as a bishopric under St. Cuthbert.
  • Divided into eight guardianships overseen by abbots; some include multiple political fiefs.


Coinage follows the Modified Furyondy system: 
Zeeti (cp), Tapi (sp), Tear (ep), Wheatsheaf or “sheaf” (gp), Leaf (pp).

Alliances and Relations

  • Allies include Veluna, Dyvers, and, with some distrust, Furyondy.
  • Relations with the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills are strained due to ongoing rebellion.
  • Relations and family connects to the Rangers of the Gnarley Forest.

Verbobonc Honorifics

Titles in descending order of importance

ViscountNoble Lordship
Lord MayorLordship
Knight CommanderMost Honorable Sir
AbbotFather Abbot
Knight BanneretteRight Honorable Sir
MayorHonorable Worship
Knight CompanionMost Worthy Sir
Knight BachelorWorthy Sir

Cover image: by 3orcs


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