Flannae Flan Ethnicity in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Flannae Flan

Flannae (Flan) Human Race of Greyhawk

The Flannae, or Flan, represent the original human inhabitants of the Flanaess, their legacy woven deeply into the fabric of Greyhawk's history. This article delves into their origins, culture, religion, and the politics shaping their existence in the world of Oerth.

Flan History

  • Early Settlers: The Flan were the first humans to settle in the Flanaess, the eastern portion of the continent of Oerik.
  • Cultural Sites: Notable pre-Migrations cultures include Sulm in the Bright Desert, Veralos by the Rift Canyon, and Tostenhca in the Griff Mountains.
  • Ancient Settlements: The Flan were the first humans known to settle in eastern Oerik, with evidence of once thriving nations that have long since disappeared.
  • Ur-Flan Mystics: In ancient times, the Flan were dominated by the Ur-Flan, mystics, and necromancers of great power who subjugated tribes and kingdoms to their will.
  • Nomadic Shifts: Over centuries, the Flan transitioned into a nomadic people, deeply connected to the natural world around them. This lifestyle persisted until the arrival of Suloise and Oeridian invaders, which caused significant displacement.

Culture and Lore

  • Hunter-Gatherers: Originally hardy hunters, the Flan were not innately warlike, existing in small, scattered groups across the Flanaess.
  • Connection to Nature: The Flan's long history as hunter-gatherers has fostered a profound respect for nature, seeing it as an entity to be respected rather than controlled. This philosophy permeates their myths, customs, and daily practices.
  • Seasonal Beliefs: The season of a person's birth is thought to influence their future, with specific annual customs and taboos observed to honor this connection.
  • Old Faith: Many Flan adhere to the Old Faith, a religion rooted in ancient nature cults, emphasizing harmony with the natural world.

Traditions and Practices

  • Clothing: Originally donning simple animal skin attire, modern Flan have adapted to contemporary fashions, though they still favor bright, primary colors and maintain traditions of body painting and tattoos, especially among the Barrens' Rovers.
  • Storytelling: An essential aspect of Flan culture, storytelling serves to pass down ancient folklore and legends, preserving the oral history of their people.

Magic and Divinity

  • Wizards and Magic: Flan wizards prefer spells that harmonize with nature, avoiding destructive magic. A minority, however, explore the necromantic arts once practiced by the Ur-Flan, though such dark magics are widely condemned.
  • Druidic Clergy: Many Flan clerics are druids, indicative of the deep reverence for nature among the Flan. This extends to their pantheon, where deities often embody natural aspects, with Pelor being a prime example.


  • Pantheon: The Flan pantheon includes deities associated with the Old Faith, with Beory as a chief deity.
  • Clergy: Druids serve as the primary clergy, using symbols like oak and holly leaves, and mistletoe.
  • Druidic Practices: Druids live in sacred groves and communicate using a secret language known as Druidic, focusing on the natural world and plant growth.


  • Current Regions: Significant numbers of Flan can be found in Geoff, Sterich, the Rovers of the Barrens, Tenh, and among the Wolf Nomads.
  • Pureblooded Populations: The most pure Flan populations are located in the northeast, particularly within the Duchy of Tenh and the Rovers of the Barrens.
  • Current Populations: Despite these upheavals, substantial Flan populations remain, most notably in Geoff, Tenh, and the Barrens. The Tenha retain a pure Flan lineage, with the Rovers of the Barrens also closely maintaining their heritage.

Human Politics

  • Integration and Influence: Despite their diminished presence, Flan strains and cultural influences persist in several regions, affecting the politics and societies of the Flanaess.
  • Interaction with Other Races: The history of the Flan includes periods of conflict and cooperation with other human races and non-human peoples, shaping the diverse and complex landscape of Greyhawk.
The Flannae (Flan) people embody the rich history and cultural depth of the Greyhawk setting, with their ancient heritage, enduring traditions, and the spiritual connection to the lands they first inhabited. Their legacy continues to influence the development and dynamics of the Flanaess, testament to their resilience and enduring spirit.
Flan Warrior by 3orcs
Physical Characteristics
  • Complexion: Bronze-colored, ranging from light copper to deep brown.
  • Hair: Dark and wavy or curly, with colors from black to brown.
  • Eyes: Commonly dark, ranging from brown to amber.

Flannae Traits (Optional)

Deepening the Connection to Land and Spirit
The Flannae, or Flan, are deeply intertwined with the land, seasons, and the very essence of nature within the World of Greyhawk. Their culture, spirituality, and lifestyle reflect a profound bond with the natural world, influencing their abilities and interactions. This expanded overview of Flannae traits highlights their intrinsic qualities and connections to their environment and heritage.
Innate Connection to Nature
  • Ability Score Increase: Reflecting their harmony with nature, the Wisdom and Constitution scores of Flannae individuals increase by 1, symbolizing their insight and resilience.
  • Linguistic Heritage: Flannae are fluent in Common and Flan, allowing them to communicate their rich traditions and maintain their cultural identity.
Spiritual Foundation
  • Faithful: The inherent spirituality of the Flan people grants them proficiency in Religion, with a bonus on all rolls related to the Old Faith, underscoring their deep-rooted faith and practices.
Birthright (Optional Rules)
Flannae individuals may inherit one of the following bonus racial feats, each reflecting aspects of their culture and spiritual connection:  
  • Fearsome Warrior: Symbolized by extensive body tattoos and traditional war calls, Flan warriors carry the tales of their battles and glory on their skin and in their voices, utilizing these to intimidate foes.
  • Legends & Lore: Descending from a lineage of storytellers and keepers of oral traditions, Flannae with this trait gain an increase in Wisdom by 1. They receive bonuses on Intelligence (History) checks related to Flan history, legends, and interactions with other races, as well as on Performance skill checks when engaging a majority Flan audience.
  • Ley Sensitivity: Demonstrating a unique closeness to the land, individuals with this trait are attuned to Oerth's mystical energies. They gain the ability to cast the Druidcraft cantrip and receive a bonus on Wisdom (Nature) skill checks, further enhancing their natural affinity and understanding.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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