The Order of Rao Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Order of Rao

Beacons of Peace and Reason

The Order of Rao, dedicated to the deity of reason, peace, and serenity, stands as a guiding light across the Flanaess, particularly within realms where intellectual pursuit and diplomatic resolution are held in high esteem. Despite its relatively modest following among the common people, the influence of Rao's teachings is profound, shaping the moral and philosophical landscapes of nations and guiding those in power towards harmony and understanding.

Geographic Spread and Influence

  • Veluna: The epicenter of Raoism, where it is the state religion, symbolizing the deep integration of Rao's teachings in governance and daily life.
  • Furyondy and Bissel: Strongholds of Rao worship, reflecting the faith's appeal to leaders and thinkers.
  • Greyhawk City: While not the most dominant faith, Raoism plays a significant role in the city's spiritual ecosystem.
  • Expansion Beyond Central Regions: Temples and followers can also be found in Keoland, Gran March, and the Wild Coast, showcasing the reach of Rao's teachings.

The Faithful

Rao's worshipers are predominantly from the upper echelons of society—rulers, diplomats, scholars, and philosophers—who find resonance with the deity's emphasis on reason and serenity. This selective appeal has not diminished the faith's impact; instead, it has positioned Raoism as a crucial philosophical force.
Diverse Followers
  • Monks and Spellcasters: Seek solace and clarity in Rao's principles for deeper meditation and study.
  • Gurus: Advocate for emulation of Rao's demeanor, encouraging disciples to embody the deity's calm and reasoned approach to life's challenges.
Challenges and Outreach
  • Limited Appeal in Aerdi: The teachings of Rao have struggled to take root in the territories of the former Great Kingdom, though Raoan paladins persist in their efforts to restore peace.
  • Secret Worship: In places like Rel Deven, followers of Rao must practice their faith in secrecy, mirroring the clandestine operations of less savory cults.

Organizational Structure

The Order of Rao divides its ranks into three distinct categories, each playing a vital role in the dissemination and practice of Rao's teachings.

The Masses

This segment includes the lay followers and intellectuals drawn to Raoism for its philosophical depth and guidance in achieving personal and communal peace.

The Priesthood

Custodians of Peace and Wisdom
The clergy of Rao embody the deity's core principles of reason, peace, and the pursuit of knowledge. Serving as mediators, scholars, and sometimes as reluctant warriors, these clerics hold pivotal roles within their communities and beyond. Their efforts in diplomacy, education, and the safeguarding of peace make them respected and influential figures across the Flanaess.
  • Guardians of Wisdom: Priests of Rao are custodians of knowledge, engaging in scholarly pursuits, mediation, and the spread of Rao's word.
  • Mediators: A specialized sect within the priesthood dedicated to resolving disputes and spreading Rao's teachings beyond temple walls.
  • Scholars: With a relentless quest for knowledge, they explore new philosophies, uncover ancient wisdom, and seek to understand the universe's mysteries.
Notable Members
  • Patriarch Jerome Kazinskaia: Known for his instrumental role in negotiating the end of the Greyhawk Wars, Jerome epitomizes the diplomatic prowess and peacekeeping mission of Rao's clergy.
  • Canon Hazen of Veluna: The most powerful cleric of Rao in the Flanaess, his activation of the Crook of Rao led to the Flight of Fiends, showcasing the significant impact that Rao's clergy can have on the world stage.
Characteristics of the Clergy
  • Demographics: Predominantly male, the Raoan clergy is composed of individuals dedicated to the contemplative life, drawn from various races though primarily human.
  • Personality Traits: Clerics of Rao are characterized by their quiet, studious nature, often reflecting on philosophical dilemmas and ethical considerations.
  • Motto: "There is a time to think, and more rarely to act; but in that time, action is wisdom." This saying encapsulates their approach to life, emphasizing the importance of contemplation before decisive action.
Activities and Missions
  • Quest for Serenity: Clerics embark on journeys to discover new schools of thought and serene places that can serve as sanctuaries for those seeking peace and enlightenment.
  • Magic for Good: Through the acquisition and use of powerful magics, they aim to protect the innocent, further the causes of Law and Good, and maintain the balance against chaos and evil.
  • Educational Outreach: Engaging with communities, they spread Rao's teachings, encouraging a reasoned approach to life's challenges and fostering a society where peace can flourish.

The Holy Knights of Rao

Protectors of Peace and Wisdom
The Temple Militant of Rao, comprising the esteemed Holy Knights of Rao, stands as a unique fusion of martial prowess and philosophical depth. These knights, known as Envoys or Heralds, embody the principles of Rao: seeking peace through reason, understanding, and, when necessary, controlled strength. This segment delves deeper into the composition, ethos, and practices of Rao's Holy Knights.


The Holy Knights of Rao are led by paladins, distinguished not only by their divine abilities but also by their commitment to Rao's ideals. Supporting these paladins are hundreds of fighters and retainers, each dedicated to the cause of peace and wisdom. Together, they form a formidable force that defends the principles of Rao across the Flanaess.
  • Paladins: Envoys and Heralds
  • Role: Paladins of Rao act as ambassadors of peace, embodying Rao's teachings through both word and action.
  • Motto: "Peace through Strength of Words and Weight of Reason."
  • Combat Readiness: While favoring diplomacy, they are prepared to employ martial skills to uphold peace.
Ethos and Practices
The Holy Knights of Rao operate under a code that prioritizes intellectual solutions to conflicts but recognizes the necessity of martial intervention when peace is threatened. Their approach to conflict resolution and their day-to-day conduct reflect Rao's teachings.
  • Balance of Mind and Might: Emphasizing that true peace often requires a blend of wisdom and strength.
  • Diplomacy First: Engaging in dialogue and seeking understanding before resorting to combat.
  • Conduct
  • Serene Demeanor: Paladins and their companions maintain a calm and composed presence, reflecting their inner peace.
  • Erudition and Etiquette: Known for their knowledge and impeccable manners, they strive to be models of Rao's teachings in every interaction.
Appearance and Symbols
The visual identity of Rao's Holy Knights is designed to evoke a sense of peace, wisdom, and strength, aligned with the deity's symbols and colors.   Attire Tunics: Predominantly gray or blue-gray, trimmed in white and gold, symbolizing serenity and wisdom. Cowls: Worn occasionally for solemnity or anonymity, bearing the colors of Rao. Emblems: Rao's symbol, prominently displayed on their chests, serves as a constant reminder of their divine mission. Armament Lightly Armed and Armored: Reflecting their preference for diplomacy over combat, they don lightly unless anticipating severe conflict. Holy Symbols: Often incorporated into their weaponry or armor as a mark of their faith and as talismans. Conclusion The Holy Knights of Rao exemplify the blending of martial strength with the pursuit of philosophical and spiritual enlightenment. They navigate the world as protectors of peace, guided by the strength of their convictions and the wisdom of their deity. In embodying the principles of Rao, they serve as beacons of reason in a tumultuous world, striving to resolve conflicts through understanding and, when required, through the judicious use of force. Through their actions, the Envoys and Heralds of Rao tirelessly work towards a harmonious world, upheld by the pillars of wisdom and serenity.

"There is a time to think, and more rarely to act; but in that time, action is wisdom."

Rao the Calm God by 3orcs
Speciality Bonus spells
  • Clerics of the 1st order: friends (W1)
  • Clerics of the 4th order: + 2 to all saves vs illusions, mind-affecting spells
  • Clerics of the 7th order: emotion (calm) (W4)
  • Clerics of the 9th order: true seeing
  • Clerics of Rao Turn Undead at -4 levels
  • Type
    Religious, Holy Order
    Related Species
    Related Ethnicities
    Roa Holy Symbol by 3orcs

    Cover image: by 3orcs


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