Hextorian Church Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Hextorian Church

The Church of Hextor

An Iron Fist Over the Flanaess
The Church of Hextor, dedicated to the god of War, Discord, Massacres, Conflict, Fitness, and Tyranny, is a formidable and widespread organization within the Greyhawk setting. Its history is steeped in blood and power struggles, mirroring the tumultuous nature of its deity. This article delves into the intricate fabric of the Church, exploring its history, hierarchical organization, political machinations, key locations, clergy and their attire, temples, daily practices, and overarching motivations.


The Church of Hextor has ancient roots, tracing back to the early days of the Oeridian migrations. Founded on the principles of strength, conquest, and rule through tyranny, the Church quickly became a political and military force. Throughout the centuries, it has influenced countless battles, uprisings, and regimes, always seeking to expand its influence and manifest its god's dominion over the lands of the Flanaess.


The Church is highly structured, mirroring military organizations in its strict hierarchy and discipline:
  • Patriarch General: The highest authority in the Church, usually residing in a major temple and overseeing all church activities.
  • Hounds of Hell: Specialty priests who form the backbone of the clergy. They are strategists, warriors, and the most visible representation of Hextor's will.
  • Battleguard: Clerics tasked with the church's defense and often seen as the protective arm of the organization.
  • Scourges of Hextor: Crusaders and military leaders of the church's armies, wielding considerable power both within and outside the church.


The Church of Hextor is embroiled in constant power struggles, both internally and with external entities. Internally, factions vie for power, influence, and favor from Hextor himself. Externally, the Church seeks to expand its influence through military conquest, political manipulation, and alliances with like-minded deities and their followers, including devils and the Dukes of Hell.


The Church's presence is strongest in the Great Kingdom, where it acts as the state religion. Temples and shrines are scattered throughout the Flanaess, with significant strongholds in Alhaster and the North Kingdom. Key locations include:
  • The Cathedral of Hextor in Eastfair, within the palace known as the Cyst.
  • The Cathedral of Carnage on Massacre Hill in Medegia.

The Clergy of the Church of Hextor

Guardians of Discord and Tyranny: The clergy of the Church of Hextor forms the backbone of its operations, religious practices, and military endeavors. They are not merely spiritual leaders; they are warriors, strategists, and enforcers of Hextor’s harsh doctrines. The clergy is distinguished by its rigorous training, martial prowess, and unwavering dedication to spreading war, discord, and tyranny across the Flanaess.
Composition and Demographics
  • Humans (75%): The majority of Hextor's clergy are humans, reflecting the deity’s significant influence in human-dominated regions, particularly within the Great Kingdom.
  • Half-Orcs (20%): Reflecting Hextor's values of strength and ruthlessness, half-orcs are highly valued within the clergy for their physical prowess and intimidating presence.
  • Evil Humanoids (5%): A smaller contingent of the clergy is composed of evil humanoids, including but not limited to, hobgoblins and bugbears, who are drawn to Hextor’s celebration of war and conflict.

Clerical Ranks and Roles

  • Novices - The Weaponless: The initiates of Hextor’s church start their journey as "The Weaponless," symbolizing their initial state of vulnerability and their potential for growth. Their training focuses on physical conditioning, religious indoctrination, and martial training without weapons, teaching them to find strength in their faith and determination.
  • Full Priests - The Children of Discord: Upon proving their dedication and martial capabilities, novices are elevated to full priests, known as the "Children of Discord." This title reflects their role in spreading the doctrines of conflict and tyranny, acting as both spiritual leaders and warriors for the church.
  • Ascending the Ranks: Clergy members may rise through the ranks of Buckler, Fork, Scimitar, Flail, Morningstar, and finally Patriarch, with each title signifying greater martial skill, leadership, and devotion to Hextor. These titles not only represent a priest's rank but also their role in the church's military and religious hierarchy.
  • The Patriarch General: The supreme leader of the Church of Hextor, commanding both its spiritual direction and its armies. This position is held by the most powerful and cunning among the Hextorians, often a veteran of many conflicts and a master of political intrigue.
  • The Arms of Hextor: A select group of high-level specialty priests tasked with executing the most critical and challenging missions to spread discord and strengthen Hextor's influence. Limited to six at any time, they represent the pinnacle of Hextor's martial and strategic capabilities.
Training and Proficiencies
Clergy members undergo rigorous training that emphasizes not only spiritual devotion but also martial and strategic expertise:
  • Blind-Fighting Proficiency: A unique requirement for all priests, symbolizing their ability to fight in the darkness of ignorance and bring the light of Hextor’s doctrine.
  • Religious Education: They are trained in the religious lore of not only the Oeridian pantheon but also common, Flan, Suel, and Baklunish deities, reflecting the Church’s ambition to dominate all religious landscapes.
  • Musical Proficiency: Many Hextorians are trained in playing wind instruments, horns, and drums, which are used in rituals and to signal the commencement of battles or sacrifices.
Roles and Responsibilities
The clergy’s duties extend far beyond conducting religious ceremonies. They are tasked with spreading Hextor’s influence through various means:
  • Military Leadership: Many clerics lead or advise military units, using their strategic acumen to bring victory and expand Hextor’s dominion.
  • Psychological Warfare: Specialists in terror and demoralization, the clergy employs fear as a weapon against enemies of the faith.
  • Sabotage: The Hounds of Hell, in particular, are adept at undermining enemy strongholds, both physically and ideologically.
  • Blood-Red Robes: The traditional garb of Hextor’s clergy, symbolizing their readiness for bloodshed and sacrifice.
  • Chain Mail with Skulls: For battle or adventuring, clergy members don ornate chain mail featuring skulls and symbols of Hextor, reinforcing their martial nature.

Internal Strife and Schism

The Church of Hextor is not without its internal conflicts, which often mirror the deity’s own domain of discord:
  • Factionalism: The Church has been riven by schisms and power struggles, particularly following the Greyhawk wars, as high-ranking clerics vie for control and influence.
  • The Battle for Supremacy: The ongoing conflict between Patriarch Krennden and Patriarch General Pyrannden epitomizes the internal battles within the Church, as each faction seeks to assert its vision for Hextor’s dominion.

Affiliated Orders

The church's might is bolstered by several religious-military orders, each dedicated to specific aspects of Hextor's dogma:
  • Company of the Twin Shields: Known for their defensive tactics and unbreakable formations, this order specializes in protecting key locations and figures within the church's hierarchy.
  • Order of the Six Severed Hands: Focused on assassination, sabotage, and psychological warfare, members of this order are feared for their ruthlessness and efficiency in eliminating threats to Hextor's dominion.
  • Gray Knights of the Great Skull: Elite warriors who serve as the vanguard in the church's military campaigns, the Gray Knights are known for their fierce combat skills and unwavering loyalty to Hextor.
  • Brotherhood of the Gray Hand: Perhaps the most enigmatic of Hextor's servants, these fighting-monks dedicate their lives to the preservation of Oeridian culture through martial discipline and the destruction of enemies like the Order of the Glory Everlasting. Their dedication to Hextor's cause makes them formidable opponents in both physical and ideological battles.


Temples of Hextor are fortified structures, often built on sites of historical massacres or battles. They serve as military barracks, training grounds, and places of worship. Notable features include:
  • Round Towers: Common designs for shrines, featuring a single entrance and multiple defensive positions.
  • Central Worship Halls: Found in larger temples, surrounded by multiple shrines and serving as the heart of worship activities.
Day-to-Day Activities
The Church of Hextor is a bastion of discipline, strength, and unwavering commitment to the tenets of their fearsome deity. The daily life of its members, from the highest-ranking priests to the lowliest acolytes, is regimented to uphold the values of war, discord, and tyranny that Hextor embodies.
Physical and Martial Rigor
  • Strenuous Exercise: Every day begins with rigorous physical training designed to fortify the body and prepare it for the rigors of combat. This can include weight training, endurance runs, and sparring sessions.
  • Combat Practice: Armed combat is a crucial skill for the clergy of Hextor. Daily practice with a variety of weapons ensures that all members are ready to defend the faith or engage in conquest at a moment’s notice.
Spiritual and Ceremonial Duties
  • Hymns of War: Before any form of combat training or actual battle, hymns dedicated to Hextor are sung. These hymns glorify war, power, and Hextor’s might, serving both as prayers for victory and as psychological preparation for conflict.
  • Ceremonial Instruments: The conclusion of rituals and ceremonies often involves the blowing of wind instruments, like horns and trumpets. This tradition symbolizes the call to battle and the proclamation of Hextor's dominance over his foes.
Hierarchical and Social Structure
  • Menial Tasks: Lower-ranking members of the clergy are often assigned menial tasks by their superiors. These can range from maintenance of temple armories to the organization of logistical support for military campaigns.
  • Strict Obedience: The chain of command within the Church of Hextor is absolute. Disobedience is not tolerated and can lead to severe punishment or death. Challenges to authority are permitted only in the form of ritual combat, with the victor claiming the right to lead.
  • Economy of Favors: Within the Church, favors are a currency of power. Granting a favor is a rare occurrence, always coming with a steep price, reinforcing the notion that nothing is given freely under Hextor’s rule.
Financial Contributions and Support
  • Tithing: All priests are expected to contribute 5% of their annual income to the Church. This tithe supports the vast military and religious operations of the Hextorian faith.
  • Levies and Taxes: The clergy often imposes tithes and taxes upon the populations under their control, particularly in regions like the Great Kingdom. These funds are crucial in maintaining the immense armies at the Church's disposal, ensuring that Hextor's will is enforced through military might.
Military and Tactical Training
  • Strategy Sessions: Beyond physical training, members of the Church engage in regular strategy sessions, studying historical battles, discussing tactics, and planning future military endeavors.
  • Psychological Warfare: Understanding that war is waged not just with weapons but with minds, the clergy studies and practices psychological warfare, aiming to demoralize enemies before the battle even begins.
Community and Outreach
  • Evangelism: Despite the Church's fearsome reputation, part of the daily activities includes efforts to spread Hextor's faith, especially among soldiers and those who can be swayed by the promise of power.
  • Support for the Faithful: The Church provides support and guidance to its followers, ensuring they remain loyal and ready to serve Hextor's ambitions.


The ultimate goal of the Church of Hextor is to bring the entire Flanaess under the dominion of their god. They seek to achieve this through military conquest, subjugation of the weak, and the spread of tyranny as the true order of the world. The Church believes in the necessity of strength, power, and ruthless leadership to forge a world in Hextor's image.   The Church of Hextor stands as a testament to the dark aspects of divine worship, where faith is intertwined with war, tyranny, and the relentless pursuit of power. Through its structured hierarchy, militant clergy, and fortified temples, the Church continues to be a significant force of discord and conflict across the Flanaess.

"To obey is to survive; to command is to thrive. Such is the creed of Hextor."

Hextor by 3orcs
Religious, Organised Religion
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Hextor symbol by 3orcs
Hierarchy and Titles
The Church of Hextor is highly structured, with a clear hierarchy that ensures its operations are as disciplined and efficient as its deity demands:
  • Patriarch General: The supreme leader of the Church, wielding ultimate religious and military authority.
  • The Hounds of Hell: Specialty priests who are the ideological core of the Church, responsible for doctrinal purity, strategy, and the execution of Hextor’s will.
  • The Battleguard: Clerics dedicated to the defense of the faith, serving as both spiritual leaders and martial defenders of Hextor's temples and followers.
  • The Scourges of Hextor: Crusaders and military leaders charged with leading the Church’s armies in battle, they embody Hextor’s martial aspirations.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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