Hextor Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Hextor, god of War, Discord, Massacres, Conflict, Fitness, and Tyranny
Scourge of Battle, Champion of Evil, Herald of Hell

The Harbinger of War and Tyranny

Hextor, the Oeridian Oerid god of War, Discord, Massacres, Conflict, Fitness, and Tyranny, is a deity that embodies the harsh realities of power and dominance. Revered and feared in equal measure, Hextor's influence extends across the Flanaess, shaping the destinies of nations and individuals alike.


Hextor's origins tie him closely to the pantheon of Oeridian gods, marking him as a being of immense power and ambition. His very essence is a testament to the unyielding force of will and the inexorable march of conflict.
  • Portrayal: With six arms, gray skin, and tusks, Hextor is a visage of terror and might. Each of his hands wields a deadly weapon, symbolizing his dominion over war and destruction.


Hextor's dual forms speak to his complex nature, ranging from a fearsome warlord to an exemplar of dark charisma.
  • Forms: Whether as a six-armed monstrosity or a darkly handsome youth, Hextor represents the dual aspects of tyranny: brute force and cunning manipulation.


Hextor's divine relations are marked by rivalry, disdain, and occasional alliances, reflecting his multifaceted role in the pantheon.
  • Family Ties: Half-brother to Heironeous, Hextor's enmity with him defines much of his motivation and actions.
  • Divine Alliances: While generally disdainful of other deities, Hextor finds common cause with gods of similar dispositions, such as Nerull and Wee Jas.


Scourgehold, Hextor's bastion in Acheron, is a realm of eternal conflict, where legions prepare for endless war under their god's watchful eye.
  • Scourgehold: A citadel of might and oppression, standing as a testament to Hextor's vision of order forged through tyranny.


The teachings of Hextor are a grim reflection of his belief in the supremacy of power and the necessity of subjugation.
  • The Strong Prevail: Hextor's followers are taught that might makes right, and that mercy is a weakness to be exploited.
  • Order from Chaos: He advocates for a world where order is maintained through force, and dissent is crushed under the heel of tyranny.


Hextor's worship is widespread among those who embrace the dark aspects of power, from tyrants to warriors who seek dominance at any cost.
  • Followers: While many are drawn to Hextor's promise of power, a subset of his worshipers see in his tyranny a form of harsh justice.


Hextor's clerics of the Hextorian Church serve as his earthly enforcers, spreading his gospel of conflict and subjugation through word and deed.
  • Roles: From leading armies to indoctrinating the masses, Hextor's clergy are as versatile as they are ruthless.
  • Practices: Emphasizing martial prowess and unyielding discipline, they mirror their god's tyrannical nature.


Temples dedicated to Hextor are fortresses of faith, from which his clerics plot the expansion of their god's dark influence.
  • Architecture: Marked by symbols of war and tyranny, these temples stand as beacons of Hextor's power.
The rituals of Hextor's faith are bloody affirmations of his dogma, celebrating the god's martial aspects and his vision of a world ruled by the strong.
  • Blooding: A ritual of strength and sacrifice, where blood is spilled in Hextor's name.
  • Discordsmight: A commemoration of military victories and the expansion of Hextor's domain.


Heironeous, the god of Chivalry and Justice, is Hextor's sworn enemy. Their eternal conflict epitomizes the struggle between tyranny and freedom, oppression, and valor.   In the worship of Hextor, followers are drawn into a world where power is the ultimate truth, and the path to divinity is paved with the subjugation of the weak. Through rituals, dogma, and the iron will of his clergy, Hextor's influence spreads, a shadow of war and tyranny that threatens to engulf the lands under his gaze.

Hextor's Priesthood as Cleric/Assassins

Priests of Hextor receive training that is both clerical and martial, with a significant emphasis on the art of assassination. This dual path reflects Hextor's domains of war and discord, as well as his tyrannical approach to power and order. From an early stage, these clerics are indoctrinated into a life of obedience and are taught to eliminate any who oppose Hextor's doctrines or stand in the way of his church's ambitions.
Progression as Assassins
The clerics of Hextor begin to manifest their assassin skills as they advance in their service. The progression is structured as follows:
  • 6th Cleric Order: 1st-level Assassin: Upon initiation, clerics are introduced to the basics of stealth and targeted killing.
  • 8th Cleric Order: 2nd-level Assassin: With increased experience, they hone their skills in silence and efficiency.
  • 10th Cleric Order: 3rd-level Assassin: Clerics are now adept at more complex assassination techniques and strategies.
  • 12th Cleric Order: 4th-level Assassin: Mastery over the art of disguise and infiltration is achieved, making them formidable agents.
  • 14th Cleric Order: 5th-level Assassin: Advanced assassination techniques are perfected, including the use of poisons.
  • 16th Cleric Order: 6th-level Assassin: At this pinnacle of their training, they function as highly skilled assassin, feared and respected within the ranks of Hextor's followers.
Command and Weapon Proficiencies
Upon reaching the 6th level, clerics of Hextor essentially operate as multi-classed cleric/assassins, excluding the division of experience points. Their training allows them the use of edged iron weapons, which is uncommon among clerics of other deities but essential for the execution of their lethal duties. This weaponry, combined with their divine powers, makes them exceptionally dangerous.

Role within the Church

These cleric/assassins serve as Hextor's enforcers, carrying out his will with absolute precision and no moral reservations. They are integral to maintaining the church's power, often deployed to eliminate threats, secure strategic advantages, and spread the influence of Hextor through fear and subterfuge. Their existence within the church underscores the darker aspects of Hextor's worship—unyielding in pursuit of power, merciless in the face of opposition, and always prepared to remove obstacles through death and assassination.
Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: a black, spiked gauntlet holding six arrows
Realm: Infernal Battlefield of Acheron
Domains: Competition, Destruction, Domination, Evil, Law, Tyranny, War
Speciality Cleric spells
  • Clerics of the 1st order: +1 bonus to Strength
  • Clerics of the 3rd order: may fight with two handed weapons with no attack roll penalty.
  • Clerics of the 5th order: ray of enfeeblment(W2)
  • Clerics of the 9th order: once per day, double damage in melee one round/level.
  • Divine Classification
    Intermediate god
    Lawful evil
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Let the world tremble before the march of our legions, for in tyranny, truth is forged."
    "To obey is to survive; to command is to thrive. Such is the creed of Hextor."
    Aligned Organization
    Hextor symbol by 3orcs

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Hextor by 3orcs


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