Holdefer Paravis Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Holdefer Paravis

The Great Druid

Guardian of the Gnarley

Holdefer Paravis, the Great Druid overseeing the region encompassing the Dominion of Greyhawk, epitomizes the dedication and influence wielded by the highest echelons of the Old Faith's hierarchy. Her ascension from Archdruid to Great Druid at the summer solstice, marked by an impressive feat involving fireflies, underscores her deep connection to nature and her innovative spirit.  

Guardian of Nature and Lore

  • Sanctuary in the Trees: Holdefer's treehouse, located 15 miles east of Beltander, is more than a dwelling; it is a sanctuary that embodies her connection to the earth and its creatures. The presence of brownies, hawks, and bears as guardians underscores her role as a protector of the forest and its inhabitants.
  • Counselor and Ally: The respect Holdefer commands is evident in the trust placed in her by the Ranger Knights and the swanmays. They approach her for guidance, support, and the sharing of vital information, underscoring her importance in the fabric of the forest's community.

The Bards of the Gnarley

  • Oral Folklore and Tales: The druids of the Gnarley, with Holdefer at their helm, are often celebrated as "the bards of the Gnarley." This title highlights their dedication to preserving the rich oral history and folklore of the region. Through stories and tales, they keep the ancient wisdom and traditions alive, fostering a cultural heritage that transcends generations.
  • Musical Proficiencies: Many of Holdefer's followers are skilled in singing and playing musical instruments, particularly those of the stringed variety. This artistic expression is another facet of their role as preservers of culture, using music and song to convey the stories and lessons of the natural world.

Background and Abilities

  • Ancient Suloise Heritage: Paravis, translating to "the Feathered" in Ancient Suloise, hints at her mystical connection to the natural world and its creatures.
  • Residence: Making her home within the verdant expanse of the Gnarley Forest, Holdefer maintains strong alliances with the rangers, the Swanmay of the Gnarley Forest, and the fey communities.
  • Thousand Faces Ability: Known for her versatility and secrecy, Holdefer frequently uses her ability to assume various guises, favoring that of a half-elven bard. This allows her to traverse the lands, gather tales, and preserve the oral history of the region while keeping a watchful eye on her domain.

Initiatives and Alliances

  • Reclamation of Megalithic Circles: Holdefer's first act as Great Druid involved the restoration of several ancient stone circles, signaling her commitment to revitalizing the Old Faith's sacred sites and reconnecting with the land's spiritual roots.
  • Collaboration with Nature: The restoration efforts have drawn the attention and support of the local fauna and fey, reinforcing the symbiotic relationship between the druids and the natural inhabitants of the Gnarley Forest.
  • Observation and Diplomacy: While the Greyhawk militia remains wary of Holdefer's intentions, her current focus on rejuvenation rather than confrontation speaks to a strategy of careful observation and potential diplomacy.

Vision and Challenges

  • Preservation of Ancient Forests: Holdefer's dedication to reclaiming and protecting the Gnarley Forest's ancient places of power reflects a broader vision for the preservation of natural sanctuaries against external encroachments.
  • Balancing Influence: As she navigates her role, Holdefer must balance the Old Faith's traditions with the modern realities of the Dominion of Greyhawk, ensuring that her efforts to safeguard the forest do not escalate into open conflict.
  • Cultivating Alliances: Her relationships with the rangers, fey, and other forest denizens will be crucial in maintaining the balance and health of the Gnarley Forest, leveraging these alliances to foster a unified front in defense of the natural world.


Holdefer Paravis's rise to the rank of Great Druid heralds a new era for the The Old Faith in the region surrounding the Dominion of Greyhawk. Her innovative leadership, coupled with a profound connection to nature and a knack for diplomacy, positions her as a key guardian of the Gnarley Forest and its ancient mysteries. As she continues to watch over her domain and advocate for the preservation of its sacred groves and stone circles, Holdefer's influence is sure to leave an indelible mark on the landscape and the Old Faith's legacy.
Arch Druid: level 15
Dominion: Greyhawk region
Location: Beltander, Gnarley Forest
Until 591cy Hildefer held the rank of Archdruid, but she won the challenge against the former Great Druid at the summer solstice, when she collected more fireflies (1,526 to be exact) in a single night.
Year of Birth
548 28 Years old
shimmer brown and gold flecks
rich browns intertwined with glints of gold
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Guardians of the grove, stewards of the story."
Aligned Organization
Holdefer Physical Description
  • Stature and Bearing: Holdefer stands with an effortless grace, her posture embodying the strength and resilience of the ancient trees of the Gnarley Forest. She moves with the fluidity and purpose of a river, her every gesture resonating with the quiet power of the earth.
  • Facial Features: Her face is a harmonious blend of wisdom and kindness, with keen, observant eyes that reflect the verdant hues of the forest. A gentle smile often graces her lips, inviting trust and openness from those she encounters.
  • Hair and Complexion: Her hair cascades like a waterfall, with shades that echo the autumn leaves—rich browns intertwined with glints of gold, capturing the light with every movement. Her skin holds the glow of the earth, a warm tone that speaks of her life spent under the canopy and in the open fields.
  • Attire: Holdefer is often adorned in garments that blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings of her forest home. Her robes are of deep greens and browns, embroidered with motifs of oak leaves, holly, and mistletoe, symbolizing her deep connection to the Old Faith and its traditions.
  • Accessories: She may wear simple, yet significant jewelry—pendants and rings crafted from natural materials such as wood, stone, and precious ores found within the Gnarley Forest. Each piece holds a story or a blessing, further linking her to the land she protects.
Holdefer's presence is a testament to her role as the Great Druid; she embodies the serene majesty of the natural world, yet her eyes hint at the formidable power she wields in defense of the balance of nature. Through her physical appearance, Holdefer inspires both reverence and a profound sense of peace, reflecting the essence of the Old Faith she upholds.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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