Incabulos Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Black Rider, the Evilsent

Incabulos is the god of Plagues, Sickness, Famine, Nightmares, Drought, and Disasters
Incabulos, known as the Black Rider, embodies all that is cruel and inevitable. As the god of Plagues, Sickness, Famine, Nightmares, Drought, and Disasters, his name is whispered in hushed tones, a dark invocation to stave off misfortune. With an aura of fear and decay, he looms over the Flanaess, a specter that few dare worship openly yet many seek to appease. His followers, few but fervent, revel in the spread of affliction and despair, seeing in their deity's grim portfolio the inescapable truths of existence. Where hope dwindles, Incabulos's influence grows, and it is in this shadow that his presence is most acutely felt. His is a doctrine of dread, where the only prayer is one for a swift end to the suffering he so delights in dispensing.

Fearsome Visage

  • Appearance: A monstrous entity with blue-tinged skin, skeletal hands, and a nightmarish face
  • Attire: Black robe lined with sickly orange, trimmed with moss green
  • Companions: Rides a nightmare, often flanked by night hags or hordlings

Relations Among the Divine

  • Allies: None, except a mutual understanding with Nerull, the Reaper
  • Enemies: All other deities, especially those representing healing and prosperity
  • Fear: Incabulos's presence instills dread across all realms, including the Abyss and Baator

Dreadful Domain

  • Realm: Charnelhouse in Gray Waste's Oinos
  • Description: A ghastly land filled with decay and manifestations of fear

Doctrine of Despair

  • Teaching: Incabulos thrives on the suffering caused by illness and calamity
  • Offerings: Usually black candles, symbolic of appeasement and dread
  • Spread of Influence: Through the dissemination of plagues and panic

Cultists and Consecrated

  • Followers: A small cadre that includes the desperate and the wicked
  • Priesthood: Paranoia and secrecy, with robes of black and orange
  • Relationship with Other Faiths: Wary respect with Nerull's clergy, open hostility with others

Ceremonies of Corruption

  • Worship: Conducted in near-darkness with haunting chants
  • Celebrations: Praising the infliction of suffering and calamities
  • Iniquity Prayers: Beseeching for the proliferation of evils

Hidden Havens

  • Temples: Concealed, often subterranean or in forsaken places
  • Notable Temples: Erelhei-Cinlu, among others less spoken of

Parables of Perniciousness

  • The Cursed Giants: A tale of Incabulos's spite, giving rise to rot giants
  • The Spread of Suffering: Stories of his blights spreading across lands, a warning to all.

The Clerical Hierarchy

The clergy of Incabulos are the shadowed shepherds of suffering, clad in robes as dark as midnight and as orange as the fading light of dusk. They tread a clandestine path through the world, shrouded in secrecy and guided by a profound paranoia, ever fearful of the retribution that comes from the wrathful and the healthy. These priests derive a twisted joy from the afflictions they spread and the agony they cultivate, their very presence an omen of blight and calamity. Yet within the sacred silence of their hidden temples, they don the eye of possession—a symbol of their deity's watchful gaze—cast in verdigrised bronze, its glare punctuating the solemn darkness. United in their dread purpose, yet isolated by it, the clerics of Incabulos remain ever vigilant, ever waiting, for the next opportunity to unleash their grim sacraments upon an unsuspecting world.
  • Novitiates: Newly initiated, garbed in dark hues, learn the art of subtlety and secrecy
  • Spreaders of Squalor: Those entrusted with venturing forth to sow the seeds of plague
  • Keepers of the Black Candle: Senior members tasked with maintaining the temples and leading dark rituals
  • Harbingers of the Evilsent: High priests who commune directly with Incabulos, leading the most heinous of ceremonies


Through this extensive insight into Incabulos, the Black Rider, one understands the somber and secretive world of his followers, who operate from the shadows, bringing forth the malevolent will of their dread deity.
Unholy Symbol: magic icon called the Eye of Possession, a green eye in a red diamond
Realm: Gray Waste of Hades
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Dream, Hunger, Madness, Pestilence
Speciality Clerics
  • Clerics of the 1st Circle of Death: 20% resistance to all diseases and slimes, +2% per level
  • Cleric of the 5th Circle of Death: hypnotism, at -2 levels
  • Clerics of the 8th Circle of Death: permanent sleep by touch, 1-segment casting time, save vs. spell at -3 to negate
  • TurnUndead: Command
Divine Classification
Greater god
Neutral evil
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Through famine, plague, and darkest blight, we walk the path devoid of light."
"From Incabulos's withered hand, flows the woe of mortal land."
Incabulos Symbo by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Incabulos by 3orcs


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