Nerull Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Nerull, greater god of Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld
The Reaper, Foe of all Good, Hater of Life, Bringer of Darkness   Nerull, the Flan god of Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld, casts a long shadow across countless worlds. Known by many names—Reaper, Foe of All Good, Hater of Life, Bringer of Darkness—Nerull is a deity whose very mention inspires fear and dread.


Nerull's ancient origins and the breadth of his worship across worlds highlight his enduring influence. As a figure of death and darkness, he has woven his essence into the fabric of countless societies, becoming a pivotal force in the pantheon of gods.


Nerull's interactions with other deities reflect his dominion over death, darkness, and the desire for power. Unlike gods of more benevolent or neutral alignments, Nerull's alliances and enmities are shaped by his overarching goal of expanding his reign over the dead and undead alike.
Faluzure: Nerull maintains a tenuous alliance with Faluzure, a deity associated with dragon death and decay. This alliance is grounded in their shared interest in death, albeit from different perspectives.
  • Hextor: With Hextor, the god of war and discord, Nerull shares a similarly uneasy alliance. Their relationship is based on mutual respect for each other's strength and the roles they play in the cycle of life and death.
Respectful Acquaintances
  • Incabulos: Nerull holds a form of respect for Incabulos, the god of plagues and nightmares, acknowledging the latter's role in initiating the processes of death and decay that Nerull ultimately completes. Despite this respect, their followers rarely collaborate unless united against a common threat.
Divine Manipulations and Rivalries
  • Kyuss: Demonstrating his influence and ambition, Nerull sponsored the ascension of his mortal follower, Kyuss, to godhood. This act showcases Nerull's willingness to extend his reach and power through carefully chosen servants.
  • Mellifleur: Nerull harbors a desire for vengeance against Mellifleur, who usurped divine energy intended for one of Nerull's devotees. This conflict underscores Nerull's protective nature over his domain and his intolerance for betrayal.
Seasonal Mythology
Obad-Hai: According to myth, Nerull slays Obad-Hai, the god of nature, every winter. This act symbolizes the annual triumph of death and dormancy over life and growth, further cementing Nerull's role as the harbinger of death and the end.


  • Dogma: Nerull's followers embrace murder as a sacred act, believing it pleases their god and ensures their reward in the afterlife.
  • Symbol: A skull and scythe represent Nerull, embodying his role as the harvester of souls.

Culture and Lore

  • Description: Often depicted as a black-robed skeleton with a rust-red body and green, ropy hair, wielding the scythe-bladed staff, Lifecutter.
  • Realm: Resides in Carceri, in realms such as the Crypt or Necromanteion, a citadel of horrors where souls are trapped and tormented.

Church Organization

  • Clergy: Known as cold, calculating murderers, Nerull's clerics operate in secrecy, feared by all. Notable clerics include Delglath and Guiliana Mortidus.
  • Initiation: Aspiring priests undergo a terrifying initiation, including being buried alive.


  • Temples: Nerull's temples are hidden, often underground, reflecting his domain of darkness. In lands like Rel Astra, temples openly worship him.
  • Cults: Various cults, such as the Shriven Sickle and the Midnight Darkness, conduct his sinister bidding across the lands.


  • Roles and Duties: Clerics serve Nerull through acts of murder and subterfuge, often donning rust-red robes when not in disguise.
  • Organization: Largely solitary and secretive, Nerull's clergy rarely gathers, save for in dark rituals or under the banner of powerful cults.


  • Design and Location: Reflecting Nerull's dark dominion, temples are usually subterranean, shrouded in secrecy, and found only in the vilest of lands.
  • Cult Activities: Engage in murder, rituals of fear, and warfare against the followers of other deities.


  • Worship Practices: Services are held in absolute darkness, featuring litanies of fear, suffering, and homage through murder.
  • Holy Days: The Blood Moon Festival is a night of dark celebration and sacrifice.

Myths and Legends

  • Obad-hai and the Coming of Winter: A tale from the Old Faith depicts Nerull's role in the cycle of seasons, slaying Obad-hai to bring winter, only for the cycle of rebirth to begin anew in spring.

Dawn Wars and the Rise of Nerull

Nerull's transformation from a mortal wizard to the god of Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld is a tale of ambition, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of power. His journey begins in the era of the Dawn War, marking his ascent to divine status and his role in shaping the cosmos.
  • Human Wizard: Originally a human wizard, Nerull was among the first non-elves to learn arcane magic directly from Corellon Larethian.
  • Involvement in the Dawn War: His participation in the war against the primordials was pivotal, fueling his obsession with mortality and the dead.
Discovery and Betrayal
  • Creation of Necromancy: Nerull's study of mortality led to the foundation of necromancy, a school of magic he believed could turn the tide in the Dawn War.
  • Rejection by Aurom: The original god of the dead, Aurom, rejected Nerull's use of the dead, sparking Nerull's fury and setting him on a dark path.
Ascension to Godhood
  • Murder of Aurom: In a surprise assault, Nerull killed Aurom, seizing his power over death and the dead.
  • Claiming the Portfolios: By distributing Aurom's other portfolios among the gods, Nerull secured his place in the pantheon, despite viewing such acts as concessions of weakness.
Reign of the Reaper
  • Pluton: Choosing the astral domain of Pluton as his realm, Nerull aimed to reign supreme over all gods by amassing the power of mortal souls.
  • The Reaper and Hater of Life: Through blights and plagues, Nerull sought to increase death in the mortal realm, earning his infamous titles.
Impact and Legacy
Nerull's actions during and after the Dawn War had profound implications for the cosmos and the balance of life and death.
  • Necromancy: His establishment of necromancy as a magical discipline forever altered the arcane landscape, introducing a dark art that would be both feared and coveted.
  • The Cosmic Balance: By usurping Aurom's role, Nerull introduced a more sinister aspect to death, emphasizing its use as a tool for power and domination.
  • The Cult of Nerull: His worshipers, drawn by the allure of dark magic and the promise of power over death, perpetuate Nerull's legacy, spreading fear and darkness in his name.
Nerull's rise from a mortal wizard to a deity encapsulates the themes of ambition, betrayal, and the quest for power. His influence on the pantheon, the mortal realm, and the very fabric of magic underscores his role as a pivotal figure in the mythology of Greyhawk, embodying the darkest aspects of death and the underworld.
Flan Pantheon
Unholy Symbol: skull and scythe
Realm: Tarterian Depths of Carceri
Domains: Death, Evil, Pestilence, Trickery
Speciality Clerics
  • Cleric of the 1st order: Surprised only on a 1
  • Cleric of the 6th order: Evard’s Black Tentacles
  • Cleric of the 12th order: Destruction 1/week
  • Cleric of all orders: TurnUndead Command
  • Divine Classification
    Greater god
    Neutral evil
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "In the shadow of death, we find the true measure of all things."
    "Nerull's embrace is inevitable; to resist is to deny the cycle of existence."
    Aligned Organization
    Nerull unholy symbol by 3orcs
    Prayer to Nerull
    O Shadowed Reaper, Lord of the Endless Night, Whose scythe cleaves soul from flesh, whose might Commands the silent march of death's domain, Hear now your servant's reverent refrain.     From the abyss, I call, with heart laid bare, For the unholy power that is your care. Grant me, O Nerull, your dread favor’s boon, Under the pallid glow of the blood moon.     Let Lifecutter’s edge, in scarlet glow, be mine, To wield in your name, divine and malign. Bestow upon me strength to rend and tear, To sow the seeds of despair everywhere.     May my path be strewn with the bones of the meek, As I, your faithful, your dark blessings seek. Through whispered fear and the chill of the grave, Make me your instrument, steadfast and brave.     In your hallowed silence, my soul thrives, Dedicated to you, beyond mortal lives. Nerull, accept this plea, my dark devotion, As I embrace your will, with deep emotion.     By your grace, let the shadows deeper fall, And in death’s sweet embrace, heed your call. As the keeper of secrets that death holds tight, Empower me to spread your eternal night.

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Nerull by 3orcs


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