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Laduguer, god of Duergar, magic, crafts
The Exile, the Gray Protector, Master of Crafts, the Slave Driver, the Taskmaster, the Harsh   Laduguer, the deity revered by the duergar or gray dwarves, embodies the harsher aspects of dwarf culture, representing the unforgiving and stern nature of those who dwell in the Underdark. Known as the Taskmaster, Laduguer's teachings and guidance are marked by rigorous discipline and a demanding ethos that expects nothing short of complete dedication and toil from his followers. This article delves into the lore, relationships, and motivations of this lesser-known but formidable figure within the dwarven pantheon.

Grim Lord of the Deep

  • Physical Description: Laduguer manifests as a tall, gaunt duergar with skin tones that shift from gray to brown, blending into the stony surroundings of the Underdark. His bald head and perpetual frown reflect his dour and joyless demeanor.
  • Attributes: A strict and unbending figure, Laduguer’s ethos is rooted in lawfulness and efficiency, holding a disdain for any form of laziness or indolence which he perceives in other dwarf gods.

Fractured Ties and Solitary Path

  • Exile from the Morndinsamman: Once a part of the dwarven pantheon, Laduguer chose self-exile following a severe conflict over principles with his kin. This act marked his transformation into a deity with unique doctrines, isolated from his brethren.
  • Alignment and Domain: While inherently evil, his malevolence is more self-directed, manifesting as bitterness and resentment towards those he believes have slighted him. His dominion extends over protection through warding magic, particularly for his hard-working followers.

Political Intrigues and Alliances

  • Alliance with Elemental Forces: Laduguer’s significant ally is Grumbar, the Earth Elemental Boss, highlighting his connection to the elemental forces rather than divine entities.
  • Conflict and Consequences: His extensive list of adversaries includes notable figures across various pantheons, emphasizing his contentious nature. This includes past alliances turned sour, like the one with Lolth, which ended due to conflicts over territory and resources, intensifying his isolation.
  • Blibdoolpoolp: The goddess of the kuo-toa views the expansion of duergar territory as a threat to her underwater realms.
  • The Blood Queen: Conflicts arise from her chaotic nature and opposition to the rigid order that Laduguer imposes on his followers.
  • Callarduran Smoothhands: Represents the deep gnomes who often compete with the duergar for subterranean resources.
  • Diinkarazan and Diirinka: These derro gods oppose Laduguer due to ancient grievances and the general malevolence of their natures.
  • The Great Mother: Her monstrous creations often come into conflict with the duergar, who are staunch defenders of their territories.
  • Gzemnid: This beholder god's secretive and manipulative nature is at odds with Laduguer’s straightforward and honest harshness.
  • Ilsensine: The illithid god represents a direct threat to duergar communities, which Laduguer is sworn to protect.
  • Ilxendren: The aboleth deity clashes with Laduguer over underdark waters and the control of subterranean spaces.
  • Laogzed: This troglodyte deity’s chaotic and destructive followers often battle duergar in the depths, leading to enmity.
  • Maanzecorian (dead): Even though deceased, the conflicts with this illithid god’s legacy and creations persist.
  • Orcus: As a principal deity of undeath and necromancy, he stands against everything Laduguer, as a protector of the dwarven dead, stands for.
  • Psilofyr: The myconid deity and Laduguer have competing interests in the underdark, particularly around fungal and spore-driven life forms versus mineral wealth.
  • Urdlen: The evil gnome god’s chaotic and malicious actions are a direct affront to Laduguer’s order and structure.
  • Drow Pantheon: Almost universally, the drow Dark Elves and their deities are enemies to the duergar and Laduguer due to endless territorial and resource conflicts in the underdark.
  • Dwarven Pantheon: Except for Dugmaren Brightmantle, who shares a semblance of respect for knowledge and craft, all other dwarven gods are seen as part of the pantheon that ostracized him.

A Reflection of Duergar Society

  • Patron of the Duergar: Laduguer’s teachings mirror the grim and resilient spirit of the duergar community, emphasizing survival through strict discipline and the mastery of magical crafts, particularly in weapon making.
  • Protector and Punisher: He rewards diligence and punishes slackness among his followers, using his powers to safeguard duergar communities that abide by his stringent rules.

The Grim Dominion of Laduguer

Laduguer's dark and formidable realm, Hammergrim, epitomizes the stark militarism and relentless discipline that define his followers. Located on the plane of Acheron, a dimension where endless battles rage across floating iron cubes, Hammergrim is a fortress made from martial refuse. This hall, known as Forgegloom, is as foreboding as it sounds, constructed entirely from armor, shields, weapons, and remnants of war, symbolizing eternal conflict and resilience.
  • Hammergrim: The walls of Forgegloom are built with martial debris, representing the constant warfare of its plane.
  • Isolation Mechanism: The fortress has no doors or windows, appearing completely sealed unless Laduguer wills it otherwise, emphasizing the isolation and exclusivity of his domain.

Unyielding Doctrine

Dogma of Laduguer
Teachings and Beliefs
Laduguer's dogma is a reflection of his stern and uncompromising nature, focusing on absolute obedience, relentless toil, and the disdain for ease and comfort. His teachings are a testament to the harsh lives of the duergar, molding them into resilient and formidable beings through adversity and discipline.
  • Superior Obedience: Emphasizes that superiors must be obeyed without question or delay.
  • Life's Hardships: Advocates for a life of endless labor and hardship, viewing ease and leisure as sinful.
  • Stoicism and Isolation: Encourages followers to endure suffering stoically and maintain distance from other, "weaker" dwarven races.

Followers of the Gray Protector

While primarily revered by the duergar, Laduguer's influence sometimes reaches beyond his immediate followers, answering the prayers of dwarves who share his values of strength through adversity.

The Austere Clergy of Laduguer

Priesthood and Duties
The clergy of Laduguer, known as thuldors, are central to the governance and protection of duergar communities. Their initiation and life are marked by severe trials and strict discipline, reflecting Laduguer's uncompromising nature.
  • Clerical Attire and Symbols: Thuldors wear heavy armor and gray hooded mantles, with Laduguer's symbol branded on their foreheads.
  • Protective and Authoritarian Role: They are tasked with protecting their communities, often using traps, and maintaining strict order.
  • Artisan Skills: Despite their stern martial focus, many thuldors are also skilled craftsmen, especially those who are older or less physically robust.

Temples of the Gray Protector

Design and Function
Laduguer's temples are stark and functional, devoid of decoration and equipped with facilities for imprisonment, torture, and combat training, underscoring the grim and unyielding nature of his worship.

Rituals and Observances

Spartan Practices
Laduguer's rituals are minimalistic and functional, mirroring his philosophy that nothing should detract from the essential tasks of labor and warfare. His few rites are intensely rigorous, aiming to awaken and harness ancient evils.
  • Quests and Prayers: Focus on awakening long-buried evils and controlling them for the duergar's benefit.
  • Ritualistic Simplicity: Emphasizes repetitive, simple prayers and eschews formal ceremonies in favor of direct action and work.

Solemn Observances: Holy Days of Laduguer

The Ceremony of Grimtidings
The most significant holy day in the Ladugueran calendar is the Winter Solstice, known among the duergar as the day of Grimtidings. This is a day marked by reflection, renewal of vows, and the collective remembrance of their historical grievances and exile, emphasizing their separation and distinction from other dwarven societies.
  • Reflection and Vengeance: Duergar cease all labor to reflect on their history and the perceived decadence of other dwarves, reinforcing their identity and resolve.
  • Praise and Oath: They praise Laduguer for his guardianship and craftsmanship, reaffirming their allegiance and swearing vengeance against those who have wronged their deity and people.

Mythos of Creation: Legends of Laduguer

The Legend of the Creator
Laduguer's mythos portrays him not only as a creator but as the embodiment of creation itself, formed from the primordial desire to forge and craft. This legend underscores the fundamental aspects of duergar theology — their god as the supreme creator and their race as his first and most perfect creation.
  • Self-Creation: According to duergar theology, Laduguer forged himself from the void's desire to create, embodying creation's purest essence.
  • The First Race: He then created the duergar, intended to be the perfect dwellers of the world, living in harmony under his guidance.

The Tale of the Lone Craftsman

This myth serves as a cautionary tale among the duergar, emphasizing the dangers of pride and the unauthorized use of creative powers. It explains the origin of other races and the derro, attributing their creation to the hubris of a single dwarf.
  • Creation of Other Races: The Lone Craftsman, in his hubris, attempted to mimic Laduguer’s creative prowess but only managed to create flawed beings — the progenitors of elves, humans, giants, and other races.
  • Punishment and Derro: As punishment for his audacity, the Lone Craftsman was struck with eternal madness, becoming the first derro, thus establishing a narrative of inherent superiority and purity among the duergar.

The Exile: A Foundational Narrative

The Story of Exile
The narrative of exile is pivotal in duergar culture, portraying their departure from the dwarven pantheon as a noble sacrifice to remain loyal to Laduguer. This story reinforces their identity as a people set apart, bound together by shared loyalty and faith.
  • Division and Departure: When the other dwarven gods divided the spheres of divine influence, Laduguer was left without a domain, prompting his voluntary exile from the pantheon.
  • Loyalty and Follow-through: The duergar, ever faithful, followed Laduguer into exile, illustrating their profound loyalty and the depth of their devotion to their god.
  Dwarven Pantheon
Holy symbol: a shield with a broken crossbow bolt motif
Realm: Infernal Battlefield of Acheron
Domains: Domination, Evil, Law, Magic, Mind, Protection
Speciality Cleric
  • Clerics: TurnUndead -4 levels
  • Cleric of the 1st Thuldor: -1 to natural AC
  • Cleric of the 2nd Thuldor: use d6 for hit dice
  • Cleric of the 3rd Thuldor: meld into stone
  • Cleric of the 7th Thuldor: +1 to all saves
  • Cleric of the 9th Thuldor: wall of stone
Divine Classification
Intermediate god
Lawful evil (LN)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Forge in Adversity."
"Obedience Breeds Order."
"Guard the Depths, Guard the Faith."
Laduguer holy symbol by 3orcs
Hierarchy of the Clergy
Reflecting the structured and rigid nature of his worship, each level increasing in responsibility and reverence within the duergar community:
  • Untempered - Novices who are yet to prove their resilience and adherence to Laduguer's harsh doctrines.
  • Deep Adept - Junior clerics who have demonstrated basic understanding and commitment to the god's teachings.
  • Dark Craftsman - Skilled members who contribute significantly to the crafting and economic strength of their community.
  • Invisible Artisan - Clerics who work silently behind the scenes, strengthening their society without seeking personal glory.
  • Rune Weaver - Those who have mastered the art of rune crafting, blending magic with physical creation to serve the community.
  • Grim Guardian - Protectors of the faith and its followers, often serving as military leaders or defenders of duergar strongholds.
  • Doom Knight - Elite warriors of the church, tasked with the most dangerous missions and upholding the strictest of Laduguer’s commandments.
  • Grimcloak - Senior clergy who oversee large regions or important projects, wielding significant political and religious power.
  • Arduke of the Gray Gloom - The highest clerical title, held by the chief religious leader among the duergar, directly interpreting Laduguer’s will and guiding the entire religious community.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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