Savra Haxx Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Savra Haxx

A Feathergale Knight’s Defiance

Born into the affluent and politically potent House Haxx of Verbobonc, Savra Haxx grew up amidst wealth, influence, and the complex web of noble politics. Yet, unlike her kin, she harbored a deep-seated aversion to her family's exploitative use of legal manipulations for personal gain. This disillusionment paved the way for a radical shift in her life’s trajectory.

History and Motivation

Savra's journey into the heart of the Feathergale Society began at a noble gathering, where she encountered Thurl Merosska. Charmed by his vision of power and order, Savra found in the Air Cult a promising escape from her family's greed. Her decision to join the Feathergale Knights was a defiant stand against the corruption she loathed, seeking to carve out a domain where her actions could reflect a higher purpose, albeit misguided by the cult's insidious ideals.   Raised with the belief in the might of her lineage, Savra idolized her father in her youth, drawing inspiration from the tales of noble valor and the religious teachings at her school. Her life was a constant quest for a place where she could manifest her idealistic beliefs, until Feathergale Spire offered her an illusory semblance of that dream.


Savra's affiliation with the Feathergale Knights represents a stark political deviation from her family’s legacy. Engulfed in the cult's hierarchy, she regards other elemental factions with disdain, considering herself part of a superior echelon destined to rule for the greater good. Yet, this elitism masks a blindness to her own moral decay, a testament to her complex entanglement in the cult's influence and her desperate bid for self-redefinition.


Savra’s personality is a tapestry of contradictions. Savra is a sociable creature first and foremost. She loves to listen to people at length before talking their ear off. She can carry on conversation for hours and will do so. She swings through moods quickly. One moment she is cool and collected, the next she is carried away by passions. Charismatic and gregarious, she thrives in social settings, wielding her conversational skills as both a sword and shield. Her emotional spectrum is volatile, oscillating between serene composure and fervent zeal. A fanatic at heart, Savra’s allegiance to the Air Cult is unwavering, a devotion that colors her perception and dictates her actions, however flawed they may be. She claims to be doing their will and will base all her actions on whether or not they would be pleasing to Thurl Merosska.

Current Struggle

The prospect of an arranged marriage to Ludovic Langmuir, orchestrated by her father and Godeleva Langmuir, is the latest in a series of personal affronts. Viewing the arrangement as a transactional betrayal, Savra’s repulsion towards Ludovic mirrors her broader contempt for her family’s values. This impending union stands as a grim symbol of the very corruption she seeks to escape, reinforcing her resolve to pursue a path markedly divergent from the expectations of her lineage.   In Savra Haxx, we find a woman torn between her noble birthright and her quest for a purpose beyond the tarnished legacy of House Haxx. Her story is a vivid reminder of the complex interplay between personal conviction and the shadows of familial legacy.  

Player Quest

Feathergale Rebel

The character has been sent to retrieve a Waterdhavian noblewoman. Savra Haxx is currently guarding the front gate of Feathergale Spire The character earns inspiration by persuading her to abandon the cult and return home, as well as for clearing the spire of air cultists.   Savra opens a small window near the gate, welcomes the characters, and courteously asks what brings them here. Savra lowers the drawbridge to allow friendly visitors entry.   If Savra has allowed the characters in, she tells the characters that they have excellent timing. She invites them to join the knights’ feast this evening, commemorating the tenth year of the Feathergale Society Savra leads the party through the tower to meet her captain, Thurl Merosska, in area S11.   Savra escorts the characters through the spire and up to the pinnacle where Thurl Merosska surveys the territory. Briefly describe any other rooms or inhabitants of the tower the characters observe on their ascent.  

Savra’s Revelation

If a character makes a strong impression on Savra and the party is on good terms with the knights, Savra looks for an opportunity to pull that character aside. Delighted with the character’s deeds, Savra confides that the Feathergale Knights have a secret mission to master elemental air to annihilate Verboboncs enemies. Savra offers to meet with Thurl to request he recruit the character into the Feathergale Knights. In doing so, she unwittingly reveals part of the knights’ secret.   Indoctrinated by the air cult, Savra’s heart and mind belong to Yan-C-Bin. If the characters defeat the cult and destroy Windvane, Savra is freed from prince’s influence and returns to her senses.
Feathergale motto is "Doing one’s duty for the realm"
Year of Birth
556 20 Years old
piercing gray
dark brown

Savra Haxx description

When you first meet Savra Haxx, her presence commands attention. Standing with an air of nobility yet defiance, she has piercing grey eyes that seem to evaluate every detail. Her hair, cascading in waves of dark brown, frames a face marked by determination and an unspoken history. Her semblance carries a mix of aristocratic grace and the ruggedness of a hard sword training, reflecting her dual life as a noble of House Haxx and a devoted Feathergale Acolyte. Her expression often holds a seriousness, hinting at the depth of her convictions and the internal struggles she faces between her family's expectations and her own choices.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Savra Haxx by 3orcs


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