House Haxx Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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House Haxx

A Pillar of Power and Prosperity in Verbobonc
House Haxx, under the astute leadership of Lord Mayor Marakios Willem Haxx, stands as a testament to ambition, strategy, and the complex interplay of politics and commerce in the Verbobonc, Viscounty of power and wealth.

Historical Foundations

  • Founding: House Haxx was established in the latter half of the 5th century CY, its fortunes initially rooted in the maritime trade.
  • Rise to Prominence: The family's ascent began with the establishment of The Gentle Tradewinds, a shipping company that quickly dominated trade routes along the Velverdyva River and beyond.

Political Clout

  • Lord Mayor Marakios Willem Haxx: At the helm of House Haxx is its scion, Lord Marakios Willem Haxx, whose influence extends well beyond the commercial sphere into the very fabric of Verbobonc's governance. 
  • Strategic Marriage: Lord Haxx's wife, Lady Seraphine Haxx, née D’Arten, comes from a lineage known for its arcane scholars. This union has subtly intertwined magic with maritime trade, further solidifying House Haxx's economic dominance.
"Loyalty to our allies and the Viscount ensures our legacy endures through the ages."

Influence and Operations

  • Merchant Marines: The Gentle Tradewinds, under Lord Haxx’s directive, operates not just as a commercial entity but as a quasi-military force, ensuring the protection of Haxx's assets and interests across the waters.
  • Tax Collection: Lord Haxx also serves as the Viscount’s tax collector, wielding considerable authority over the financial obligations of the citizenry and using this position to further his and the House's wealth. Haxx's Hardheads
"Controlling the market ensures the prosperity and security of our house and realm."

Relationship with Verbobonc

  • Nobility and the Common People: While some view House Haxx with skepticism due to its rapid rise and the aggressive tactics of its patriarch, there is no denying the prosperity it has brought to Verbobonc, especially in terms of trade and security.
  • Alliances and Rivalries: House Haxx maintains a delicate balance of alliances with other noble families and the clergy of St. Cuthbert, leveraging Lord Haxx’s devoutness to the saint. However, its mercantile practices have also bred rivalries, particularly with those edged out of the market by Haxx’s monopolistic tendencies.

Legacy and Future

  • Vision for Verbobonc: Lord Haxx envisions a city that thrives under his guidance, with the law bent to favor growth and order. His ambitions hint at further expansions of power, potentially eyeing positions even beyond the city's confines.
  • Heir Apparent: The couple is grooming their offspring, combining the cunning and resourcefulness of Lord Haxx with the arcane insight of Lady Seraphine, to take on the mantle and ensure House Haxx remains a key player in the political and economic spheres of Verbobonc.


House Haxx's narrative within Verbobonc is a compelling blend of ambition, strategy, and the pursuit of power. Its matriarch and patriarch, through their unique strengths and visions, have positioned the House as an indispensable pillar of the city's prosperity, a status they intend to maintain and expand in the years to come.

“Order and Prosperity”

"Economic strength is the foundation upon which all power is built."
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Great house
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Species

Tax Collection

House Haxx, under the leadership of Lord Mayor Marakios Willem Haxx, holds the influential role of tax collector for the Viscounty of Verbobonc. To enforce tax collection and maintain order, Lord Haxx employs a specialized group known as Haxx's Hardheads.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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