Sehanine Moonbow Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Sehanine Moonbow

Sehanine Moonbow, God of Mysticism, Dreams, Far Journeys, Death, Full Moons, Transcendence
Daughter of the Night Skies, Goddess of Moonlight, the Lunar Lady, Moonlit Mystery, the Mystic Seer, the Luminous Cloud, Lady of Dreams   Sehanine Moonbow presides over the elven afterlife and the dreamscape, earning her reverence as a guide for departed souls and a mediator of divine mysteries. Her worshippers honor her not only as a deity of the moon and dreams but as a sentinel of transitions—ushering the elven spirits through cycles of life, death, and beyond with serene grace.  

The Celestial Shepard

Sehanine Moonbow embodies the ethereal grace and mysteries that envelop the elven pantheon as a central figure among the Seldarine. Known as the Goddess of Moonlight and the Lady of Dreams, she plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the spiritual journey and afterlife of the elven people. Sehanine is revered not just for her power but for her deep involvement in the cycle of life and death, guiding elven spirits from the mortal realm to their concealed sanctuaries—places shrouded in her potent illusions to protect them from prying eyes.   Her partnership with Labelas Enoreth in overseeing the longevity and spiritual evolution of elves underscores a shared guardianship over their kin's temporal and eternal destinies. Sehanine's domain extends beyond the veil of death, offering solace and protection to souls navigating their way to reincarnation or eternal peace. This is manifest in the sacred, often private moments preceding an elf's departure from the material world, marked by prophetic visions and the mystical moonbow sign in their eyes—a phenomenon reflecting Sehanine's celestial influence.

Divine Essence

Mistress of Moonlit Mysteries
The divine visage of Sehanine is an enigma, as she embodies the elven ideal of beauty and mystery, draped in robes fashioned from pure moonlight. As fluid as the dreams she governs, her appearance can shift, reflecting the boundless nature of her celestial domain and the secrets she keeps.
  • Sehanine's form is an embodiment of eternal elven youth, cloaked in the radiance of moonlight, symbolizing the divine cycle of life and death.
  • Her mystical gown woven from moonbeams reflects her connection to the ethereal and the subconscious realm of dreams.

Alliance and Enmity

The Spectrum of Divine Relationships
Sehanine's alliances with the Seldarine and other benevolent deities underscore her role in the cosmic equilibrium between light and dark. Yet, her stark opposition to malevolent forces, particularly the drow pantheon and chaotic entities, cements her as a staunch defender against the corruption of darkness and deceit.
  • Allies in Divinity: Sehanine's allies span across realms and pantheons, including her possible consort Corellon Larethian and the broader Seldarine. Sometimes she is the sister of Labelas Enoreth, god of time, and the daughter of Corellon instead. Sometimes she is even said to be the sister of Lolth, who can be seen as representing the darkness of the new moon as Sehanine represents the light of the full moon.
  • Other allies: Friendly with many other gods, including Baravar Cloakshadow, Cyrrollalee, Dumathoin, Oberon, Segojan Earthcaller, Titania, and Urogalan.
  • Adversaries of Night: She stands in opposition to the dark powers like Lolth the drow deities, the chaotic Queen of Air and Darkness, and Gruumsh of the orc pantheon.

Sanctuary in the Stars

The Moonlit Bastion of Arvandor
Nestled in the resplendent beauty of Arborea, Sehanine's abode is as much a sanctuary as it is a bastion against existential threats. Within the Moonarch, a mystical gateway, she challenges the mettle of elven heroes, preparing them for the trials of eternity and the preservation of the elven legacy.
  • Sehanine's divine residence within the tower shared with Corellon in Arborea serves as a celestial haven, shrouded in her crafted illusions.
  • The Moonarch of Sehanine, a sacred portal, offers a glimpse into her realm where she conducts trials for the worthy.
  • Shares Corellon's tower of Gwyllachaightaeryll there, spinning webs of illusion around its many splendors.

Creed of the Crescent:

The Dogma of Dream and Destiny
Sehanine's dogma promotes an understanding of life as a prelude to a grander cosmic design, where the mysteries of existence are gradually revealed in the reverie of her followers. Emphasizing the cyclical nature of the cosmos, she calls for a deep respect for the moons, recognizing their silent pull on the elven soul.
  • Sehanine's teachings embrace the sanctity of the elven spirit's journey, where life is a series of enigmas unveiled through divine reverie.
  • Her devotees are stewards of the soul's passage, cherishing the moons' cyclical influence and embracing their spiritual ties to the celestial bodies.

Moonlit Congregation

The Disciples of Dreams
Devotees of Sehanine are often reflective, enigmatic individuals who find solace in the cycles of the moons and the divine dreams she bestows. Her congregations foster a deep-rooted tradition of respecting the natural progressions of time and spirit, encouraging each elf to embrace their destiny within the vast tapestry woven by their goddess.
  • Sehanine's followers, drawn from among the elves, share her profound connection to the heavens, seeking enlightenment through the cycles of the moons.
  • Her worship is a tapestry of tradition and transition, guiding elves through their lives and beyond with a gentle, guiding luminescence.

Worshipers of Sehanine Moonbow

Luminous Guardians Against the Dark
Worshipers combat undead, considering them an abomination, except for baelnorn and similar benevolent undead.
  • Seek enlightenment and transcendence through journeys, guided by Sehanine's divine dreams and visions.
  • Hold profound respect for the natural cycles of life and death, embracing the moon's phases as symbols of these eternal rhythms.


Mystics and Protectors
  • Veiled Hierarchy: The church's secretive structure mirrors the enigmatic nature of Sehanine herself.
  • Guardians of the Secret Path: Clerics serve not only as protectors of the physical remnants of the elven past but also as guardians of the path to the elven afterlife. They are seen as guides, leading souls to Sehanine's embrace.
  • Masters of Illusion and Divination: The clergy of Sehanine are renowned for their proficiency in illusionary magic and divinatory practices, employing these skills to conceal elven realms and foresee potential threats to their people.
Roles and Responsibilities
  • Act as spiritual guides for elves and half-elves on the brink of significant journeys or transitions.
  • Conduct funeral rites and safeguard the remains of the dead against desecration.
  • Utilize illusions and divinations to protect elven realms.
  • Arcane Quests: Embark on quests to recover lost arcane secrets, especially in the realms of illusion and divination.
  • Intermediaries of the Moon: They act as the mouthpiece of Sehanine, interpreting her will through dreams and visions. This makes them pivotal figures in elven society, offering guidance and warnings based on their interpretations.
  • Facilitators of Transcendence: Clerics facilitate the spiritual journey of elves seeking to transcend the mortal plane. Through rituals and guidance, they help prepare the soul for its journey to the hidden elven lands, ensuring a safe passage under Sehanine's watchful eye.
  • Defenders Against the Undead: With a staunch opposition to the undead, save for those like baelnorn who serve a noble purpose, Sehanine's clerics actively combat such abominations, viewing them as affronts to the natural cycle of life and death.
  • Healers of the Spirit: Beyond their mystical and combative duties, the clerics also serve as healers of the spirit, offering comfort and solace to those grieving or in despair, reflecting Sehanine's role as a guardian of the dead and guide to the afterlife.
Wardrobe of the Clergy
  • Regalia: Priestesses don silvery-white gowns, while priests wear togas; both adorn themselves with silver diadems and sashes.
  • Adventuring Clerics: Known for their elven chainmail and mirrored shields, emphasizing their role as seers and warriors against the undead.


Sanctuaries of Moonlight
  • Constructed to bathe in moonlight during full moons, with open architecture to the night sky.
  • Decorated with moonstones, silver, and surrounded by gardens of night-blooming flowers.
  • Predominantly found on the Lendore Isles, a region shrouded in mystery and strongly associated with Sehanine.


Ceremonies of Transition and Protection
  • Clerics pray for spells at night, particularly when the moons are fullest, aligning their spiritual practices with lunar cycles.
  • Ceremony of Recovery: Performed for elves who die violently, aiming to guide their spirits to Arvanaith through meditation and communion with Sehanine.
  • The appearance of a moonbow in the eyes of priests during significant rituals, symbolizing Sehanine's presence and blessing.

Holy Days of Sehanine

Celestial Celebrations
Sehanine's holy days are deeply intertwined with celestial events, particularly the phases of the moons and eclipses.
  • Lunar Hallowings: Monthly celebrations held under the full moon, featuring personal meditations, communal trances, and joyous dances until dawn.
  • Mystic Rites of the Luminous Cloud: An annual event where faithful are transformed into shimmering, silvery light, experiencing sacred mysteries.

Myths and Legends of Sehanine

Origins of the Elves
  • Creation Myth: The Seldarine meticulously crafted the elves, embedding in them unmatched potential compared to other races created by different gods.
  • Battle of Corellon and Gruumsh: As Corellon Larethian battled Gruumsh, the moon's tears empowered Corellon, leading to Gruumsh's defeat and the creation of orcs from his blood and hatred.
Moon's Tears and Elven Beauty
  • Sehanine's Aid: In some versions, Sehanine aids Corellon by using illusions to distract Gruumsh, allowing Corellon to triumph.
  • Ethereal Beauty: The infusion of the moon's tears and Corellon's blood by the Seldarine is said to be the source of the elves' ethereal beauty.
  Elven Pantheon
Holy symbol: full moon topped by a crescent-shaped haze.
Realm: Olympian Glades of Arborea
Domains: Chaos, Dream, Good, Knowledge, Oracle, Repose, Travel, Trickery
Speciality Clerics
  • Cleric of the 1st: +2 saves vs. death mag
  • Cleric of the 2nd: use d6 for hit dice
  • Cleric of the 3rd: unfravision to 120ft
  • Cleric of the 5th: starshine
  • Cleric of the 7th: moonbeam
  • Cleric of the 9th: dream 1/week
Divine Classification
Intermediate god
Chaotic good (NG)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Follow the moonlight; it leads where dreams awaken."
"Veiled mysteries unfold under Sehanine's gaze."
"Every end under the moon is but a new beginning."
"Through the darkest night, Sehanine guides our spirits."
Sehanine Moonbow holy symbol by 3orcs
Clerical Hierarchy of Sehanine Moonbow
  • Stargazer: Entry-level clerics who begin their path by studying the stars and their meanings.
  • Moondancer: Clerics who express their devotion through sacred dances under the moonlight.
  • Sky Seer: Those who interpret the will of Sehanine through the observation of the sky and celestial events.
  • Vision Seeker: Clerics dedicated to seeking visions from Sehanine to guide their actions and decisions.
  • Omen Teller: More experienced clerics who interpret omens and portents for their communities.
  • Dream Walker: Those who traverse the dreamscape to communicate with Sehanine and bring back wisdom.
  • Transcendentalist: Senior clerics focused on transcending the physical world to understand the mysteries of the universe.
  • Reverent Dreamer: The most senior clerics who embody the teachings of Sehanine and inspire their fellow elves.
  • The Heavenly: A collective term for high priests of level 9 and above, revered as the most direct messengers of Sehanine's will.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Sehanine Moonbow by 3orcs


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