Tanner BrightBlade Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Tanner BrightBlade

High Captain of Heironeous

Tanner BrightBlade, the High Captain of Heironeous in Verbobonc, exemplifies the church's martial discipline and spiritual leadership. This article explores his background, roles, and influence within the church and the broader community, revealing how his personal and professional life intertwines with his duties.
  • Role: High Captain of Heironeous in Verbobonc
  • Focus: Examines his leadership, personal history, and involvement in church and political matters.


Tanner BrightBlade is characterized by his seasoned warrior's appearance and his profound yet rare smiles, reflecting his life's trials and his commitment to duty.
  • Physical Appearance: White hair with grey streaks, mild wrinkles, sincere smile.
  • Emotional Demeanor: Typically serious, reflecting his deep sense of duty and rare emotional expressions.


From a humble village upbringing to his rise as a key figure in the The Holy Order of Heironeous , Tanner's past is marked by personal challenges and dedicated service.
  • Early Training: Learned warfare from his father alongside helping in the family business.
  • Tragedy and Resolve: Faced with his spouse's death, he dedicated himself to raising and training his son.

Relationships and Politics

As a senior church official and a liaison to secular authorities, Tanner plays a crucial role in navigating the church's relationships and political engagements.
  • Church Leadership: Serves directly under Abbot Rodolfus, involved in strategic and military planning.
  • Political Liaison Work: Connects the church with local government officials, lords, and other religious orders.
  • Support for Other Faiths: Initiates the integration of paladins into various religious communities to foster cooperation.

Motivation and Goals

Tanner is driven by a lifelong commitment to the principles of Heironeous, focusing on justice, mentorship, and community defense.
  • Core Motivations: Uphold justice, train future leaders, and protect the innocent.
  • Personal Goals: Continue his legacy through rigorous training programs and strategic leadership within the church.

Notable People

Key figures in Tanner's professional circle influence his decisions and actions within the church and the community.
  • Abbot Rodolfus : His superior and primary collaborator within the church hierarchy.
  • Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart of Verbobonc: A critical secular ally ensuring the alignment of church interests with regional governance.

Goods and Services

Under Tanner’s stewardship, the church offers a range of services that contribute to both the spiritual and physical well-being of the community.
  • Military and Spiritual Training: Provides extensive training for paladins and clerics.
  • Community Support: Engages in outreach and support activities, particularly during crises or conflicts.


Tanner BrightBlade is more than just a military leader; he is a pivotal figure whose life and work impact the fabric of Verbobonc's religious and secular communities. His dedication and strategic acumen make him a respected leader in the ongoing efforts to uphold the values of Heironeous across the viscounty.
High Captain Tanner BrightBlade
  • Paladin 11th level
  • HD11, HP 80
  • Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 16
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
543 33 Years old
White hair with grey streaks
Quotes & Catchphrases
"True leadership is not about wielding power, but about shouldering the burden of responsibility with integrity and valor."
"Preparation on the training ground is what saves lives on the battlefield. Every swing, every block, every maneuver must be a prayer to Heironeous."
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Heironeous Holy Symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Tanner Brightblade by 3orcs


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