B21 Temple of Heironeous Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B21 Temple of Heironeous

This large building resembles a military barracks. Soldiers march in unison, leaders bark out orders, trumpets sound for fighting practice, etc. The entire compound is devoted to the military training of these holy warriors. Security is very tight. No one is allowed into the compound/building who is not righteous in Heironeous eye (there are wards that sound alarms when anyone enters who is not Lawful and Good). Some of the innermost chambers are even protected against scrying. Guards are constantly on duty. The temple hall itself is full of images of glorious battles; stained glass depicting holy wars, huge marble statues of valiant warriors, tapestries with pictures of chivalric acts, etc.

Temple of Heironeous in Verbobonc

Located in the bustling Business District of Verbobonc, the Temple of Heironeous stands as a bastion of law and goodness, dedicated to the God of Justice. This article delves into the detailed lore, history, and operation of the temple, highlighting its unique architecture, military discipline, and the services it provides to the community and its followers.


The temple's structure resembles a military barracks, filled with disciplined soldiers and adorned with war-themed art. It emphasizes high security, featuring magical wards and vigilant guards to ensure only those of Lawful Good alignment can enter, maintaining a sacred and secure environment.
  • Architecture: The temple resembles a military barracks, showcasing a disciplined and orderly environment. It features:
  • Training: Soldiers performing drills and leaders issuing commands.
  • Hall of War: A Temple hall adorned with images of glorious battles, including stained glass depicting holy wars and marble statues of valiant warriors.
  • Security: Exceptionally high, with magical wards that alarm upon entry of anyone not Lawful and Good. Certain areas are protected against scrying, and guards are always on duty.


Originally founded as a training ground for paladins and priests, the temple has evolved to serve dual purposes, including acting as temporary barracks for Verbobonc's armies. Its history is marked by a steadfast dedication to preparing its adherents for both spiritual and physical conflicts.
  • Founding: Established to serve as a training ground for paladins and priests of Heironeous, ensuring they are prepared for both spiritual and physical warfare.
  • Evolution: Over the years, the temple has grown in size and influence, often doubling as barracks for the city's armies and a training ground for the paladins.

Relationships and Politics

The temple maintains a cooperative relationship with the local government of Verbobonc, often providing military support. Although primarily dedicated to Heironeous, it occasionally collaborates with followers of other lawful good deities, reinforcing its political and spiritual influence in the region.
  • Local Government: Maintains strong relations with Verbobonc's government, often providing military support and training services.
  • Other Religious Orders: While primarily focused on Heironeous, the temple occasionally collaborates with other lawful good deities' followers.
Church of Heironeous is committed to fortifying its presence and outreach within Verbobonc, fostering an environment of trust and valor, guided by the principles of their deity.
  • Security and Integrity: Strengthening internal checks and maintaining doctrinal purity to prevent infiltration and maintain the moral high ground.
  • Community and Influence: Continuing to expand its influence, particularly in regions under the patronage of devout followers like Baron Rollof Avgustin, enhancing the church’s teachings and community services.

Membership and Relations

Characterized predominantly by clerics and paladins, the Church of Heironeous values martial prowess and spiritual leadership, welcoming those skilled in combat and leadership within its ranks.
  • Core Members: Primarily composed of priests, defined as characters with most levels in Cleric or Paladin classes.
  • Welcoming Warriors: The inclusion of marshals and knights, especially valued in the Brotherhood of the Lance Unbroken for their mounted combat skills.
  • Interfaith Relations: Generally maintains cordial relationships with other good-aligned faiths, though occasional friction with the Mayaheine sect of the Church of Pelor arises due to overlapping martial and protective emphases.

Motivation and Goals

Focused on training warriors and clerics under the strict doctrines of Heironeous, the temple aims to spread justice and righteousness. It plays a significant role in the community by actively engaging in the fight against evil and supporting lawful good endeavors throughout the region.
  • Primary Aim: To train and prepare warriors and clerics in the service of Heironeous, promoting justice and righteousness.
  • Community Role: Acts as a deterrent against evil, providing strategic and combat support to uphold justice in the region.

Notable People

Notable figures include Tanner BrightBlade, the temple's strategic military leader, and Abbot Rodolfus, the head of religious affairs. The temple is also home to 22 priests, with three high-level members who exemplify profound devotion and leadership in their faith.
  • Tanner BrightBlade: A brilliant strategist and the head military leader.
  • Rodolfus: The spiritual leader and head of the temple, overseeing religious training and ceremonies.
  • Devout Priests: 22 priests, with three notably high-level members demonstrating deep commitment to their faith.

Goods and Services

The temple offers various services, including military training for paladins and the sale of both non-magical and magical items at discounted rates for the faithful. It supports the community and adventurers by providing strategic, tactical, and magical assistance against evil forces.
  • Military Training: Provides rigorous training sessions for paladins and clerics.
  • Equipment: Offers non-magic and magic items for sale at discounted rates to believers and heroes of good alignment.
  • Support Services: Assists in combatting evil through logistical, tactical, and magical support.


The Temple of Heironeous in Verbobonc is more than just a place of worship; it is a crucial institution that intertwines faith, military discipline, and justice, serving the community and fostering the values of Heironeous. With its notable figures and strategic importance, the temple remains a pillar of strength in the fight against evil in the region.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Heironeous Holy Symbol by 3orcs
Heironeous by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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