Winstin Jugalis Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Winstin Jugalis


Winstin Jugalis is a minor noble of the Verbobonc, Viscounty, known for his reserved demeanor and strategic mind. Despite his reclusive nature, he plays a significant role in the governance and day-to-day affairs of Etterboek through his daughter, Paloma.

Historical Background

  • Family Legacy: The Jugalis family has a long history in Verbobonc, known for their strategic alliances and quiet influence.
  • Estate: The Jugalis family manor is situated along Nigb’s Run, a testament to their wealth and status.
  • Political Ties: Winstin is beholden to House Langmuir, maintaining a delicate balance of loyalty and independence.

Political Influence

  • Loyalty to House Langmuir: Winstin's loyalty to House Langmuir is a cornerstone of his political strategy, ensuring his family's continued prominence and security.
  • Influence through Paloma: By delegating daily responsibilities to Paloma, Winstin maintains influence in Etterboek without direct involvement, allowing him to focus on broader strategic matters.


  • House Langmuir: Winstin's relationship with House Langmuir is one of mutual respect and strategic alliance. This relationship ensures the protection and prosperity of Etterboek.
  • Other Nobles: Winstin's reserved nature has led to a lack of deep personal connections with other noble families, but his strategic acumen has earned their respect.

Current Affairs

  • Governance of Etterboek: Paloma's management of Etterboek ensures the town runs smoothly, reflecting well on the Jugalis family's leadership.
  • Economic Stability: The family's strategic location and resources ensure continued economic stability and growth for their lands.


The Jugalis Family Manor stands as a testament to the enduring legacy and influence of the Jugalis family in Etterboek. Through strategic alliances and a commitment to justice and prosperity, Winstin Jugalis and his family continue to play a vital role in the political and social fabric of the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Winstin Jugalis
The head of the Jugalis family, a tall and imposing figure with a stern visage and graying hair. His strategic mind and reserved nature make him a respected figure among the nobles.  Personality and Motivation
  • Reserved and Dignified: Winstin's reserved nature and dignified demeanor make him a respected figure among his peers.
  • Strategic Mind: His intelligence and strategic thinking guide his decisions, ensuring the continued prominence of the Jugalis family.
  • Motivation: Winstin is motivated by a desire to maintain and expand his family's influence, ensuring their legacy for future generations.
Paloma Jugalis
Winstin's daughter, who handles the day-to-day affairs of Etterboek. She is well-loved by the townsfolk for her kindness and genuine concern for their welfare.
Estates and Holdings
  • Jugalis Manor: A stately manor house on Nigb's Run, known for its well-maintained gardens and private dock. The manor exudes a sense of old-world charm and understated elegance.
  • Land and Resources: The Jugalis estate includes fertile lands and access to trade routes, contributing to the family's wealth and influence.
Neutral good
Current Location
Year of Birth
536 40 Years old
curly medium, beard and wide mustache
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Lord Jugalis coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lord Winstin Jugalis by 3orcs


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