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The Township of Etterboak in the Barony of House Langmuir
As you travel through the heartland of the Viscounty, the merchant road makes its way along Nigb's Run, passing between cultivated fields. At this time of the year, some fields have dense green plants covered with beans or peas, while others are ready for planting wheat and oats. Commoners work diligently in the fields, plowing with tawny oxen, leading the animals, and sowing seeds.   Women with their heads wrapped in patterned scarves tend to the fields, accompanied by children. They rarely seem to notice travelers, but when they do, they quickly drop their eyes and return to their work, nervous about being caught idling.   Small wagons and carts of local farmers and traders pass heading towards the center of trade that is the village of etterboek from all four compass directions. The well traveled road you are on swings closer to the Nigb and into a dense cluster of shingled buildings that comprise of the breadbasket of 1. Etterboek Town Square. The road you travel swings closer to the Nigb and into a dense cluster of shingled buildings that comprise the breadbasket of Etterboek. From the west, another well-worn trade road disappears into the horizon toward Veluna. To the east, over the Nigb, another road leads into expansive farm fields. The road to the south travels along the Nigb into the Kron Hills and the rich greenery of the Gnarley Forest. The majestic Lortmil Mountains preside over the land with their frosted peaks.   This small town of about 300 people is nestled in a small valley along the banks of Nigb's Run. It gets its name from the great number of ettercaps which plague the hills between here and Nulb, and are a constant menace to travelers on the High Road. Standing guard over before the first buildings is a sign post with Langmuir livery and the words "Village of Etterboek". The buildings of Etterboek are a mix of single and two stories with several more prominent that raise over the rest. Amist the gathered buildings are people coming and going from shops, homes and the center of town that seems to be the marketplace.   As you enter the village the people pay less attention than the serfs in the fields as they go about their business. At each end of town is magnificent manors with the largest flying the livery of Langmuir dominating the center of town over the marketplace. Another across the street bordering the stalls is a cathedral of worship. You have a sense of a thriving hard working trade center with lawful presence. From the looks of the guardsmen patrolling the marketplace and streets they are vigilant and well respected.
Etteroek is a small but bustling township located ten miles south of the Verbobonc, City, nestled in a scenic valley along the banks of Nigb’s Run. Known for its industrious populace and strategic significance, Etteroek is a vital part of the Viscounty of Verbobonc, balancing rural charm with economic importance.
Etterboek Township by 3orcs

Historical Background

Early History
Etteroek's origins date back to the early days of Verbobonc's expansion, serving as a waypoint for travelers and traders moving between the Viscounty and neighboring regions. The village's name is derived from the ettercaps that plagued the hills, posing a constant menace to travelers.
The Influence of House Langmuir
The township falls under the jurisdiction of House Langmuir, with the land historically controlled by the Jugalis family, minor nobles aligned with the Langmuirs. Over the years, Etterboek has developed into a thriving trade hub, thanks in part to its proximity to the High Road and fertile farmlands.

Political Influence

The Role of House Langmuir
House Langmuir's political maneuvers significantly impact Etterboek. The township is expected to meet the production demands imposed by Lord Ludovic Langmuir, often straining the local resources and workforce. Church of Trithereon
  • The Church of Trithereon has been a vocal critic of House Langmuir's policies, contributing to the slanderous rumors that occasionally stir unrest among the peasants and tenants.


House Langmuir and House Jugalis
The relationship between House Langmuir and Winstin Jugalis is one of feudal obligation and mutual benefit. While House Jugalis manages the day-to-day affairs, House Langmuir provides protection and broader political support.
The Church of Trithereon
  • The Church of Trithereon often finds itself at odds with House Langmuir, advocating for the rights and welfare of the commonfolk against the stringent demands of the nobility.

Current Affairs

Economic Strain and Unrest
The economic demands imposed by House Langmuir have led to occasional unrest among the townsfolk. The strain on resources and labor often sparks minor uprisings, which are swiftly quelled by the Langmuir regulators.
Influence of the Iron Lady
  • Godeleva Langmuir's iron-fisted approach to governance ensures that Etterboek remains productive, but it also fosters a climate of fear and obedience among the serfs and commoners.

Township Details

Etterboek's 300 residents live in a well-organized community. The lands belong to Winstin Jugalis but are under House Langmuir's influence. Winstin rarely leaves his villa, delegating responsibilities to his daughter, Paloma, who is well-loved for her kindness and dedication to the townsfolk.

Politics of Etterboek

The township suffers from the demands of Lord Ludovic Langmuir, with rumors and slander occasionally stirring unrest. Baroness Godeleva Langmuir, known as the "Iron Lady," enforces strict labor expectations. The Church of Trithereon, critical of the nobility, adds to the political tension.


Etteroek is a vibrant township balancing economic productivity with the challenges of feudal governance. Under the watchful eyes of House Langmuir and the benevolent oversight of Paloma Jugalis, the village continues to thrive amidst the political and social complexities of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. The interplay of noble influence, religious advocacy, and the resilience of the commonfolk shapes the unique character of this important trade hub.
House Langmuir by 3orcs
Key Figures of Etterboek
Winstin Jugalis
  • Winstin Jugalis, the minor noble officially in charge of Etterboek, is a reclusive figure who rarely leaves his villa. He delegates most of the day-to-day responsibilities to his daughter.
Paloma Jugalis
  • Paloma Jugalis, daughter of Winstin, is well-loved by the townsfolk for her hands-on approach to governance. Known for her kindness and dedication, she frequently visits the sick and injured, earning the admiration and loyalty of Etterboek's residents.
The Iron Lady - Godeleva Langmuir
  • The formidable matriarch of House Langmuir, Godeleva, also known as the "Iron Lady," exerts significant influence over the township. Her decisive nature and strong will have earned her both respect and fear among the populace.
Estates and Churches
The residence of 8. Jugalis Family Manor 
  • situated along Nigb's Run, serves as the administrative center for Etterboek. It is a modest yet strategically located estate, symbolizing the Jugalis family's historical influence.
7. Langmuir Manor
  • A prominent structure in the center of Etterboek, the Langmuir Manor is a symbol of House Langmuir's dominance. The manor oversees the marketplace, reflecting the house's control over the township's economic activities.
4. Temple of the Four Winds
  • Located opposite the Langmuir Manor, the Temple of the Four Winds is a significant religious site in Etterboek. It stands as a testament to the township's spiritual life and a counterbalance to the political influence of House Langmuir.

Cover image: Etterboek Township by 3orcs


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