Amethyst Order

No group in, or around, The Dawnfire Empire's territory is as contentious as The Amethyst Order. Ostensibly started as a community of magic users to collaborate and protect one another while researching various magics, these days they have become very much an enforcer of The Dawnfire Empire's will.   Anyone who shows an aptitude for wielding magic, whether by choice or otherwise, must be registered with The Amethyst Order. Tales of their practices are the whispered among those who have connections to the arcane, as there are several layers of intrigue within the order.   The Inquisitorius Arcanum is the most feared aspect of The Amethyst Order. Tasked with seeking out those who practice unsanctioned magic, items of dangerous magical power, and other "threats" to the safety of the realm. While the black-clad inquisitor soldiers are the most visible aspect of this sect, The Inquisitorius has innumerable spies within their ranks.   The most known and visible sect within The Amethyst Order is the Ordos Ministorium. The Ministorium is tasked with identifying, cataloging, and hiding items and people of magical power. While many view them as an order of desk-bound scribes, there are a significant number that spend most of their time out in the field, delving deep in the lost ruins of the world.   The last sect with The Amethyst Order is the Sanctifis Milistratum - sanctioned wizards and sorcerers conscripted into the military. Most who have an affinity for magic that fall under the gaze of The Amethyst Order are sent to support The Dawnfire Empire's military on the front lines. Little heed is given to their well being and they are often treated as a dangerous and volatile weapon more than a fellow soldier.   Though many magic users who enter into The Amethyst Order are sent to a local facility to be processed, some are sent to The Azure Tower in Barrynfrost. Supposedly only the most dangerous and powerful of all magic users are sent to The Azure Tower to be "re-trained," but as time passes more and more whisper of dark rituals taking place within the heart of The Amethyst Order.
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