Valentina II Character in Vespera Solarae | World Anvil

Valentina II

Galactic Empress Valentina Emilia Billung-Hawes

Valentina II is a formidable presence, both physically and mentally. Standing at around 1.69 meters tall, she has a slender but athletic build, thanks to her regular exercise and training regimen. Despite being over 400 years old, Valentina looks much younger thanks to advanced medical treatments and her own powerful psionic abilities, which help to keep her body and mind in peak condition. She appears to be in her mid-twenties to mid-thirties, with smooth, youthful skin, a heart-shaped face, and piercing Blue eyes that seem to see right through people. Her hair is a stunning shade of burnished copper, and she has a scattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose. When it comes to her attire, Valentina is known for her impeccable taste and style. She favors elegant, tailored clothing in her house colors of black, white, and purple, often adorned with intricate patterns and intricate jewelry. For festive or ceremonial occasions, Valentina may wear clothing in the house's alternate colors of red, purple, and gold. She is not afraid to make a statement with her clothing, and always appears put-together and poised. In her role as the Galactic Empress, Valentina often wears formal, regal attire, complete with crowns, robes, and other symbols of her office.   Overall, Valentina is a striking and elegant woman who is not easily forgotten. She exudes confidence and authority wherever she goes, and her powerful psionic abilities only add to her intimidating presence. Despite her position and power, Valentina is known to be fair and just, and is deeply committed to the well-being of her subjects.     Valentina II has three children: two sons and two daughters. The oldest son, Prince Michael , is next in line to the throne and is known for his strong sense of duty and responsibility. The second son, Prince Julian , is more carefree and enjoys engaging in sports and other physical activities. The oldest princess, Princess Isabella , is known for her intelligence and curiosity. All four children are well-loved by the public and are considered to be good representatives of the royal family.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

maintains a high level of physical fitness, thanks to her disciplined exercise regimen and military background. She is strong and agile, with an athletic build that speaks to her physical capabilities.

Body Features

has a slim, toned physique, with subtle muscle definition that hints at her strength. She carries herself with grace and poise, exuding an air of regal confidence that is befitting of her status.

Identifying Characteristics

Her burnished copper hair is a distinctive feature, setting her apart from others in any gathering. Valentina's piercing blue eyes are also a striking aspect of her appearance, and they seem to possess an almost otherworldly intensity.

Physical quirks

Valentina's military background has instilled in her a habit of maintaining perfect posture at all times. She also possesses a subtle, confident stride that conveys her authority and self-assuredness wherever she goes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Valentina II was raised with a strong sense of duty and responsibility, as her family emphasized the importance of their ruling legacy. As she grew older, Valentina pursued a career in the TNC-IC Navy to gain experience in leadership, strategy, and diplomacy. Her time in the navy saw her participating in various campaigns and operations. Eventually Leading the Final Defense of Earth and Claiming Victory which eventually lead to her to role as the First Empress of the URE and GISC.

Failures & Embarrassments

Early in her naval career, Valentina faced a crushing defeat in a critical engagement, which led to the loss of several ships under her command. This experience taught her the importance of careful planning and assessing risks, but it remains a source of personal shame and a constant reminder of the potential consequences of failure.

Mental Trauma

Valentina has witnessed the devastation and suffering caused by war, both on a personal level and as a leader. The weight of her responsibility as Empress and the lives lost due to her decisions have left emotional scars that she carries with her.

Intellectual Characteristics

Valentina is a keen student of history and politics, drawing lessons from the past to inform her decisions in the present. Her intellect is complemented by her talent for diplomacy, as she is skilled in navigating complex political situations and building alliances. As a leader, she is adept at inspiring loyalty and commitment in her followers.

Morality & Philosophy

believes in the importance of stability, unity, and the rule of law in the URE and GISC. She values honor, loyalty, and justice, and strives to create an empire that embodies these principles. She is willing to make difficult decisions for the greater good, even if it means making personal sacrifices.


Valentina has a strong aversion to disrespecting her authority or the authority of the ruling institutions, as she believes that undermining these foundations could lead to chaos and instability. Betrayal and treachery are also major taboos for her, as she values loyalty and trust above all else.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Valentina excels in diplomacy, strategy, and leadership. She has a keen intellect and is adept at navigating complex political situations. However, she can sometimes struggle with expressing vulnerability and connecting with others on a personal level.

Likes & Dislikes

Valentina enjoys studying history, engaging in diplomatic negotiations, and participating in strategic discussions. She dislikes disloyalty, chaos, and treachery.

Virtues & Personality perks

Valentina is known for her honor, loyalty, and commitment to justice. Her strong sense of duty and dedication to her people are among her greatest strengths.

Vices & Personality flaws

Valentina's uncompromising nature and her unwillingness to show vulnerability can sometimes lead to strained relationships with others. She can also be overly cautious, which can result in missed opportunities.

Personality Quirks

Valentina has a habit of tapping her fingers on a table or armrest when deep in thought or considering a difficult decision.


Social Aptitude

Valentina is skilled in diplomacy and is adept at navigating complex social situations. She can be charming and charismatic when necessary but can also be aloof and distant, depending on the context.


Valentina maintains a regal, composed demeanor in public, projecting an air of confidence and authority. In private, she may reveal a more relaxed and introspective side.


Valentina speaks with a clear, measured tone, and her words are carefully chosen to convey her thoughts and intentions. She can be persuasive and eloquent when needed, but she also knows the value of silence in certain situations.


Lucien Bellerose

Husband (Vital)

Towards Valentina II



Valentina II

Wife (Important)

Towards Lucien Bellerose



Legal Status


Valentina II

Sister (Important)

Towards Sophia



Sister (Important)

Towards Valentina II




Towards Valentina II


Valentina II


Towards Nikolai


Wealth & Financial state

Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Galactic Empress
Empress of the Roman Empire
Custodian of the Galactic Community
Senator of the International Community
Supreme Commander of the Galactic Imperium of Stellar Communities Armed Forces
Matriarch of Billung-Hawes
Savior of Earth
Professor Emeritus of the Royal Disciples
The Great Usurper
Galactic Menace
Year of Birth
2262 CE 409 Years old
Current Residence
Deam Palatium
Blue with a Purple Sheen
Long, burnished copper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.69 m
68 Kg
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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