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A bustling merchant city and travel hub for those returning from sea or setting sail, Bacanal offers plenty of entertainment for those passing through. Opportunities and experiences abound, though not all of them maight be considered strictly legal.


As a center for trade and entertainment, Bacanal has more than its share of merchants, performers, innkeepers, and sailors.


The city functions as a republic with the oldest merchantile families serving on its ruling council. The council serves as both an executive and legislative body, making sure that the city and its trades run smoothly.


Aside from the obligatory city guard keeping the peace inside the city and fending off the odd bandit outside, Bacanal's greatest defence is its position in most kingdoms' economies.   Very little that comes into or leaves Vestria fails to pass through Bacanal at some point. If the city were to fall, trade across the continent would feel the impact. Soon after, whatever occupying force had the bright idea to attack would find themselves on the recieving end of a half-dozen kingdoms' ire.

Industry & Trade

Merchant ships bring various goods from near and far to the city while Bacanal's entertainment industry bring in plenty of people with gold to spend.


Bacanal has a thriving shipping industry, making it one of the major ports on the continent.   However, what really puts Bacanal on the map is its entertainment scene. Gambling halls, clubs, luxury inns, and even the odd fighting arena leave no shortage of sights to be seen.

Guilds and Factions

The merchants guild is far and away the most powerful faction in the city. Even families not on the council can hold considerable sway with the right connections.   Below the surface, however, lies another faction. Rumor has it that criminal elements make use of the city's assets, smuggling goods in and out on merchant vessels while using the casinos and clubs to launder their profits. No one knows if it's one organization pulling strings behind the scenes or a handful competing for control of the city's dark side. Some even wonder if these criminals and the families on the council might be one and the same.
Related Tradition (Primary)
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