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Sen Todo

A vetran from war, Sen Todo is now an accomplished playwright.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to an injury from the war, Sen was forced to have his left arm amputated.   Despite his missing limb and the luxuries his success affords him, Sen has succeeded in staying in healthy and fit following his time since the army.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sen was born to migrant parents from Kyama, growing up in the Elven Quarter of Olbrin. He faced discrimination for much of his youth at the hands of both bigoted humans for his race and his fellow elves for his misfortune of being born manaless. To avoid his harrassers, he would often hide in the local theater house.   When he came of age, war had borken out in the continent's east and Sen enlisted in the army with the hope of making a name for himself and earning the respect he was denied for much of his life up to that point. Sen made it through his first few battles with minor injuries, but his luck ran out when he lost his left arm in combat.   Discharged and sent home for his injury, Sen was shocked to find many still disregarded him despite his service to the kingdom. Heartbroken, he found solice in writing about his experiences during the war, both the horrors of combat and the peaceful moments spent traveling between battlefields.   A year after his discharge, he took his writings to the local theater house and presented them as the first draft of a play. The theater master took an interest in the proposal and assisted him and refining his work. Soon, the two began production on Sen's play and found the project to prove a resounding success.   Sen spent the next five years apprenticing under the theater master, honing his skills as a playwright. After his apprenticeship and a further five years of working at the old theater house, Sen struck out on his own. He soon found employment at the prestigeous Wynrose Theater Company, solidifying his place as great playwright.


Sen's parents taught their son literacy for both common Vestrian as well as Kyamese.    Once he returned fom the war, Sen studied under the local theater master to become a proper playwright.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The play Sen wrote about his experiences while in the army launched his career as a playwright, leading him to gain reknown and respect he never had when he was younger.

Failures & Embarrassments

To say Sen was disappointed in not receiving the respect he expected after comin home from the war would be a gross understatement. While he would go on to find solice in his writing, the sting of the denial remained.    Once he had gained fame and success, Sen would look back on his experience and, while a part of him remains bitter about his treatment, he considers it a learning experience. Since then, he has learned that some will never care what he does or who he is and has come to value the opinions of said people no more than they him. In his own words "Why should I care what someone says when they choose to live with their eyes closed to what is in front of them?"

Personality Characteristics


Sen spent much of his life yearning for respect and acceptance from his community.   Since finding his success as a writer, he has gone on to try and pay his good fortune forward towards the less fortunate. He is especially generous with his fellow elves and the hardships they still face on the mainland.

Virtues & Personality perks

Despite his success, Sen remains largely humble when conversing with others.
Current Location
Black with streaks of grey

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