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Descended from the ancient dragons of legend, Dragonkin are said be born from blessing dragons bestowed upon mankind.

Basic Information


Dragonkin are largely humanoid, said to resemble elves with their pointed ears.    What few art pieces have survived the centuries depicts their skin having patches of scales, usually on their arms, legs, and face. Myths abound of swords and spears shattering on contact with the draconic armor.

Genetics and Reproduction

Despite their rather reptilian features, dragonkin supposedly gave mammalian briths as opposed to laying eggs.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Dragonkin are nearly always depicted as having pointed ears, leaving some to speculate if they may have possessed some form of shared ancestry with elves.   In addition, they often have a scale-like pattern across the skin around thier eyes. It is unknown how accurate this to life as artists often vary how pronounced the skin condition is.

Average Intelligence

Dragonkin are said to have been quite intelligent, often matching wits with humans and elves alike.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

According to legends about the race, draongkin are exceptional with magic as thier draconic blood gifts them with a deeper connection to the flow of mana. It is because of these legends that those who have truly mastered their path are known to be referred to as 'dragons'.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

Much like their ancient brethren, dragonkin have fallen much into the realm of myth and legend.   It is said they were born from the ancient dragons bestowing a portion of their power onto humans, elevating the chosen few into great warriors acting on both races' behalf.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
5 feet 6 inches
Average Physique
Art often depicts dragonkin as having lean, muscular builds.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Similar to their faces, scales are said to have been found in patches across thier bodies, notably on their arms and legs. Some artists depict the pattern as light skin texture while others illustrate them as full scales with deeping coloriing matching the ancient dragons of legend.
Related Myths

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Aug 10, 2024 00:02

Ahhh I am going to love these

Aug 10, 2024 01:08

Me too. I'm really looking forward to exploring what happened to them and how many might still be around.