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Ravensgard Academy

The premier college in Vestria, Ravengard Academy is serves as the center for historical and magical study for the continent.  


  • Claudia von Raven: Headmistress of the academy and renowned River Mage. She has penned numerous books on magical theory and her observations of mana flow.
  • Gerald Cardin: Forgemaster and Head of Crystalogy and Smithing. The academy's foremost artificer and expert on Mana Crystals.
  • Winston Fairfield: a former priest for the Church of Rosaris, he now serves as the Head of Archeology. His religious past tends to lead him to butt heads with his more secular peers at the academy.

Programs and Courses

  • Magical training: the academy is regarded as one of the finest schools for honing one's magical ability. Excelling in both practical and theoretical lessons, Ravensgard trains most of the top mages on the continent.
  • Military training: combining both traditional and magical units, cadets are trained in how to effectively use and strategize with their assets. The curriculum includes methods of how to best handle lindrakes and other magical creatures.
  • History: as expected of an institute so aligned with the Scholar's Guild, the academy is given to studying, debating, and preserving the history of Vestria.
  • Archeology: An extent of its dedication to history, Ravensgard serves as a major hub for archeologucal studies as well as a source of employment for Relic Hunters. The school is also known for its archeological digs with the most well known one being its excavation of the Dwarven city of Taneth .
  • Crystalogy and Smithing: taking advantage of the rich crystal mines located in the region, Ravensgard boasts an access to the stones that is unrivaled. Mages and artificers alike study mana crystals to learn applications including assisting with spell casting and potential uses in crafting modern Enchanted Tools 


The Headmaster holds control over the academy while the various Heads of Department are in charge of their individual disciplines. They serve as final authority over staffing, discipline, and budgetary decisions as well as serve as a diplomat of sorts with domains outside of campus grounds.   The Department Heads determine lesson plans and overseeing major projects that fall under their juristiction. They are also the main authority on hiring professors within their departments. Department Heads also enjoy greater leeway in projects they are allowed to indulge with the academy's facilities.   Profesors are hired teachers who primarily teach day to day classes within the schools. They are required to help oversee extracuricular activities, but are allowed to conduct their own projects in exchange.


The school is very accepting of applicants no matter which kingdom they hail from. So much so that it is not unheard of for Kyamese students to enroll, though this is rather rare.   Ravensgard's emphasis on the magical arts has lead to rivalry between students enrolled in the magical and military training courses. The faculty keep things in check, with the worst one can usually expect between students being some intense competition.   The school also is notable for having little ties to the Church of Rosaris. While not discriminatory against the faith, Ravensgard does little to adhere to the church's authority. Given the history and resultant rivalry between the church and institutions like the Scholars Guilds, few find this attitude surprising.

Public Agenda

As with any school, Ravensgard is a place of learning. Specifically, it seeks to unlock the mysteries of magic and history. As such, it often sponsors archeological digs and freely trades with its stock of mana crystals.


The region of Ravensgard is unusually rich in mana crystal deposits, granting the academy readied access to an affordable supply of the stones for its students and staff.    The trade of said crystals as well as donations from affluent students and their families has given the school excellent stores of wealth to draw from for holding classes and sponsoring scholastic pursuits.   More controversially, Ravensgard maintains one of the largest centers for the study of lindrakes. The school houses captured specimens to give their training programs practical experience against the beasts as well as perform anatomical examinations with the goal of better understanding the Titanite Plague they carry.

Futura fabrica per intellectum

Educational, School/Academy
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