Founder's Keep

On another note, you do still recall a time when you and Mina snuck aboard a supply carriage in your younger days in an attempt to sneak into the Keep. You were, of course, caught and apprehended at the gates, though the memory of the majestic structure still sticks with you.
  Founder's Keep is the Brightwater families original settling location. It was at the time it was built, a defensible fortification during the war, later used as a headquarters during construction of the city. These days it is used as their home away from home.   Founder's Keep towers over the surrounding lake and gardens, the tips of the towers scraping the clouds. A large central structure seemingly built for giants is ringed by two cylindrical pieces in height succession. The lower of the two overlooks the lake and a colonnaded inset balcony allows for full a full view of the surrounding land. Three tall towers extend behind and atop the main structure and a fourth sits nestled into the mountain connected via a walkway over a waterfall. Farther out are terraced bastions designed to force any attacking army to have to siege not one or two, but four structures in succession - all while being hailed from above - in order to take the main structure. At the base, five long pathways arch out over the lake and connect to the far shores, where enormous gardens and lavish buildings are set among farmland bordering the forest. Lustria may be the largest gathering of culture and people you've ever known, but this structure makes everything in the city proper look built for halflings.
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