
The Capitol city of Lustria.


Lustria is the most diverse city in the known world. All races are openly welcome, equally represented and while never non-existent, racism is rarely seen in the City of All.


Lustria's day to day operations are dictated by The Council of Seven. The council is made up of the seven most prominent and influential positions in Lusteria. Each year an acting "President" is chosen from among the members. The president's primary purpose is to serve as a tie breaker in the event of dead-lock political votes, though he or she is also used as the "face" of Lustria during diplomatic and political events. The seats on the council can be changed by a 4-2 vote when the time comes that a more prominent member of society rises to the top seven. 

The current seats on the council are as follows:
  • Octavia Brightwater (Lady of Brightwater Manor)
  • Felix Brightwater (Lord of Brightwater Manor)
  • Ailas Keysandoral (Head of Sundheim Merchant's Guild)
  • Setta Agavia (Head Priestess of the Church of Chauntea)
  • Barlo Understone (Minister of Agriculture and Industry)
  • Jayna Ortho (Minister of Science and Technology)
  • Letta Morelli (Minister of Trade)
  With the current sitting President being Barlo Understone.

Industry & Trade

Aside from being one of the largest trade hubs in the world, Lustria is the number one exporter of agriculture goods in the known world. With more farmland and forests than the other three major nations, all kinds of food and building materials are constantly traveling through Lustria's ports.


Almost every building in Lustria is made from Saltstone. The stone is incredibly practical to work with and thus has been used to construct the walls, towers, streets, cathedral and lighthouse in Lustria. Outside of the walls, the material is seen less and less and it's primary purpose in recent times is an export good. Lustria's lighthouse is a testament to the sturdiness of Saltstone as it is the third tallest building in the world, behind only Valencia Castle and the Crystal Tower. 

Lustria may not be the economical center of the world, but in all but location it acts it. The airship docks see more trade goods travel through on a daily basis than any other port in the world, and Lustria's economical development and prosperity is lead by the taxation of this trade. 

Chauntea's Temple is the largest cathedral in the world, also built using Saltstone alongside other materials and is the cultural center for the largest congregation in the world.

Perhaps Lustria's most valuable structure is the Mother's Heart. Located within Chauntea's temple, it is one of the four known great mana crystals. Unlike the Dragon's Tear or The Everglow, the Mother's Heart is open to all who visit Lustria and all are welcome to draw on or bask in it's mana.

Natural Resources

Lush forests
Saltstone mines


  • Lustria
    The Capitol city of Lustria.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The City of All
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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