
Mooncloak is a city hidden away from the world in a cavernous lagoon/cove north of the Gravewood. It is not totally unknown, however. Order operatives seem to know of its existence. They allow it to exist due to the many magical items that pass through its borders.

Points of interest

Stargazer's - Owned by a Tiefling woman of the same name, the building serves an unknown purpose in the city of Mooncloak
Coli's Lounge - A tavern with a private section for Atlas members   Groff's "Chop Shop" - Unknown   Commonfolk Tavern - An inn for those who wish to stay out of trouble. Coli's Lounge is avoided by locals, as it is often under the gaze of the Order.   Obo's Crab House - Unknown   Alchemy by Moonlight - Unknown
Founding Date
Large town
Location under