
Aspengarde is the largest city in terms of population in Brymstone. While many of its residents are crammed into the poor district of Fogway, it is still considered safer to be within the walls than beyond them in the forests. Aspengarde sits on the shores of a lake network, with the Redlaide River leading out into the bay.    The city is separated into four main districts. Each is governed by a "High Priest", all of whom have equal say in matters of the city. Those who align themselves with the Order are allowed to vote for their High Priest, who serves until they die, retire, or are deemed unfit to rule by the other three.    


  Fogway is ruled by High Priest Borr Jossan. He is the seen in public more often than his counterparts, but despite his best efforts he can not bring his district out of poverty. The Fogway is home to the seedier crime networks in Aspengarde.   


  Stonebridge is the middle class district. Much of the city's industry is here, but Stonebridge is in decline. It once was home to the schools of the Lunelle, now known as The Visitors. After they were eradicated by the Order, the district lost much of its vibrancy. Many large halls of learning now sit abandoned and dormant.

The Crests

  The Crests are a shimmering jewel of civilization. The wealthy live in the eastern side of this district, hosting lavish parties and enjoying the best protection. Towards the north gate are the city's finest shops. The Temple of the Satori is the tallest building in the city, standing atop a hill in the city center. The palace is home to many different Order members, as well as The Chosen.


Brightway is ruled by High Priest Elrin Brightway, a generational leader who enjoys one of the easiest of the four seats on the council. Brightway is half public garden, half dockyard. Elrin Brightway enjoys the parties and ballrooms of the Crests, and can be found among the wealthy to the north.


A vast portion of the population is human, followed by halflings and elves. The city has pockets of Dwarven citizens as well, who usually move from Dhagboldhir  to peddle their expertise.
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