Session Recap: 1-9

General Summary

We've made it to Session 10! So here's a recap of the events that have occurred so far.

Session 1: Dark Beginnings

  • Zin'fir and Adresin Sanveen met as guards for a caravan under Yerso Brenkar .
  • When they stopped for the night, three more travelers joined their camp for the evening: Kavoth, Betz, and Gonrey .
  • The camp was attacked by Displacer Beasts, which the group fended off.
  • The party demanded to know what was in the cart, but Yerso insisted that bad things would happen if he opened it.
  • On the road, the party stopped at a small ruined tower. Inside was a coded book.
  • They accompanied the cart back to the city of Raven's Beak.
  • While taking a break in The Bird's Nest, a trio of bounty hunters from the Erias Accord (led by Behned Jastam) entered and apprehended a suspect, Kaludar, who would later be hanged.
  • Session 2: Safety in Numbers

  • The party followed Yerso to the home of Moris Mooney , the sponsor for this particular escort job.
  • Yerso's cargo turned out to be empty and Mooney said he was now free to go. His wife and child would be returned safely
  • Mooney hired the party to break into the home of the recently arrested mage and bring him a letter that would tie him to the case.
  • Adresin and Betz both asked Mooney for information regarding people of interest.
  • The party split into two groups to break into Kaludar's house. Gonrey and Betz broke into the office on the second floor, finding a list of names.
  • Adresin and Kavoth entered the lower level while Zin'fir kept watch
  • Guards approached the house as the party made their escape into the night.
  • Kaludar was hanged.
  • Mooney awarded the party for their efforts and would offer them work again in the future.
  • Session 3: Growing Bonds

  • The party took a quest with the town under Captain Kalnirith Bluehold.
  • They began to follow clues in search of The Wallower, a murderous being of local legend.
  • The connected the string of killings to a secretive organization called The Dragonfly Society.
  • Clues led the party to the basement of a tailor's shop. Inside, they were attacked by the vicious Wallower himself.
  • Adresin revealed his Lycan form.
  • Session 4: The Ties That Bind

  • The party cornered the Wallower and killed him. As the shadows melted away, the town historian was revealed beneath.
  • They alerted Kalnirith Bluehold and she allowed them to leave and told them to not speak of this.
  • While looting the Dragonfly Society, they discovered an oversized key and a map to the town graveyard.
  • While following the map, the party noticed two individuals leaving a mausoleum. They also discovered a grave site that contained the symbol of The Visitors.
  • Mooney gave the party a quest to head to Worgin'toll and find out why his contact there wasn't responding.
  • Betz eliminated his target: Thurmar Brawntale.
  • Session 5: Clouds Above, Road Below

  • The party headed out of Raven's Beak towards Worgin'toll.
  • On the way, they stopped at a cottage at Kavoth's request. Inside, he found the missing woman the church had sent him after. She and her lover were frozen in stone.
  • Another stop along the road led to a homestead that Mooney had told Adresin about. There they found 5 bodies. Three seemed to belong to a family, the other two were seemingly intruders. After investigating the scene, they discovered a letter from Grey Shepard.
  • Zin'fir found a red rose growing from a corpse on the side of the road. Betz plucked it, sending a beam of light into the air.
  • The party arrived in the town of Worgin'toll. The target, Parch, claimed to have never been contacted.
  • The entire town had lapses in memory.
  • Kavoth headed directly for the island in the lake, where the townsfolk had said to stay away from. After trying to break in to the house there, Ulazana  cast a spell on him, knocking him unconscious. She took him into the dungeon below.
  • Session 6: Under the Rainless Lake

  • The party explored the dungeon. Kavoth noticed a growing black spot on his hand.
  • Inside, they found several undead Sea Elves and some Kuo Toa, one of which was crafting a statue of a strange, dark entity.
  • They cleared the dungeon, freeing Kavoth. They decided to continue deeper inside.
  • They encountered a heavily armored Sea Elf, who quickly pursued them back through the caves. They barely managed to defeat it.
  • Gonrey and Adresin found the source of the barrier that kept monsters from the town and destroyed it, but the mystery of the lost memory remains.
  • Session 7: Distant Howls

  • As the party emerged from the lake, they heard a wolf pack approaching. They took shelter and waited. Betz spotted a wolf-like creature in the night, but it ran off.
  • With a full moon near, the party travelled as far as they could before seeking refuge in an old cabin.
  • The night brought some strange happenings:
  • A new spot appeared on the map
  • A vision of a graverobber
  • Betz disappeared
  • The following morning, Betz emerged from the forest covered in blood. Adresin noticed the signs immediately: he had lycanthropy and had turned.
  • The party trekked towards an old friend of Zin'Fir's.
  • They located the Voidsoul within the orc territories. He cured Kavoth's curse, but needed more incentive to cure Betz.
  • Session 8: Behind Enemy Lines

  • The Voidsoul sent them on a quest to recover his captured rock golem from Bol'drugg and bring diamond dust back for the cure spell.
  • In the wilds of Bol'drugg, a small orc scouting party attacked the party.
  • In the night, Betz noticed a lone half-elven figure fleeing from Bol'drugg.
  • The party located the city and sent Betz and Zin'fir inside. They took to the rooftops and found the golem.
  • Adresin, Gonrey and Kavoth entered the goblin caves.
  • Session 9: The Will of the Gods

  • A mysterious half-orc rogue offered to help Betz if he gave him a cut of the loot. They agreed to work together and made their way to the battle pits.
  • Adresin, Kavoth and Gonrey tossed some gold to the goblins, who were easily swayed and took them to a cave exit near the battle pit.
  • The party regrouped and formulated a plan. After looting the treasure chamber, they waited for the golem to be moved back to his cave. Betz crafted a small explosive device and placed it on a weak wall. When the time was right, they blew it open and fled with the golem.
  • The Voidsoul awarded the party for their efforts and cured Betz curse, but warned him that he would always attract the eyes of other lycanthropes.
  • Betz and the Voidsoul came to an agreement that wouldn't force Betz to try and kill him in accordance with his duty to the Raven Queen.
  • The party headed back to Raven's Beak. A woman approached them in the Bird's Nest and asked them to betray Mooney in exchange for gold. They told her they would, but later decided not to.
  • Mooney offered another quest.
  • Rewards Granted

    Level Up (x2)   Items awarded:  
  • Virtuoso's Ensemble
  • Ring of Retrieval
  • Hardlite Beam
  • Amulet of Shielding
  • Orc Dagger (+1)
  • Voyager's Wand
  • Potions of Bonded Vitality
  • Orc Shortsword (Adamantine)
  • Spell Scrolls x 3
  • Spellbook 
  • Coded Book
  • Missions/Quests Completed

  • Breaking in to Kaludar's house
  • Find Parch 
  • Church of the Dawn:
  • Locate missing woman
  • Worgin'toll:
  • Clear the Dungeon beneath the Rainless Lake
  • City Hall:
  • Hunt the Wallower
  • Betz:
  • Kill Thurmar Brawntale
  • Adresin:
  • Investigate murder scene
  • The Voidsoul/Bylrin Brol:
  • Free the Galeb Duhr
  • Acquire diamond dust
  • The current date in game (as of the start of session 10) is 5-1-425.    8 days have passed since the last full Runis moon. 12 days remain until the next one.   The party met 19 days ago.