The Visitors

The Visitors are the secretive remnants of the Lunelle, the order of arcanists that once were prominent in Brymstone  After a campaign of fearmongering by Ritegrayer Moorhide and The Order of the Obsidian Gate, the people of Brymstone became distrusting of the magical practices of the Lunelle, who were forced into hiding.   Re'lar Deeplake discovered that they now reside in a place known as Atlas.
Excerpt From Discovered Lore Book: The Visitors are a new name for an old organization. There was a time when they went by the Lunelle. They once held a lot more influence. The Lunelle would freely teach and practice magic as they saw fit. From several prestigious academies, Sorcerers, Wizards and Bards could be free to learn what would now be considered dark magic. The rise of the Order of the Obsidian Gate led to a widespread paranoia about the Lunelle. Those without the means to wield this magic for themselves grew fearful, believing that the Lunelle would one day become violent.     At the peak of the Lunelle's influence, they acted as traveling problem solvers of sorts. If a child demonstrated aptitude in certain magics, then the Lunelle would offer to take them in and help them to hone this skill. For many, this was a better circumstance than the one they came from. The people of Brymstone largely lived in poverty (and many still do). The Lunelle's numbers grew, but not enough. Their actions were enough to sustain their reputation for awhile, but they were not enough to outmatch the preaching of the Order of the Obsidian Gate. Crowds began to gather outside the academy halls in protest. With each day, the protests became louder and more violent.     One man within the Order of the Obsidian Gate saw an opportunity for change and took it. Ritegrayer Moorhide, a cleric of the order with a particular disdain for the Lunelle, rallied crowds in Aspengarde and began to fill their heads with lies about the Lunelle. All they needed was a push and that's what Ritegrayer gave them. He staged a fake attack on the crowd. He used illusory mages to hurl frightening spells at them. The crowds panicked, some dying in the stampede that followed.     This was the final straw for the people of Brymstone. In the year 402, they marched to the academies, surrounded them, and burned them to the ground. Hundreds of students died in the fires. When the smoke cleared, nothing was left of the schools. The survivors became targets and thus began the fear of "dark magic" in Brymstone.       Today, what's left of the Lunelle are called Visitors. They're a ghost story more than anything. Some still fear them, saying they kidnap children and force them to make deals with dark powers. Not all surviving Lunelle became Visitors. Many went into hiding and remained there. Those noble few who still wish to train recruits are out there, but for how much longer, who knows?
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