The Raven Queen

The Raven Queen is a mysterious figure that exists outside of the main, traditional pantheon. She is worshipped as a goddess by those who hail from the Shadowfell, namely the Shadar Kai. The Shadowfell was once a separate plane of existence, but following some restructuring by the main Gods of Viesora, the space between the planes became blurry. The Raven Queen and her people were no longer separate from the world of Viesora, but a part of it. There are many theories as to why the Raven Queen collects souls, but her true intentions are unknown.

Divine Domains

Grave and Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The raven is a symbol of the queen herself. Often they act as scouts and messengers for her.  


Contacts & Relations

The Raven Queen has little to no relationship with most of the main gods, according to myth.    Of the main gods, Idos and the Raven Queen have the most history. Idos, the god of death, was said to ferry souls into his personal realm rather than the appropriate outer plane for the soul. Rather than the soul of a pure hearted individual travelling to Elysium or Mt Celestia, they would instead be moved to a place Idos kept hidden from the other gods. This would bolster Idos' strength. The Raven Queen took issue with this and sent Shadar Kai to destroy this realm from within. It is thought that Idos is rebuilding it today.   The Raven Queen also has a strong disdain for Lolth, the Spider Queen. Lolth promotes undeath, which the Raven Queen opposes. The Raven Queen strives toward accumulating knowledge from the memory of souls. She sends her Shadar Kai to help ferry souls to a new life under her domain. Lolth does not always allow death, instead manipulating the soul into a state of purgatory. As such, worshipers of Lolth (usually Drow) and the Shadar Kai do not get along.



Follower (Vital)

Towards The Raven Queen



The Raven Queen

Patron Goddess

Towards Betz


The Lost Queen


Towards The Raven Queen


The Raven Queen


Towards The Lost Queen


An aspect of the Raven Queen appeared to Betz and Zin'fir in the Trial of the Will.
It is said that Shadow Steel has been blessed by the Raven Queen. She is believed to have created the first shadow weapons, which draw power from the queen herself.
Divine Classification