The Silvering Quarter

The Silvering Quarter is a wealthy area of Reliance, second only to the Empyrean District. The wealth of those in the Silvering Quarter is dwarfed by the grand opulence of the Empyrean, but no common man would ever consider the noble residents of the Silvering Quarter to be middle or lower class. Instead, the Silvering Quarter is made up of merchants and entrepreneurs. Many of the richer families have wealth that is self made, where as the Empyrean's wealth is largely generational.


60% Human  20% Elf  10% Half-Elf  10% Misc


The Silvering Quarter consists of upper class homes, manors, penthouses, and the like. There is a decent selection of businesses and local services that cater to the needs of the locals.

Guilds and Factions

The Circle of Saffron calls this district home and operates primarily out of their guildhall here.

Points of interest

The Grove: A high class restaurant and a favorite of the upper class residents of the district.   The Hall of Saffron: The home of the Circle of Saffron. A beautiful guild hall in the heart of the Silvering Quarter.   The Entrasol: A private bathhouse with a high price of admission to those not on the "guest list". The Othral family plays favorites and loves gossip, frequently allowing admission for a spilled secret or fresh rumor.
  The Glass Gardens: The glass menagerie of the Highrunner family. Part storefront, part art gallery, part workshop.  
  The Capitol Academy: A private school serving the nobility of the district.
Vanoril Highrunner was born and raised in this district of Reliance.
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