Creed's War

Military: War


A brutal war, waged by General Creed on behalf of Sheylantiir, began in 270 and persisted for 19 years. It weakened all three kingdoms and made them especially suseptible to the Burning Dawn's attack.

In 270, a young general named Caspar Creed in Sheylantiir's military rose to prominance. His strategic mind was considered to be a great asset to the kingdom, and the constant praise only fueled the man's ambitions. King Avin was quite impressed by his skills, and promoted him to General shortly after his graduation from the Reliance Military Academy.    General Creed began to fuel Avin's thirst for war. Avin told Creed that he would not strike first and that there would be no need for conflict, but his desire for the thrill of battle grew.    In late 270, there was an attack on Prethin, a small town on the border between Kalawyn and Sheylantiir. The source of the attack was never discovered, but it was enough to provoke Avin.    In the years that followed, General Creed led Sheylantiir in a brutal war that claimed over 230,000 lives. The war only ended when The Burning Dawn attacked and the kingdoms were forced to work together.     When the dust settled, General Creed was nowhere to be found. He remains missing to this day.

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