History Of Exol

  • 102 VE

    15 /3

    Avin forms the kingdom of Sheylantiir

    Avin, the Guardian, forms a united kingdom.

    Additional timelines
  • 100 VE

    20 /5

    The city of Reliance is founded

    At the site of Avin's former lair, the city of Reliance is founded and declared the capital of Sheylantiir.

  • 85 VE


    Jasith forms the Kingdom of Diostrath

    Jasith, the Wyrmhearted forms his kingdom in the southwest of Exol.

  • 9 VE


    Shayroth forms the Kingdom of Kalawyn

    Shayroth forms her kingdom.

    Additional timelines
  • 0 VE

    The Gods go Silent
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The gods of Viesora are thought to have abandoned the world in the year 0. This is disputed today. They are now said to have been cut off or forced out by the Red Scourge.

  • 9 GE

    12 GE

    The First War of Avarice
    Military: War

    In the year 8, Avin discovered a rich mineral deposit in the mountains near the border of Sheylantiir and Diostrath. While the resources fell on Avin's side of the border, Jasith thought he had equal claim to the riches. Thus began the First War of Avarice, which stunted the growth of the two kingdoms for years to come.

  • 88 GE

    92 GE

    The Second War of Avarice
    Military: War

    The Kingdom of Kalawyn was not growing as quickly as Shayroth would have liked. While a pacifist herself, her advisors convinced her to send her people to war in order to seize some of Jasith, the Wyrmhearted's wealth.

  • 143 GE

    146 GE

    The First Border War
    Military: Skirmish

    A series of small battles took place along the northern border of Diostrath contesting its boundaries. Though a brief war, 12,000 lives were lost (mostly at the Battle of Nisith).

  • 175 GE

    175 GE


    The Drow Uprising
    Military action

    The drow who dwelled beneath the Draconic Kingdoms held a short lived, violent uprising against their dragon oppresors.

  • 237 GE

    238 GE

    The War of Jasith's Fury
    Military: War

    When Jasith discovered that the child of Shayroth was not his own and was instead Avin's, he flew into a blind rage and waged a relatively brief war on both kingdoms.

  • 238 GE


    Port Zephra is founded on the Kalawyn/Sheylantiir border
    Construction beginning/end

    The city of Port Zephra is founded as a symbol of momentary peace.

    Port Zephra
  • 239 GE


    Syllane is born
    Life, Birth

  • 270 GE

    289 GE

    Creed's War
    Military: War

    A brutal war, waged by General Creed on behalf of Sheylantiir, began in 270 and persisted for 19 years. It weakened all three kingdoms and made them especially suseptible to the Burning Dawn's attack.

  • 289 GE

    289 GE


    Battle of the Burning Dawn
    Military: Battle

    The Battle of the Burning Dawn lasts for several months. Many soliders die as the far more powerful dragons wage battle overhead. As a result of the conflict, a stretch of once beautiful forest becomes known as the Ash Barrens - a land permanently scarred by the devastating battle.   Near the end of the conflict, Shayroth is slain.

  • 289 GE


    Queen Shayroth dies in battle
    Life, Death

    Queen Shayroth is slain in battle. It is thought that she was killed by a member of the Burning Dawn, but the true details are unknown.

  • 290 GE


    Syllane takes the throne of Kalawyn
    Era beginning/end

    Syllane, the 50 year old dragon daughter of Shayroth and Avin, takes the throne of Kalawyn.

  • 292 GE

    14 /6

    Syllane establishes a Kalawynian council
    Political event

    Syllane creates a council, which removes her from the burden of absolute monarchy.

  • 294 GE


    Kalawyn's northern conquest begins
    Era beginning/end

    Syllane focuses her attention northward and looks to expand her influence into the frontier.

  • 340 GE

    2 /5
    340 GE

    16 /5

    The Battle of Primrose
    Military: Battle

    Jasith orders an assault on the city of Primrose, as he suspects Syllane to be harboring chromatic dragons. This claim is never proven to be true.

  • 366 GE

    368 GE

    The Second Border War
    Military: War

    Syllane, in an attempt to expand her southern borders, wages a short lived war on two fronts. Jasith and Avin are quick to stop it, prompting a temporary end to disputes of the main borders between the kingdoms.

  • 409 GE

    419 GE

    The Widow's War
    Military: War

    The Widow's War was the largest scale conflict between the three kingdoms in their entire history. It was said to have been provoked by Syllane, who had been gathering resources and building her armies in the north for decades.

  • 421 GE

    The First Age of Peace
    Era beginning/end

  • 421 GE

    17 /4

    The Unity Accords are signed
    Diplomatic action

    The three Draconic Kingdoms sign the Unity Accords, an agreement that the kingdoms would not do battle for the next 30 years. Each of the three leaders not only signed the contract, but agreed to be bound by a curse. Should any of the three break the contract before those 30 years were up, their people would be doomed to lose each and every battle.    For as petty as the leaders could be, they had great pride in their kingdoms and respected the contract.

  • 427 GE

    437 GE

    The Celestial Resurgence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In the year 427, several major celestial events, including a number of prophecies and miracles, occur across Viesora following the defeat of the Red Scourge. Scholars mark this as the beginning of the Celestial Resurgence, which lasts for another decade before the balance is restored between mortals and the divine.

    Additional timelines
  • 452 GE

    Kalawyn's Frontier Campaign
    Military: War

    Under Syllane's rule and amid a peaceful era in the Draconic Kingdoms, Kalawyn turns its attention northward once more, battling with a growing contingent of resistance fighters in the frontier along the northern borders.

  • 525 GE

    The Age of Peace Comes to an End
    Military: War

    With an attack by Diostrath along Sheylantiir's southern border, the age of peace officially ends. War broke out, eventually spreading north to the other kingdoms.