
"The Granzadores would be little more than nomadic hunters on their nameless homeworld had they not met the Humans, but I think it's fair to say that the Humans are better off having met them as well."
Granzadores are an avian species natvie to the world of Virtud in Gran Bolivia. When the first Human colonists arrived on the planet, they discovered the large avians and recognized their intelligence, despite their primitive nature. The Humans named the creatures "Granzadores" meaning "screamers" in their native Portugues. They were conflicted on what to do. The chances of finding another suitable homeworld to settle on were unknown and likely low, but simply ignoring the Granzadores could have consequences long-term. In the end, the colonists decided that rather than ignore or exterminate the Granzadores, they would uplift them and integrate them into their new society. The process was challenging and was not guarenteed to work, but in the end the Granzadores became loyal partners to the humans and set the stage for Gran Bolivia's role as a multi-species empire.
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