Gran Bolivia

"In Virtud, we discovered not only a new world but also the boundless potential of collaboration. A testament to the hypotheses we had formed on Earth."
Gran Bolivia is a Human Empire that is notable for its concious efforts to incorperate alien species into its society. This interspecies cooperation stems from the earliest steps of the human colonists on their capital world of Virtud where they opted to integrate the relatively primitive Granzador species into thier society rather than either exterminate them or place them on reservations.

Demography and Population

Gran Bolivia has made it a point to integrate stateless aliens into its society whenever possible. As a result they have perhaps the most diverse population of not only the human factions, but among all the factions in the Milky Way. Humans still make up a plurality of the popluation and occupy many of the most prominant positions of power, but they are notably not the majority.


Gran Bolivia is officially secular, but Roman Catholicism remains a prominant cultural touchstone for the nation, even drawing converts from among the various alien citizens.

Foreign Relations

Gran Bolivia pracices armed neutrality in interstellar politics. It has a respectable fleet to defend its borders but does not seek out conflict. They have a policy of welcoming any who wish to come as long as they are peaceful and willing to integrate.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Presidential
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Judicial Body
The judiciary has a number of levels of court that ultimately answer to the supreme court. It is charged with upholding the law fairly for all citizens regardless of species or position.
Executive Body
The Executive Branch of the Government is headed by a president who is the commander in chief of the nation's armed forces and has the ability to veto laws and call for new elections.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species


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