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Aura Explosions

Unpredictable Magical Minefields

Aura explosions are the sudden buildup of unstable magic in the air which manifests into the physical plane as powerful and destructive eruptions. Typically appearing during spellcasting duels, moving a large mass through a portal or magic wielder losing control of their own powers.


If one is unfortunate to be caught up amongst these discharges they will witness the following things. Random explosions that appear in the blink of an eye near or around them. The explosions appear as a variety of colours that resemble fireworks in the sky. In the centre of the explosion will be a small but blinding bright light, capable of temporarily blinding someone if they were to look at the wrong time.   These explosions often appear in clusters, lasting anywhere between a few seconds to several minutes. There is no definite size of discharge which can occur due to its sporadic and violent nature. However various scholars have estimated the average size to be equivalent to two adult fists, with a shockwave of energy erupting upto 25ft in all directions.  
Potential Plot Hook: After an ambush from bandits, the party feel a sudden change in temperature. The hair pricks up on the back of their necks and without warning the air detonates before their eyes. They quickly have to find shelter from these aura explosions.


The damage dealt by these unstable blasts can range from knocking a person over to decimating entire buildings. Often leaving impact holes in the landscape similar to falling meteors as well as wild fires which often spread causing more destruction.   In rare circumstances, storms can form above the area. Absorbing the reamining magical essence in the air and dispersing it back into the ground below. Rumours circle these aftermath storms, saying that if one was able to contain the droplet they would be able to store magic in a physical state.  
First you must survive the random explosions of raw magic. Then have the luck of Fortennia to witness the rain that follows. And then finally pray that the droplets contain enough energy to do anything significant. A lot of circumstances must occur for one to experience any major effects of these storms. But I suppose that is the chance one takes when chasing such things.
— Scholar of Wae-Vun
Chirping Trees of the Flood Plains
Geographic Location | Jun 2, 2024
Settlement | Jun 2, 2024
Species | Apr 2, 2024


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