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Chirping Trees of the Flood Plains

The chirping trees of the flood plains can be found in the South of Cytal, a short journey to the floating city of Norpelda. Home to a graveyard of fallen trees and floating wooden debris that have been swept up from the waters of the Crelladune river during flash floods and storms.  

The Local Wildlife

While trees are unable to grow in this particular spot, the land is full of reeds, overgrown grass and moss clumps. The perfect place for wildlife to swoop in and take advantage of the boggy landscape. Birds such as the Puff Drop and Dartbeak often circle the plains in hopes of twigs for their nests. But the most popular bird by far is the Chirper. A small colourful bird that sings as it perches on the river side trees. Swarms of the birds can result in a symphony of bird chirps that can be heard from miles away, giving the location its name.  
It is simply beautiful to hear, the various calls all coming together to create this melody, its like they are singing in a choir. Truly breathtaking.
— Osarri, Acuran of Animals
  The flood plains is also home to other water creatures, the most dangerous being Whipper Whay that enjoy swimming in the shallow waterways and Yowll, a variant of slime that can disguise as a sinkhole or quicksand puddle.  

Rooted in Mystery:

The local Minauran describe the tale of Ika, the Acuran of storms being the cause of the flooding nature of the area. The story goes, before he reached Norpelda and raised the city into the skies, he was being persuited by Necromancers. In a moment of thinking, he brought down the heavens and flooded the land in order to escape. His actions led to an abundance of aura in the air, causing frequent rain in the area for the rest of time.
Cytal Map


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