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False Seed

Necrotic Seed

The False Seed is an artificial seed created by necromancers that when planted can grow a plant based monster to fight or protect them in a matter of minutes. While the seed itself is difficult to produce, their prove effective in combat and escape scenarios.


Many credit the necromancer Gribballa as the creator of this fusion of botany and cursed magic. Once a member of the Church of Hodall, persuaded by dark forces to turn her attention to darker magic. With her knowledge as a herbalist and her new obsession of blood magic, she was able to invent this mockup of life.   The process of making a False Seed is not one that is hard to comprehend. All you need a is a selection of ingredients to boil in a cauldron, then pour the contents into a cask and allow the mixture to cool. But the skill required is difficult to master, if the various rotting woods don't soften enough or the sacrificial blood overheats then the seed simply crumbles.  
I thought of that seed for months, and took even longer to find the perfect solution to creating it. But once I had made it, oh! It was splendid to watch it cause mayhem with those insufferable children.
— Gribballa, Herbal Necromancer


A seed can be thrown or planted in any soil and takes 1 round of combat to sprout before becoming a creature that can be interacted with. Once on the battlefield it takes the appearance of a blood red Jack O' Lantern with twisted roots for legs. If the creature is not killed during combat, it will follow its planter for the next 24 hours until it decomposes into a pile of plant mush.   Ram - The creature pulls back on its legs and lunge forward at the nearest player. 1d4 melee damage   Roll - The False Seed curls up into a round ball and moves twice the speed it would whilst walking. It is unable to attack whilst rolling
TG20 Statblock:
HP - 10
DS - 11
Ram - 1d4 melee
Roll - x2 movement
Item | Jun 30, 2024
Species | Jun 30, 2024
Species | Jul 7, 2024


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