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Smog Cloud Of Eradykll

The Potion Storm

As the clean-shaven man with tight fitting clothes sits in the forest making funny noises to himself. His companion, a lovely young blonde continues to throw facts about the recent history into the cozy autumn air. Wittering on about the nearby villages and casually mentioning the Smog Cloud. “Wait, go back. Smog Cloud? Wh… what is that hmm?” Kazzi asks his pretty company.   “Uh huh. Yeah, so like the smog cloud of Eradykll. It’s like this really big cloud that destroyed the village. I got told it was so big and so terrible it killed everyone! The whole village dead by sunrise. Like, that’s more than twenty people you know.” With her high-pitched voice, she rattles off this information giving a chill down the spine of Kazzi.   “Well, that does indeed sound bad. And uh, where is this… Smog Cloud now? Might I ask?” Kazzi tries to say without gulping. The young lady simply shrugs her shoulder and explains it just floats around the South Plains. The exact plains they are currently sat in right now. Kazzi looks up to the skies and begins to feel a bead of sweat fall down the side of his face at the thought of a sentient storm coming for him.

The Smog Cloud of Eradykll is an amalgamation of potions and poisons that grew sentience during a freak storm over the village of the same name. This creature of living storm roams the Southern skies of Cytal, with a path of chaos and destruction in its wake. If encountering the creature there is only two options. Outrun the bad weather or find somewhere to hide from its downpour of potion effects.


Fog: The dark clouds fall down to ground level making it difficult to see for the next 1d4 rounds.   Rain: Unleashes a downpour of potion infused rain that lasts for 1d4 rounds. Potion effects include (Poison, Slippery, Invisibility, Healing).   Summon: The Smog Cloud spawns 1d4 Loose Fumes to the ground level of players. Loose Fume potion effects include (Poison, Slippery, Invisibility, Healing).   Thunderclap: The voice of the cloud bellows at the creatures below, creating the sound of thunder that can be heard for miles. Chance to frighten players upon a critical roll.   Vortex: A whirling barrel of intense winds draws anything not tied down towards the centre of the vortex. Dealing 1d6 damage to anyone dragged by the storm.   Ethereal: The Smog Cloud is not affected by melee attacks
TG20 Statblock:
HP - 19
DS - 19
Fog – Ranged 1d4 rounds of blindness
Rain – Ranged 1d4 of potion effects
Summon – Spawn 1d4 Loose Fume
Thunderclap – Ranged, chance to Frighten
Vortex – Ranged 1d6 damage
Ethereal – Immune to melee damage
Settlement | Jun 2, 2024
Cult of Chaos
Organization | Aug 3, 2024
Loose Fume
Species | Sep 1, 2024


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