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Stinging Sap Root

Roots of Spiky Shrubs

Found in many forests throughout Cytal and Ascor, this species of root can be found growing off Spiky Shrubs. Growing on the grassy floors with the protection of its fine hairs that cause irritation to those who touch it.  
If used correctly, that root can be used for all sorts of things. Why I remember one time I tied up my noisy neighbour with it. Ended up screaming for hours. It was got old faster than I would have hoped.
— Gribballa, Herbal Necromancer


Finding in the wild is pretty easy if you know what to look for. The most obvious clue is looking for the Spiky Shrub itself. Growing close to tree trunks or other groups of bushes with leaves that bloom into three sharp points. At the bottom of the shrub is where you will find the root.   Rather than a typical root that grows deep into the soil, this root will twist around wildlife on the surface. Its pale green strands that wrap around themselves to look like a natural rope about two inches thick. Coated all over this root is very fine, white hairs which causes irritation when touched. This root grows in abundance, with each shoot growing anywhere between fifteen and 20 feet long.


While the shrub itself is rather useless, the roots can prove quite useful. Throughout the years, people have found that if you cut off the root from the shrub and thouroughly wash the hairs off, the root is as strong as regular rope. Pratical to adventurers lost in the forests. The fine hairs can also be used as a deterrent against many insect creatures such as Takknir.
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