Takknir Species in Violem | World Anvil
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"Well it was a strange sort meeting, really. I was sifting through the tall grass looking for the snake sheddings as I usually do on a Thursday morning. When all of a sudden I heard this buzzing. I thought this better not be another bard, although he did have a shovel which proved useful. Hmm, anyway. I popped my head and WHOOOSH! This great big buzzing beast comes over my head, charging for the flower fields over that way. It were big, yellow, and the size of its stinger. In name of Hodall was it big. Reckon it would have been a real inconvienience if it had turned round. Mind you, I have a new potion that could have helped with that..."
Balianda, Alchemist


The pollen loving insect with a serious attitude problem. This large hornet looking monster is most at home on the outer edges of most forests and the flowers fields that are sprinkled across the continents of Cytal and Ascor. It is rare to see them in more extreme climates, preferring a more mild weather pattern to go about the day causing mayhem.   These flying beasts have the body the size of a normal sorcerer but one that naturally curls in an attempt to carry the weight of its shiny black stinger found coming out its backside. A stinger which is not only sharp and can pierce through most light armour but can also deliver a potent paralysis to the victims that it comes into contact with. Its black and yellow strips flow up its body and is protected in a natural armour on its front torso and back. Finally the two sets of translucent wings sprouting from its back allow the Takknir to fly at great speeds but often at the cost of alerting other creatures of its location due to the buzzing vibrations that resonate in the air.    


If you ever have to come face to face with this large insectoid, be aware it is an intelligent creature that hates fire. Ranged weapons will not do much good unless your aim is faster than its quick movement. It will take any chance it can to lunge at you with its deadly stabbing tool. Or perhaps it will try to pin you down with its long, pointed legs and take a bite out of your skin with its face pincers. Also coated in a shiny coating of paralytic goo. The only thing that will calm this raging monster is perhaps a strong aroma, perhaps a form of honey or fruit. Alternatively you could provide the smell of a decaying body which is a strong deterrent for the creature. But not many people are walking around with rotten flesh.  


Issues usually follow wherever the Takknir follow. This could not be more true than the flower farms surrounding the city of Sianwood. A settlement built entirely around sweet smelling petals and colourful plants, beautiful to look at and a prime location for insects to pollenate. Over the years, the city has had the problem under control with the use of magical wards but in more recent days, when the daystar is in the sky just long enough and the winds blow in just the right direction. The city is faced with a swarm of buzzing beasts rampaging and destroying the city. It has become a problem that the city leaders have issued a reward for anyone who can put an end to this infestation.
TG20 Statblock:
HP - 12
DS - 13
Skulk - 1
Pincer - Melee 1d4
Stinger - Melee 1d6
Summon - Summons a swarm of nearby bees/wasps


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