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Strangle Vine

Hidden among the vast rainforests and jungles of Hoarwae and sprinkled onto the islands of the Untouched Lands, a sentient tendril lurks in plain sight. A vine that has evolved to form a simple sentience with only one desire, blood.  


At a passing glance, this rope like plant is indistinguishable from a normal, non sentient vine. But if you closer, you will begin to notice this particular plant is coated in a thin layer of clear sap and the occasional pooling of blood that the vine has crushed out of its victims. Another tell tale sign of this species of tropical wildlife is the pill shaped seeds that sprout along its long vine body. Those who have witnessed the seeds describe them as having a quiet but deadly stare.   This slow slithering vine hangs from tall branches to watch prey on the floor, then waits for night to wrap itself around its chosen blood bank and squeezes its victim to death. Creating a rather messy puddle of guts and gore which it bathes in to absorb any nutrients it hungers for. Before moving back into the trees and patiently waiting for another attack.  
It was truly revolting. The sap in the cocktail was rather bland, only adding a thickness giving the whole thing a rubbery after taste. Still, I suppose the blood added some redemption to it.
— Master Caddam, Member of The Fine Dining & Delicacy Club


Constrict - Without the target knowing, they have been tangled in the sap covered vine getting tighter by the second. The target is trapped in the grasp of the vine, losing 1HP per round until the target had escaped or died.  

Grown out of Proportion:

As all things found in the wild, if the right conditions are met then a species has the chance to grow into something larger and often more dangerous. The same can be said about the legendary strangle vine found on the Island of Morpador. A jungle region with an ancient overgrown stone temple at the centre. Inside the temple is the throne of Morpador, where a giant entanglement of Strangle Vine have formed a hive mind that stems from the throne room. The legend says if you reach the throne of Morpador and kill the overgrown monstrosity at the core, you will be granted the secrets and riches of the temple.
TG20 Statblock:
HP - 11
DS - 11
Constrict - Stun target, -1HP per round
Hoarwae Continent
Geographic Location | Jul 9, 2024
Ptettell Buds
Species | Sep 8, 2024
Species | Jul 7, 2024


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